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The PTMTorrent dataset is available for download from Purdue University via a Globus share.

Globus is a data management and transfer service designed for working with large-scale data.

If you have not used Globus before, this document describes the setup steps necessary to get access to the data. After finishing this guide, you will have downloaded the smallest piece of PTMTorrent onto your computer (less than 1GB of data). You can follow similar steps to get the rest.

If your institution has large compute resources, the IT staff may already have a large storage system with a Globus front-end, and you can download PTMTorrent directly onto that storage system.


  1. Visit the PTMTorrent URL from the paper, and you'll get to a Globus login page.

GLobus login page

  1. Sign in through your organization, Google, or ORCID. I used ORCID in this example.

ORCID sign-in

  1. Successful login through ORCID.

ORCID success

  1. Globus asks for some more permissions.

Globus permissions request

  1. We have reached the PTMTorrent share within Purdue's Globus service.

PTMTorrent share

  1. (This is a side note). If your institution has a Globus instance, you might be able to right-click on the item of interest, get the link, and access it from your destination Globus. This link cannot be used via wget or similar.

One download approach

  1. Let's download something onto our workstation. You will need to install the Globus client on your machine. Visit and follow the instructions.

  2. Now we can see two shares in the Globus view: "My Laptop" (your workstation) and "PTMTorrent" (Purdue's Globus share) side by side in two panels. On your local share, pick the folder you want the data to land in. Then, on the PTMTorrent side, select the data you want and press the "Start" button. That button has a left-arrow pointing towards the destination share.

Local share preparing to transfer from Purdue

  1. In the "Activity" tab we can see that the task has queued.

Task queued in the Activity tab

  1. An email success notification.

Email success notification

  1. I went to my Downloads/ folder and ran tar -xzvf modelhub.tar.gz and then cd data/modelhub. Let's see what is in the repos folder:

The repos folder lists all models from this hub, in directories corresponding to their owner

  1. Within the data/modelhub/repos/modelhub-ai/yolo-v3 PTM package, we see a git repository with 8 commits.


  1. Happy mining!