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Synapse is a library that provides some easy to use utilities for Java 8. It is made up out of two parts:

On the bottom of this document you can find the following additional information:

Check Maven Central for the latest version.

Quick Examples:

Exception formatting

IOException formatted = Exceptions.format(IOException::new,
    "Testing {}, {}, {}.", "one", "two", "three", cause);

See SLF4J style exception message formatting

Wrap checked exceptions

Stream.of("Apple", "Orange")
        .forEach(Exceptions.wrapExceptional(references::consume, RuntimeIOException::new));

You can also choose to wrap and unwrap checked exceptions.

try {
    Stream.of("Apple", "Orange")
            .forEach(Exceptions.wrapExceptional(references::consume, WrappedIOException::new));
} catch (WrappedIOException e) {
    e.unwrap(); // Throws original IOException

See Wrap checked exceptions


String transform(Integer in);


assertThat(Lambdas.serializable(item::transform).getInputClass(), is(equalTo(Integer.class)));
assertThat(Lambdas.serializable(item::transform).getResultClass(), is(equalTo(String.class)));

See Lambdas

Chainable Hamcrest Matcher

assertThat(person, is(ofType(Person.class)
        .where(Person::getFirstName, is("Steve"))
        .where(Person::getSurName, is("Jones"))
        .where(Person::getGender, is(Gender.MALE))
        .where(Person::getAge, is(43))
        .where(Person::isAwesome, is(true))));

See ChainableMatcher


The core library contains very easy to use utility classes. It currently depends on slf4j-api only, making it very lightweight. It is planned to remove this dependency also, since it's used for message formatting only.


The Exceptions class can be used to simplify the creation and use of Throwable instances. It has the following functionality:

  • Exceptions.format and Exceptions.formatMessage - SLF4J style exception message formatting;
  • Exceptions.wrapExceptional and derived - Allows wrapping (and unwrapping) checked exceptions in unchecked ones.

SLF4J style exception message formatting

Allows you to use SLF4J type message formatting to all exceptions that have the normal Exception(String message, Throwable cause) constructor. This turns ancient code like this:

throw new SomeException("Location " + oldLocation + " for consumer " + consumerId + " could not be updated to "
        + newLocation, cause);

Into a familiar and more readable:

throw Exceptions.format(SomeException::new, "Location {} for consumer {} could not be updated to {}.",
        oldLocation, consumerId, newLocation, cause);

The given cause in the example is optional as it is when you would log it using SLF4J.

It is also possible to disallow a cause altogether. In this case you can execute Exceptions.formatMessage(...), which calls the Exception(String messsage) constructor instead. Note that adding a cause here will cause an IllegalArgumentException.

Wrap checked exceptions

Whether you like or dislike checked exceptions, the fact is that they do happen and occasionally they happen when you're making use of the Java 8 Stream API. The Exceptions.wrapExceptional methods provide an easy way to wrap checked exceptions and leaves the choice of rethrowing the original to you.

Consider the following example where we want to find the MIME type for a given stream of file names:

Stream.of("/does/not/exist/text.txt", "/does/not/exist/image.jpg")
        .map(Files::probeContentType) // Throws IOException
        .forEach(mimeType ->"Type is {}.", mimeType));

The problem above is that method Files.probeContentType throws an IOException and a regular Function does not allow this. In Synergy an exception throwing function is called an ExceptionalFunction and we can convert that to a normal Function like so:

Stream.of("/does/not/exist/text.txt", "/does/not/exist/image.jpg")
        .map(Exceptions.wrapExceptional(Files::probeContentType, RuntimeIOException::new))
        .forEach(mimeType ->"Type is {}.", mimeType));

Now when the Files.probeContentType method throws an exception it will be wrapped in a RuntimeIOException. You can still catch this exception, but since it's a RuntimeException it is allowed in the method.

Many Runtime equivalents of checked types are available as part of Synapse (see the com.impressiveinteractive.synapse.exception.runtime package), but you could also supply your own method reference that creates your own RuntimeException.

It is also possible wrap the exception temporarily and unwrap it once the stream completes. To do this you can use the same Exceptions.wrapExceptional methods, but supply a WrappedException type instead. This will look like this:

try {
    Stream.of("/does/not/exist/text.txt", "/does/not/exist/image.jpg")
            .map(Exceptions.wrapExceptional(Files::probeContentType, WrappedIOException::new))
            .forEach(mimeType ->"Type is {}.", mimeType));
} catch (WrappedIOException e) {

In the above example the WrappedIOException is caught and the unwrap() methods throws the original IOException. You can also throw it yourself by using WrappedIOException.getCause(), which returns the case as an IOException directly.

