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Documentation System

Read the Docs and Sphinx

Online documentation is managed via Read the Docs, which uses Sphinx as the documentation build system.

This page describes specific details for the Sming documentation build system.


These have a .rst file extension. Some references you should have a read through:

Markdown .md files are supported (except for samples) but please ensure there is only one main heading (*HEADING) at the top containing the title of the Library or Component or it may be incorrectly rendered in the table of contents. If you run into problems trying to get your markdown to display correctly, then it's probably time to move to reStructuredText!

If you need to convert existing documentation into reStructuredText take a look at pandoc. Note that their online tool doesn't handle long files.

Source file location

Sphinx requires all document files (documents, images, etc.) to be located in one place, namely inside the docs/source directory. During the build process, documentation files from the Component, Library and Sample directories are copied:

This is also performed for any submodules declared by the COMPONENT_SUBMODULES variable in a file.

This should be sufficient for most cases. However, if additional documentation is referred to, such as in submodules belonging to a Component, then these must be listed in the file like this:

COMPONENT_DOCFILES := submodule/docs/ submodule/api.txt

See :doc:`/_inc/Sming/building` for more information about files.

README files

All Components, Libraries and Samples must include a README.rst or file as follows:

  • Main Heading: This will be used as the title in the online documentation, so keep it brief but informative. For example, BME280 Barometric Pressure Sensor.
  • Purpose: What is the purpose of the code?
  • References: Is this based on or does it use existing code? Please include details.
  • Datasheets: If appropriate, please include links to manufacturer's or external development websites. Note that any submodules or dependencies are automatically documented: see :doc:`/_inc/Sming/building` for details, specifically :envvar:`COMPONENT_SUBMODULES` and :envvar:`COMPONENT_DEPENDS`.

You should also try to include any other information which could be useful information for a new developer. The purpose of samples projects is to demonstrate specific features or libraries, so please ensure this is adequately described.

Optionally, you may also like to include a screenshot or other diagrams or illustrations. Please use .png, .jpg or .svg files.


The README filename is case-sensitive


Please ensure there is only one top-level heading or the documentation contents will not display correctly.

You should use the available annotations to make browsing the documentation easier. Using the Sphinx roles <> will insert hyper links to the corresponding definitions. Additional roles are provided specifically for the Sming documentation - see link_roles below.

Code blocks

There are multiple ways to show syntax-higlighted literal code blocks in Sphinx. See Showing code examples for full details.

Use the code-block directive like so:

.. code-block:: c++

   for(int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
      goto hell;

The language for highlighting is indicated. You can find a full list at, however for consistency it is suggested that you use one of these:

text     Doesn't highlight anything
c++      C++ code examples
bash     Linux shell code
batch    Windows batch file or commands
make     Makefile
rst      reStructuredText

You can set a default like this:

.. highlight:: c++

which will apply to any subsequent use of:

.. code:block::

or, the short-hand version:


API Documentation

Function, structure, class and type information is extracted from comments in the source code (see :doc:`documenting-the-api`). This is parsed using Doxygen into XML, which is then made available using the Breathe sphinx extension. You can then pull in definitions like this:

.. doxygenclass:: String

If you wish to refer to a type within documentation, you can add a link to the definition like this:

The :cpp:class:`String` class is really useful.

This is handled using cpp inline expressions.

See :component-esp8266:`gdbstub` for a more complex example. At the bottom of the file we pull in the documentation for all the #defined configuration using:

.. doxygenfile:: gdbstub-cfg.h

We can then refer to a macro like this:

Don't wait on startup by setting :c:macro:`GDBSTUB_BREAK_ON_INIT` =0

In many cases including a file like this is not the best approach, perhaps using a group:

.. dogygengroup:: wstring

Or individual classes. Some experimentation may be necessary but there are plenty of examples within the main documentation to guide you.

You can use the following build variables within your Component's file to direct doxygen parsing:


   Specifies directories or files to be parsed by Doxygen.
   All paths are relative to the Component directory.

   If you need to specify an absolute path, append directly
   to DOXYGEN_INPUT instead.


   Add any directories or files which should be pre-processed but
   not included in the output.

   If you need to specify an absolute path, append directly


   Specify any necessary pre-processor definitions.
   An example where this is required is for function attributes #defines
   which would otherwise be incorrectly interpreted as variable names
   and cause parsing errors::

      CUSTOM_ATTR void myFunc();

   So we can do this::


Build (environment) variables

These are defined in the README for the corresponding Component using:

Determines default serial port speed

You can refer to them like this:

Change baud rate using the :envvar:`COM_SPEED` variable.

Link Roles

The documentation build system provides some custom roles for creating links.


Inserting a link to a Component page, using the title of that page by default:

See :library:`Spiffs` for details of the flash filing system.

We use :component-esp8266:`axtls-8266` for SSL support.

The host has a special :component-host:`UART Driver <driver>`.

The last example shows how to change the hyperlink text. It defaults to the README description.


As for Components, refer to libraries like this:

Use the :library:`Adafruit_ST7735` library to do some fancy display stuff.

Sample applications

To refer to a sample application README:

See the :sample:`Basic_Blink` sample for a simple introduction to Sming.

Samples may be located in the main Sming :source:`samples`, but a growing number are located in a samples sub-directory of the associated Component or library.

Another example:

Where is the :sample:`generic` sample?

There are currently three libraries with a sample called 'generic'. Documents within the appropriate library will be matched correctly.

The given target 'generic' is matched as follows:

  • Is the document contained in a Component or library? - Yes: Look in the Component's samples sub-directory, if there is one
  • No match? Then check the main sming samples directory.
  • Still no match? Pick the first match from any other Component.
  • No match found? Text will appear unchanged in the output document.

To refer to a sample in a specific Component, do this:

I'm looking for the :sample:`CS5460/generic` sample.
Where is :sample:`Generic CS5460 sample <CS5460/generic>` sample?

Within main samples directory:

Is there a main :sample:`/generic` sample? Actually, no.
But there is a :sample:`/CanBus` sample!

Source code

Use within the framework

Use the file or directory path relative to the root directory. For example:

See :source:`Sming/Core/DateTime.h`

will create a hyperlink to the source file in the Sming repository on github.

Use within a Component or library

The source link will be interpreted relative to the Component root directory. You can find an example of this usage in the :library:`UPnP` README:


If you wish to refer to a source file elsewhere in Sming, prefix with '/':

See :source:`/tests/HostTests/modules/Timers.cpp` for an example.

Issues and Pull Requests

If you want to refer to discussions on github, insert links like this:

See :pull-request:`787`

See :issue:`1764`


You can find a good plugin editor for Eclipse by searching the marketplace for rest editor. For example, A useful feature is dealing with heading underscores, just type this:

My Heading

Then when you save the file it gets formatted like this:

My Heading

Tables, unfortunately, do take a bit of manual formatting to get right.

Sphinx Extensions

The documentation system is easily extended to support new features. This section summarises the extensions included.

Provides support for markdown content.
To support Doxygen integration. See API Documentation.
A custom extension implemented in See Link Roles.
For implementing timing and other waveform diagrams within documents. See :library:`Servo` for an example.
For embedding sequence diagrams, such as in the :doc:`/information/tasks` page.