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Over-the-Air Firmware Upgrade


This library offers a writable stream that decodes and applies [Over-the-Air] firmware upgrade files, as well as a small python utility to generate those upgrade files as part of Sming's build process. It may be combined with any transport mechanism that is compatible with Sming's stream classes. Check out the HttpServer_FirmwareUpload example, which demonstrates how the integrated HTTP server can be used to provide a web form for uploading new firmware images from the browser.


Every in-system firmware upgrade mechanism for ESP-based devices requires partitioning the flash into two slots: One slot holds the currently running firmware, while the other slot receives the upgrade. As a consequence only half of the available flash memory can be used for the firmware. (Actually a bit less because a few sectors are reserved for the bootloader and various parameter blobs.)

In most cases, it is sufficient to set RBOOT_ROM1_ADDR to the offset address of the second slot. See the rboot documentation for further options and considerations. If your partitioning choice results in two ROM images being created, they are transparently combined such that there is always a single OTA upgrade file. During the upgrade, the OTA code will automatically select the right image and ignore the one for the other slot.


Make sure that the ROM slots do not overlap with each other or with areas of the flash allocated to other purposes (file system, RF calibration parameters, etc.). Sming will not detect a misconfigured flash layout.

Security features leverage libsodium, which is automatically pulled in as a dependency when signing and/or encryption is enabled. You also have to install libsodium bindings for python on your development computer, either using python -m pip install PyNaCl (recommended for Windows users) or, if your are on Linux, preferably via your distribution's package manager (search for a package named 'python-nacl').


The OtaUpgradeStream class

The library provides the class :cppOtaUpgradeStream (actually, an alias for either :cppOtaUpgrade::BasicStream or :cppOtaUpgrade::EncryptedStream, depending on ENABLE_OTA_ENCRYPTION.), which derives from :cppReadWriteStream, but, despite its base class, is only a writable stream.

At construction time, the address and size of the slot to receive the new firmware is automatically determined from the rBoot configuration. No further setup is required. Just feed the OTA upgrade file into the :cppOtaUpgradeStream::write <OtaUpgrade::BasicStream::write> method in arbitrarily sized chunks. The flash memory is updated on the fly as data arrives and upon successful validation, the updated slot is activated in the rRoot configuration.

Once the file is complete, call :cppOtaUpgradeStream::hasError <OtaUpgrade::BasicStream::hasError> to check for any errors that might have occurred during the upgrade process. The actual error, if any, is stored in the public member :cppOtaUpgradeStream::errorCode <OtaUpgrade::BasicStream::errorCode> and can be converted to an error message using :cppOtaUpgradeStream::errorToString <OtaUpgrade::BasicStream::errorToString>. In addition, you may also examine the return value of the :cppOtaUpgradeStream::write <OtaUpgrade::BasicStream::write> method, which will be equal to the given chunk size, unless there is an error with the file or the upgrade process.


The library is fully integrated into the Sming build process. Just run:


and find the OTA upgrade file in out/<arch>/<config>/firmware/firmware.ota. If security features are enabled but no secret key file does exist yet, a new one is generated during the first build. You may change it later by modifying OTA_KEY or using the ota-rollover-process.

Now install the OTA-enabled firmware once via USB/Serial cable and you are all set to do future upgrades wirelessly over your chosen communication channel.

A convenience target:

make ota-upload OTA_UPGRADE_URL=http://<your-ip>/upgrade

is provided for the not too uncommon use case of uploading the OTA file as a HTTP/POST request (but obviously is of no value for other transport mechanisms). The URL is cached and can be omitted from subsequent invocations.

Configuration and Security features


Default: 1 (enabled)

If set to 1 (highly recommended), OTA upgrade files are protected against unauthorized modification by a digital signature. This is implemented using libsodium's crypto_verify_... API, which encapsulates a public key algorithm: A secret (or 'private') signing key never leaves the development computer, while a non-secret ('public') verification key is embedded into the firmware. Public key algorithms cannot be broken even if an attacker gains physical access to one of your devices and extracts the verification key from flash memory, because only someone in possession of the secret signing key (see OTA_KEY) is able to create upgrade files with a valid signature.


You may disable signing in order to save some program memory if your communication channel already establishes a comparable level of trust, e.g. TLS with a pinned certificate.


Default: 0 (disabled)

Set to 1 to enable encryption of the upgrade file using libsodium's crypto_secretstream_... API, in order to protect confidential data embedded in your firmware (WiFi credentials, server certificates, etc.).

It is generally unnecessary to sign encrypted upgrade files, as encryption is also authenticating, i.e. only someone in possession of the secret encryption key can generate upgrade files that decrypt successfully. There is, however, one catch: Unlike signing, encryption can be broken if an attacker is able to extract the decryption key (which is identical to the encryption key) from flash memory, in which case all current and future files encrypted with the same key are compromised. Moreover, the attacker will be able to generate new valid upgrade files modified to his or her agenda. Hence, you should only ever rely on encryption if it is impossible for an attacker to gain physical access to your device(s). But otherwise, you shouldn't have stored confidential data on such device(s) in the first place. Conversely, you should not encrypt upgrade files that do not contain confidential data, to avoid the risk of accidentally exposing a key you might want to reuse later. For this reason, encryption is disabled by default.