Many Wrapped equivalents of checked types are also available as part of Synapse (see the com.impressiveinteractive.synapse.exception.wrapped package), but you could also supply your own method reference that creates your own WrappedException.

The Exceptions.wrapExceptional method works on Consumer, Function and Supplier type lambdas. If the type of lambda can not be determined automatically, you can use the more specific Exceptions.wrapExceptionalConsumer, Exceptions.wrapExceptionalFunction and Exceptions.wrapExceptionalSupplier.


The Lambdas class is built around the SerializableLambda, which contains a default SerializedLambda serialized() method. The SerializedLambda returned by this method can be used to get extra information about the lambda. It for instance contains where it was given, what kind of lambda it is, what method it refers to etc. In Synapse this information is used for the ChainableMatcher for instance.

Synapse comes with three SerializableLambda types: The SerializableConsumer, the SerializableFunction and the SerializableSupplier. All these three extend their original functional interface (Consumer, Function and Supplier respectively) and the SerializableLambda class. When accepting one of these types in any of your methods, java will automatically convert any regular lambda to the serializable type. Example:

public <T, R> void describe(SerializableFunction<T, R> function){"Function converts a {} to {}.", function.getInputClass(), function.getResultClass());


describe((Integer i) -> ""+i); // Logs: Function converts a class java.lang.Integer to class java.lang.String.

To get access to a SerializableLambda right away, you can use the Lambdas.serializable(...) methods, which takes either of the three subtypes as an argument and returns it. You can also use the more specific Lambdas.serializableConsumer, Lambdas.serializableFunction and Lambdas.serializableSupplier methods.

For now there are three other methods on the Lambdas class, which all accept a SerializedLambda as an argument. These are:

  • Lambdas.getRawReturnType(SerializedLambda lambda) - Get the raw return type for the given SerializedLambda;
  • Lambdas.getRawParameterTypes(SerializedLambda lambda) - Get the raw type for all parameters on the given SerializedLambda;
  • Lambdas.getRawParameterType(SerializedLambda lambda, int index) - Get the raw parameter type for the parameter at index on the given SerializedLambda.

The getInputClass() method on SerializableConsumer and SerializableFunction and getResultClass() on SerializableFunction and SerializableSupplier are default convenience methods to one of these methods above.


Synapse test is the test module of the Synapse library. For now it gives access to one new type of Hamcrest Matcher, the ChainableMatcher.


The ChainableMatcher allows you to write test code for any type of custom object you want to test, without having to build a custom Matcher. Consider for instance having a Person instance and you need to test whether the name, age, gender etc. are all correct. You can do this in multiple lines like: assertThat(person.getFirstName(), is("David")), but ideally you would create a custom PersonMatcher. This however requires quite a lot of plumbing.

With the ChainableMatcher the above example with the Person would look like this:

assertThat("Stella", "Jones").gender(Gender.FEMALE).age(43).awesome(true),
                .where(Person::getFirstName, is("Steve"))
                .where(Person::getSurName, is("Jones"))
                .where(Person::getGender, is(Gender.MALE))
                .where(Person::getAge, is(43))
                .where(Person::isAwesome, is(true))));

The ChainableMatcher uses the given lambda/matcher combinations to check whether all these combinations are true on the given person. The keen observer will have noticed that in the above case the matcher fails. When the ChainableMatcher fails, it will point you directly to the failing where(...) statements. For the example above it reports:

Expected: is of type Person with firstName is "Steve" with surName is "Jones" with gender is <MALE> with age is <43> with awesome is <true>
     but: has unexpected value for:
	firstName was "Stella"
		expecting with firstName is "Steve"
	gender was <FEMALE>
		expecting with gender is <MALE>

The ChainableMatcher uses the given lambdas to describe which fields you want to test and the matchers are used to describe which value is expected. Only failing lambda/matcher combinations are reported for a clear and concise description of the actual problem.

