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Windows Installation

This page describes how to install the required tools and obtain the current release version of Sming using the Chocolatey package manager.

Use :doc:`windows-manual` for control over installation locations.

Install Chocolatey

Open an administrative cmd.exe command prompt and paste the text from the box below and press enter:

@powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -Command "iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(''))" && SET PATH=%PATH%;%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\chocolatey\bin

Upgrade .NET

Choco requires a recent version of .NET in order to be able to access HTTPS links. To check if you need to upgrade, type the following command:

choco --v

If you see a warning similar to the one below then make sure to upgrade your .NET version:

Choco prefers to use TLS v1.2 if it is available, but this client is running on .NET 4.3,
which uses an older SSL. It's using TLS 1.0 or earlier, which makes it susceptible to BEAST
and also doesn't implement the 1/n-1 record splitting mitigation for Cipher-Block Chaining.
Upgrade to at least .NET 4.5 at your earliest convenience.

You can upgrade the .NET version from this direct link or search in internet for “.NET upgrade”.

Install packages

First, tell Chocolatey about the Sming package repository:

choco sources add -name smingrepo -source ''

(You can find the installer sources at

You can now install with:

choco install -y sming

Packages are as follows:


GIT CLI client.

Please configure after installation to leave line-endings intact or else patching will fail:

git config --global core.autocrlf input
Python version 3.


Required to build some Components, also for Host mode.


MinGW 32-bit.

The installer updates the system PATH but please check by running:

where make.exe

The output should show only one result:


ESP Quick Toolchain.

Sets a system-wide :envvar:`ESP_HOME` variable.


Latest stable version of Sming.

Sets a system-wide :envvar:`SMING_HOME` environment variable.

Note that setting SMING_HOME and ESP_HOME as system-wide variables means they do not need to be set every time a command prompt is opened, and will be seen by eclipse without any further configuration.


After installation, please close the administrative command prompt and open a new, regular command shell.

This ensures that environment variables are set correctly.

It is also inadvisable to continue running with elevated privileges.

Build Basic_Blink

To check the installation, open a command prompt and type these commands:

cd %SMING_HOME%\..\samples\Basic_Blink

The project should build without error.

Update Sming

Sming is very dynamic and updates are usually announced in gitter. The command below will get for you the latest stable release:

git pull

If you would like access to the latest features and bug-fixes, use the develop branch:

git checkout develop

Force Reinstall Sming

In case something is broken, this will perform a forced re-install of all packages:

rmdir /s /q c:\tools\sming
choco install sming -y -f -x

Next steps

Proceed to :doc:`config`.