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A CLI utility integrated with LeetCode for downloading your submissions and many more things

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AboutFeaturesInstallationUsageGithub IntegrationCredits

About 💡

leetcode-py-cli is a CLI utility to interact with LeetCode. We came up with this utility when we tried to upload our solutions to the Github repo, but found it to be a very tedious task to manually fetch the submissions. We couldn't find any open source app which can fetch all the submissions that have been made by us. This is a 2-days fun project made out of curiosity. We added some more features such as listing valid sumbissions, downloading individual submission, integrated it with github to auto-create a repo and push the codes to it.

Features ⚡️


  • Download all LeetCode Submissions.
  • Upload them to a github repo
  • List your submissons with statistics
  • Async support to fetch all submissions.
  • Uses LeetCode's GraphQL to fetch data.
  • Github's REST API integration to auto-create repository.
  • Retrieve & push new submissions on the go.

Installation ⚙️

Downloading and installing steps:
  • Download the latest version of the repo or clone it using

      git clone
  • Install dependencies

      pip install -r requirements.txt 
Signing In
  • LeetCode is protected by reCAPTCHA which restricts us to sign in directly. So instead we'll be using the session token to authorize the user.

    Step 1

    Sign In to LeetCode using your browser as you would normally do.

    Step 2

    We need the csrftoken & LEETCODE_SESSION cookie which can be easily fetched using the browser devtools. leetcode-login

    Step 3

    To login, run the following command and paste the cookies.

    $ python3 -l                     
     Enter csrftoken : <your csrftoken>

Usage 🗄️

$ python3 -h

This will display help for the tool. Here are all the options it supports.

Command Description Example
-h, --help Show help and usage of tool -h
-l, --login Login to LeetCode -l
-s id, --submission id Download specific submission from LeetCode -s 10
-a, --all Download all submissions from LeetCode -a
-f, --force-update Forcefully update all solution -f
-ls, --list-questions List solved questions with statistics -ls
-g, --github Push your code to github -g
-v, --version Show program's version number -v

Github Integration 🔧️

leetcode-py-cli will automatically push your submissions to a github repo and later update it regularly once new submissions are made.

Step 1

Visit and generate a personal access token. Select the scope as follows: github-scope

Step 2

Run the tool with the -g option which will download all the submissions and create a new repo only for the first time.

$ python3 -g

Enter Github token : <your personal access token>

✔ Questions loaded successfully
✔ Submissions loaded successfully
✔ Files saved successfully at submissions/
✔ Collected required details

Enter the name of the repository: leetcode

✔ Repo has been successfully created. You can view it here:

Check out this repo which was created using leetcode-py-cli

TO DO ☑️

  • Implement inplace code submisson
  • Display other statistics
  • Execute test cases
  • Display problem statements


Aishwarya Kendle Community
Aishwarya Kendle Rushikesh Zanwar

Contributing ❤️

Got something interesting you'd like to share. Feel free to open a pull request !