Custom Matcher Class

One could still argue that the above example is a little verbose and that they'd still rather have a custom Matcher. A custom matcher would look something like this:

assertThat("James", "Wilson").gender(Gender.MALE).age(33).awesome(false),

The above example was also built using the ChainableMatcher as a base, so you still get the same functionality. The Matcher class looks like this:

public class PersonMatcher extends ChainableMatcher<Person> {
    public static PersonMatcher isPerson() {
        return new PersonMatcher();

    public PersonMatcher() {

    public PersonMatcher withFirstName(Matcher<String> matcher) {
        where(Person::getFirstName, matcher);
        return this;

    public PersonMatcher withSurName(Matcher<String> matcher) {
        where(Person::getSurName, matcher);
        return this;

    public PersonMatcher withGender(Matcher<Gender> matcher) {
        where(Person::getGender, matcher);
        return this;

    public PersonMatcher withAge(Matcher<Integer> matcher) {
        where(Person::getAge, matcher);
        return this;

    public PersonMatcher withAwesomeness(Matcher<Boolean> matcher) {
        where(Person::isAwesome, matcher);
        return this;

Nested Objects

Since the ChainableMatcher is just a Hamcrest Matcher, you can nest them to inspect a complete object tree. Below is an example of a Couple which in turn contains two Person instances:

                .woman("Maria", "Wilson").gender(Gender.FEMALE).age(31).awesome(true))
                .man("James", "Wilson").gender(Gender.MALE).age(33).awesome(false)),
                .where(Couple::getMan, is(ofType(Person.class)
                        .where(Person::getFirstName, is("James"))
                        .where(Person::getSurName, is("Wilson"))
                        .where(Person::getGender, is(Gender.MALE))
                        .where(Person::getAge, is(33))
                        .where(Person::isAwesome, is(false))))
                .where(Couple::getWoman, is(ofType(Person.class)
                        .where(Person::getFirstName, is("Maria"))
                        .where(Person::getSurName, is("Wilson"))
                        .where(Person::getGender, is(Gender.FEMALE))
                        .where(Person::getAge, is(31))
                        .where(Person::isAwesome, is(true)))));

Mapping values

Sometimes it is convenient to convert an object before matching it. You can convert any value using the method. This method returns a chainable FieldMapper which can be used to map the original value repeatedly until you reach the object you'd like to map.

In the example below we have a People instance, which contains a list with two Person instances. We use Person::getList to get the list, map it once to the first item in the list using a lambda (list -> list.get(0)), and then again map it that Person's first name using Person::getFirstName.

      "Maria", "Wilson").gender(Gender.FEMALE).age(31).awesome(true),
      "James", "Wilson").gender(Gender.MALE).age(33).awesome(false)),
                                .to(list -> list.get(0))

Custom descriptions

The ChainableMatcher will try to describe lambdas that have been passed to it. Sometimes however this does not produce the nicest results. Take the following example:

        people("Maria", "Wilson").gender(Gender.FEMALE).age(31).awesome(false)),
                                .to(list -> list.get(0))

This will produce the following slightly cryptic message:

Expected: of type People with <lambda>(list).firstName is "James"
     but: has unexpected value for:
	<lambda>(list).firstName was "Maria"
		expecting with <lambda>(list).firstName is "James"

This message is produced because the given lambda is not a method reference and therefore a nice description could not be assigned to it. To solve this problem, both the ChainableMatcher.where(...) and methods have an optional String first parameter with which you can set a custom description. In the above example we can set the description of list -> list.get(0) to "get(0)" like so:

        people("Maria", "Wilson").gender(Gender.FEMALE).age(31).awesome(false)),
                                .to("get(0)", list -> list.get(0))

Which will produce this message:

Expected: of type People with list.get(0).firstName is "James"
     but: has unexpected value for:
	list.get(0).firstName was "Maria"
		expecting with list.get(0).firstName is "James"


  • Jethro Borsje - For suggesting to make this code open source;
  • TimeSeries - Official testing ground (thanks guys!)


All contributions to Synapse are welcomed! Please submit your bug reports, suggestions and or questions to Issues. Code is contributed via pull requests and reviewed by the core team. Code contributions should fit Synapse's intentions and codestyle and should be properly documented (JavaDoc) and unit tested. It is recommended that you create an issue accompanying any pull request.

Contributors to Synapse are asked to waive all copyright and related or neighbouring rights to comply with the CC0 license.


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Synapse is considered to be of the public domain and comes with the CC0 Public Domain Dedication. This means you can do with it or any part of it as you see fit, commercially or otherwise. For more information visit

All contributors have waived all copyright and related or neighbouring rights for their respective contributions.