Note: To mitigate a catastrophic security breach when the encryption key is revealed involuntarily, encryption and signing can be enabled at the same time. This way, an attacker (who probably has access to your WiFi by now) will at least be unable to take over more devices wirelessly. But keep in mind: it is still not a good idea to store confidential data on an unsecured device.

Note also that the described weakness is not a property of the selected encryption algorithm, but a rather general one. It can only be overcome by encrypting the communication channel instead of the upgrade file, e.g. with TLS, which uses a key exchange protocol to negotiate a temporary encryption key that is never written to flash memory. But even then, it is still unwise to embed confidential data into the firmware of a device that is physically accessible to an attacker - now you have been warned!


Path to the secret encryption/signing key. The default is ota.key in the root directory of your project. If the key file does not exist, it will be generated during the first build. It can also be (re-)generated manually using the following command (usually as part of a ota-rollover-process):

make ota-genkey

The key file must be kept secret for obvious reasons. In particular, set up your .gitignore (or equivalent VCS mechanism) carefully to avoid accidentally pushing the key file to a public repository.

By pointing OTA_KEY to a shared location, the same key file can be used for multiple projects, even if their security settings differ, since the key file format is independent of the security settings. (In fact, it is just a string of random numbers, from which the actual algorithm keys are derived.)


Default: 0 (disabled)

By default, :cppOtaUpgradeStream <OtaUpgrade::BasicStream> refuses to downgrade to an older firmware version, in order to prevent an attacker from restoring already patched security vulnerabilities. This is implemented by comparing timestamps embedded in the firmware and the upgrade file. To disable downgrade protection, set ENABLE_OTA_DOWNGRADE to 1.

Downgrade protection must be combined with encryption or signing to be effective. A warning is issued by the build system otherwise.


URL used by the make ota-upload command.


Field name for the upgrade file in the HTTP/POST request issued by make ota-upload, corresponding to the name attribute of the HTML input element:

<input type="file" name="firmware" />

The default is "firmware".

Key/Settings rollover process

There might be occasions where you want to change the encryption/signing key and or other OTA security settings (e.g. switch from signing to encryption or vice versa). While you could always install the new settings via USB/serial cable, you can also follow the steps below to achieve the same goal wirelessly:

  1. Before modifying any security-related settings, start the rollover process by issuing:

    make ota-rollover
  2. Now modify security settings as desired, e.g. generate a new key using make ota-genkey.
  3. Run make to build a rollover upgrade file. The firmware image(s) contained in this file use the new security settings, while the upgrade file itself is created with the old settings (saved by the command in step 1) and thus is still compatible with the firmware currently running on your device(s).
  4. Upgrade wirelessly using the rollover file created in step 3. The new security settings are now installed.
  5. Finalize the rollover process using the command:

    make ota-rollover-done

    This will delete temporary files created by step 1.

OTA upgrade file format

Basic file format

The following layout is used for unencrypted upgrade files, as well as for the data inside the encrypted container (see next paragraph). All fields are stored in little-endian byte order.

Field size (bytes) Field description
Magic number for file format identification:
0xf01af02a for signed images
0xf01af020 for images without signature
8 OTA upgrade file timestamp in milliseconds since 1900/01/01 (used for downgrade protection)
1 Number of ROM images (1 or 2)
3 reserved, always zero
variable ROM images, see below
64 (signed)
16 (otherwise)
With signature: Digital signature over the whole file up to this point.
Otherwise: MD5 HASH over the whole file up to this point. This is not a security measure but merely protects the integrity of the file. MD5 was selected, because it already available in the ESP8266's on-chip ROM.

Each ROM image has the following format:

Field size (bytes) Field description
4 Start address in flash memory (i.e. RBOOT_ROM0_ADDR for first ROM)
4 Size of ROM in bytes
variable (see previous field) ROM image content

More content may be added in a future version (e.g. SPIFFS images, bootloader image, RF calibration data blob). The reserved bytes in the file header are intended to announce such additional content.

Encryption Container format

Encrypted files are stored in chunks suitable for consumption by libsodium's crypto_secretstream_... API.

The first chunk is always 24 bytes and is fed into crypto_secretstream_pull_init to initialize the decryption algorithm.

Subsequent chunks are composed of:

  • A 2 byte header indicating the length of the chunk minus 1. The default chunk size used by is 2 kB.
  • The data of the chunk, which is fed into crypto_secretstream_pull.

For further information on the data stored in the header and the chunks, refer to libsodium's documentation and/or source code.

API Documentation
