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More on Parameters and Results


The parameter container (Base API is found in :class:`~pypet.parameter.BaseParameter`) is used to keep data that is explicitly required as parameters for your simulations. They are the containers of choice for everything in the trajectory stored under parameters, config, and derived_parameters.

Parameter containers follow these two principles:

  • A key concept in numerical simulations is exploration of the parameter space. Therefore, the parameter containers not only keep a single value but can hold a range of values. These values typically reside in the same dimension, i.e. only integers, only strings, only numpy arrays, etc.

    Exploration is initiated via the trajectory, see :ref:`parameter-exploration`. The individual values in the exploration range can be accessed one after the other for distinct simulations. How the exploration range is implemented depends on the parameter.

  • The parameter can be locked, meaning as soon as the parameter is assigned to hold a specific value and the value has already been used somewhere, it cannot be changed any longer (except after being explicitly unlocked). This prevents the nasty error of having a particular parameter value at the beginning of a simulation but changing it during runtime for whatever reason. This can make your simulations really buggy and impossible to understand by other people. In fact, I ran into this problem during my PhD using someone else's simulations. Thus, debugging took ages. As a consequence, this project was born.

    By definition parameters are fixed values that once used never change. An exception to this rule is solely the exploration of the parameter space (see :ref:`parameter-exploration`), but this requires to run a number of distinct simulations anyway.

Values supported by Parameters

Parameters are very restrictive in terms of the data they except. For example, the :class:`~pypet.parameter.Parameter` excepts only:

  • python natives (int, str, bool, float, complex),
  • numpy natives, arrays and matrices of type np.int8-64, np.uint8-64, np.float32-64, np.complex, np.str
  • python homogeneous non-nested tuples

And by only I mean they handle exactly these types and nothing else, not even objects that are derived from these data types.

Why so very restrictive? Well, the reason is that we store these values to disk into HDF5 later on. We want to recall them occasionally, and maybe even rerun our experiments. However, as soon as you store data into an HDF5 files, most often information about the exact type is lost. So if you store, for instance, a numpy matrix via PyTables and recall it, you will get a numpy array instead.

The storage service that comes with this package will take care that the exact type of an instance is NOT lost. However, this guarantee of type conservations comes with the cost that types are restricted.

However, that does not mean that data which is not supported cannot be used as a parameter at all. You have two possibilities if your data is not supported: First, write your own parameter that converts your data to the basic types supported by the storage service. This is rather easy, the API :class:`~pypet.parameter.BaseParameter` is really small. Or second of all, simply put your data into the :class:`~pypet.parameter.PickleParameter` and it can be stored later on to HDF5 as the pickle string.

As soon as you add data or explore data it will immediately be checked if the data is supported and if not a TypeError is thrown.

Types of Parameters

So far, the following parameters exist:

  • :class:`~pypet.parameter.Parameter`

    Container for native python data: int, long, float, str, bool, complex; and Numpy data: np.int8-64, np.uint8-64, np.float32-64, np.complex, np.str. Numpy arrays and matrices are allowed as well.

    However, for larger numpy arrays, the ArrayParameter is recommended, see below.

  • :class:`~pypet.parameter.ArrayParameter`

    Container for native python data as well as tuples and numpy arrays and matrices. The array parameter is the method of choice for large numpy arrays or python tuples. Individual arrays are kept only once (and by the HDF5 storage service stored only once to disk). In the exploration range you can find references to these arrays. This is particularly useful if you reuse an array many times in distinct simulation, for example, by exploring the parameter space in form of a cartesian product.

    For instance, assume you explore a numpy array with default value numpy.array([1,2,3]). A potential exploration range could be: [numpy.array([1,2,3]), numpy.array([3,4,3]), numpy.array([1,2,3]), numpy.array([3,4,3])] So you reuse numpy.array([1,2,3]) and numpy.array([3,4,3]) twice. If you would put this data into the standard Parameter, the full list [numpy.array([1,2,3]), numpy.array([3,4,3]), numpy.array([1,2,3]), numpy.array([3,4,3]) would be stored to disk. The ArrayParameter is smarter. It will ask the storage service only to store numpy.array([1,2,3]) and numpy.array([3,4,3]) once and in addition a list of references [ref_to_array_1, ref_to_array_2, ref_to_array_1, ref_to_array_2].

