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Element queries, fast and light

Element queries are the "holy grail" of responsive web design, allowing you to create a single component that can be dropped into any position in any layout and have them respond appropriately. Unfortunately, due to some hard-to-deal-with chicken-and-egg cases, especially involving inline elements, it's unlikely that element queries will make it into browsers any time soon.

eq.js aims to be a relatively easy to use drop-in solution to JavaScript powered element queries. Weighing in at about 1.6KB minified, less than 810B gzipped, and requiring no external dependencies, eq.js sets itself apart through size, speed, and ease of use. Simply drop eq.js on to your site and set the eq-pts attribute to your element and you're ready to go!


Installation is super easy. You can either pull down a copy from GitHub here, or you can install from Bower:

bower install eq.js --save

Then, add either eq.js or eq.min.js to your HTML, and you're ready to rock!


In order to use eq.js, you need to both include eq.js on your site and set up the eq-pts attribute on your desired element. eq-pts needs to be in JSON format, with the key being the human-readable name of the applied state and the value being the min-width pixel width of the element you would like to set the state at.

<div class='component' eq-pts='{"small": 400, "medium": 600, "large": 900}'>
  <h1>Hello World</h1>


eq-pts attribute value must be wrapped in single quotes and include the curly brace. Keys must be wrapped in double quotes. Values must not be wrapped in quotes.

When eq.js has determined which state your element is in, it will add an eq-state attribute to the element set to the human-readable name of the min-width specified. If the element is smaller than the smallest state, there will be no eq-state attribute.

From there, proceed with styling as normal! Because eq.js uses attributes, you're going to want to select using attribute selectors. Styling follows the same patters as normal min-width media query styling, with styling for the base first, then subsequent styling added on top:


.container {
	border: 2px solid red;
	background-color: rgba(red, .25);
	&[data-state="small"] {
	  border-color: green;
	  background-color: rgba(green .25);
	&[data-state="medium"] {
	  border-color: orange;
	  background-color: rgba(orange, .25);
	&[data-state="large"] {
	  border-color: blue;
	  background-color: rgba(blue, .25);


.container {
  border: 2px solid red;
  background-color: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.25);
.container[eq-state="small"] {
  border-color: green;
  background-color: rgba(0, 128, 0, 0.25);
.container[eq-state="medium"] {
  border-color: orange;
  background-color: rgba(255, 165, 0, 0.25);
.container[eq-state="large"] {
  border-color: blue;
  background-color: rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.25);


If you're using Sass, eq.js comes with a Sass partial, _eq.scss, that provides an eq mixin for handling element queries. Import it and use it like you would use a media query mixin, like the one provided by Breakpoint. The above Sass example then becomes something like the following:

@import "eq";

.container {
	border: 2px solid red;
	background-color: rgba(red, .25);
	@include eq('small') {
	  border-color: green;
	  background-color: rgba(green .25);
	@include eq('medium') {
	  border-color: orange;
	  background-color: rgba(orange, .25);
	@include eq('large') {
	  border-color: blue;
	  background-color: rgba(blue, .25);

If you're compiling with Compass, you're probably going to want to add your bower components directory to your import path to make importing _eq.scss easy. To do so, add something like the following to your config.rb file:

add_import_path "bower_components/eq.js/sass"


  • Provide Sass mixins and CSS API to reduce what needs to be controlled in HTML (maybe)

Technical Mumbo Jumbo

eq.js has been tested in all modern browsers with thousands of nodes all requesting element queries. The limiting factor performance wise is JavaScript's native offsetWidth calculation, which is required for each element; hey, it's an element query after all!

The process for determining which state to apply is primarily greedy for no state, then greedy for the largest state. If the element is neither smaller than its smallest state nor larger than its largest state, it then traverses each state to determine which state is correct. It does this by comparing one state to the next state up, ensuring that the current state is both greater than or equal to the defined min-width value and less than the next state's min-width.

Performance wise, the script handles itself very well even with thousands of nodes. With this current test setup of around 2.2k nodes, it can parse all of the nodes, calculate the size, and apply the proper attributes in a little less than 40ms in Google Chrome. Your results may vary, but it should be plenty fast.

Be careful what changes you choose to make with this new found power. While element queries are great in theory, they can cause lots of heartache, especially when combined with inline elements. This script very consciously does not and will not attempt to recalculate element queries on all DOM changes as that is very likely to result in a never-ending rabbit hole of craziness. This, IMO, is one of the biggest things holding back element queries being implemented natively.


offsetWidth is slow, eq.js is greedy for natural then largest states, with great power comes great responsibility.