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06 Manage Operator

Bhaskar Reddy Byreddy edited this page Sep 24, 2022 · 2 revisions

Upgrade Operator

To upgrade the Operator, you need to update the local edge-repo by following the steps described in Get Helm Charts.

Run this command after replacing <EDGE_REPO_USERNAME> and <EDGE_REPO_PASSWORD> with the credentials you received to deploy the Operator. Change the Operator name in the command if you named it different from edge-k8s-operator.

# Upgrade the Cumulocity IoT Edge Kubernetes Operator.

# Replace <USERNAME> and <PASSWORD> with the credentials you received

# Resolves the latest version of the Operator
EDGE_OPERATOR_VERSION=$(helm search repo edge_repo -l -o json | jq -r 'map(select(.name | contains("edge-operator")).version) | max')

# Upgrades the Operator
# Change the Operator name from edge-k8s-operator to a name you gave when you installed it
helm upgrade edge-k8s-operator edge-repo/edge-operator --version ${EDGE_OPERATOR_VERSION} --set "imageCredentials.username=${EDGE_REPO_USERNAME}" --set "imageCredentials.password=${EDGE_REPO_PASSWORD}"

We recommend you upgrade the Operator to the latest version. However, if you want to upgrade to a specific version, you can pass the version of the Operator to the helm upgrade... command via the option --version.

Undeploy Operator

Run this command for removing the Operator from your Kubernetes cluster.

# Undeploy the Cumulocity IoT Edge Kubernetes Operator.
helm uninstall edge-k8s-operator