    Subclasses the standard Parameter and, therefore, supports also native python data.

  • :class:`~pypet.parameter.SparseParameter`

    Container for Scipy sparse matrices. Supported formats are csr, csc, bsr, and dia. Subclasses the ArrayParameter, and handles memory management similarly.

  • :class:`~pypet.parameter.PickleParameter`

    Container for all the data that can be pickled. Like the array parameter, distinct objects are kept only once and are referred to in the exploration range.

Parameters can be changed and values can be requested with the getter and setter methods: :func:`~pypet.parameter.Parameter.f_get` and :func:`~pypet.parameter.Parameter.f_set`. For convenience works as well instead of :func:`~pypet.parameter.Parameter.f_get`. Note that param.v_data is not valid syntax. The idea is that .data works as an extension to the natural naming scheme.

For people using BRIAN quantities, there also exists a :class:`~pypet.brian.parameter.BrianParameter`.


Results are less restrictive in their acceptance of values and they can handle more than a single data item.

They support a constructor and a getter and setter that have positional and keyword arguments. And, of course, results support natural naming as well.

For example:

>>> res = Result('supergroup.subgroup.myresult', comment='I am a neat example!')
>>> res.f_set(333, mystring = 'String!', test = 42)
>>> res.f_get('myresult')
>>> res.f_get('mystring')
>>> res.mystring
>>> res.myresult
>>> res.test

If you use f_set(*args) the first positional argument is added to the result having the name of the result, here 'myresult'. Subsequent positional arguments are added with 'name_X' where X is the position of the argument. Positions are counted starting from zero so f_set('a','b','c') will add the entries 'myresult, myresult_1, myresult_2' to your result.

Using :func:`~pypet.parameter.Result.f_get` you can request several items at once. If you ask for f_get(itemname) you will get in return the item with that name. If you request f_get(itemname1, itemname2, ....) you will get a list in return containing the items. To refer to items stored with 'name_X' providing the index value is sufficient:

>>> res.f_get(0)

If your result contains only a single item you can simply call f_get() without any arguments. But if you call f_get() without any arguments and the result contains more than one item a ValueError is thrown.

>>> res = Result('myres', 42, comment='I only contain a single value')
>>> res.f_get()

Other more pythonic methods of data manipulation are also supported:

>>> res.myval = 42
>>> res.myval
>>> res['myval'] = 43
>>> res['myval']

Types of Results

The following results exist:

  • :class:`~pypet.parameter.Result`

    Light Container that stores python native data and numpy arrays.

    Note that no sanity checks on individual data is made in case your data is a container. For instance, if you hand over a python list to the result it is not checked if the individual elements of the list are valid data items supported by the storage service. You have to take care that your data is understood by the storage service. It is assumed that results tend to be large and therefore sanity checks would be too expensive.

    Data that can safely be stored into a Result are:

    • python natives (int, long, str, bool, float, complex),

    • numpy natives, arrays and matrices of type np.int8-64, np.uint8-64, np.float32-64, np.complex, np.str

    • python lists and tuples

      Non nested with homogeneous data of the previous types.

    • python dictionaries

      Non-nested with strings as keys; values must be of the previously listed types (including numpy arrays and matrices) and can be heterogeneous.

    • pandas DataFrames, Series, Panels

    • :class:`~pypet.parameter.ObjectTable`

      Object tables are special pandas DataFrames with dtype=object, i.e. everything you keep in object tables will keep its type and won't be auto-converted py pandas.

  • :class:`~pypet.parameter.SparseResult`

    Can handle sparse matrices of type csc, csr, bsr and dia and all data that is handled by the :class:`~pypet.parameter.Result`.

  • :class:`~pypet.parameter.PickleResult`

    Result that digest everything and simply pickles it!

    Note that it is not checked whether data can be pickled, so take care that it works!

For those of you using BRIAN, there exists also the :class:`~pypet.brian.parameter.BrianMonitorResult` for monitor data and the :class:`~pypet.brian.parameter.BrianResult` to handle brian quantities.