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I cannot connect to the backend! Is the backend down?

Slyme edited this page Jun 24, 2022 · 2 revisions

The prewrite backend is very unreliable when it comes to connection and uptime, but there are steps to recify this issue.

First, if you are on 1.19 using the prewrite, you cannot connect to the Figura backend because Mojang changed their authentication protocol, adding a step. If you want to use the Figura backend in 1.19, you will have to use the rewrite.

If you are not playing on 1.19, try checking the status of the backend using the ?backend command. If the bot displays an ❌ trying to connect to the backend you are interested in, it is down and there is nothing you can do to fix it.

If the bot replied with a ✅, this means that you must refresh the connection to the backend. Press the reload button in the in-game Figura menu to retry a connection to the backend. If this fails after a few presses, the backend may be online but refusing connections.

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