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Barking Up the Right Tree is a Stardew Valley framework mod that allows you to add custom trees using json.

Creating a Content Pack

  1. Create a new folder for the content pack. The convention is: [BURT] mod name.
  2. Create a sub folder for each tree you plan to add (see final result below for reference).
  3. Create a tree.png image and add to the respective tree folder. NOTE: the images must be called tree.png.
  4. Create a content.json and add to the respective tree folder (see below for reference).
  5. Create a manifest.json (see below for reference).

Final Content Pack Layout

[BURT] mod name
    Hard Oak

Tree.png example

// TODO: give example and pixel locations of tree sprite sheet

Content.json example

    "Name": "tree name"
    "TappedProduct": {
        "DaysBetweenProduce": 4.0,
        "Product": "id",
        "Amount": 9
    "Wood": "id",
    "DropsSap": false,
    "Seed": "id",
    "RequiredToolLevel": 2,
    "IsStumpInWinter": true,
    "UnfertilisedGrowthChance": 0.2,
    "FertilisedGrowthChance": 1,
    "ShakingProducts": [
            "DaysBetweenProduce": 1,
            "Product": "id",
            "Amount": 3,
            "Seasons": [ "spring", "summer", "fall" ]
            "DaysBetweenProduce": 3,
            "Product": "id",
            "Amount": 10
    "IncludeIfModIsPresent": [ "uniqueModId", "uniqueModId" ],
    "ExcludeIfModIsPresent": [ "uniqueModId", "uniqueModId" ],
    "BarkProduct": {
        "DaysBetweenProduce": 4,
        "Product": "id",
        "Amount": 15
  • Name: This is the name of the tree, this doesn't necessarily have to match the folder name but it's encouraged.
  • TappedProduct: This is the product that the tree drops when using a tapper on it (If this is not specified, then a tapper will not be able to be placed on the tree).
  • TappedProduct.DaysBetweenProduce: The number of days between each harvest.
  • TappedProduct.Product: The product that gets harvested when using a tapper.
  • TappedProduct.Amount: The number of items you'll get from each harvest.
  • Wood: This is the product that the tree drops when it gets cut down.
  • Seed: This is the item to plant for the tree to grow.
  • RequiredToolLevel: The required tool level to harvest this the tree (this also applies to all growth stages except the initial seed stage).
  • IsStumpInWinter: Whether the tree turns into a stump in winter, like the mushroom tree.
  • UnfertilisedGrowthChance: The 0 => 1 chance that the tree has to grow a stage at the beginning of each day when it's not fertilised.
  • FertilisedGrowthChance: The 0 => 1 chance that the tree has to grow a stage at the beginning of each day when it's fertilised.
  • ShakingProducts: This is a list of products that drop when the tree is shaken
  • ShakingProducts.DaysBetweenProduce: The number of days between the product can be dropped again.
  • ShakingProducts.Product: The product that will get dropped.
  • ShakingProducts.Amount: The amount of the item that will get dropped.
  • ShakingProducts.Seasons: The seasons the item will get dropped (leaving this out means it can be dropped in all seasons).
  • IncludeIfModIsPresent: The tree will only get loaded if atleast one of the listed mods (by uniqueId) is present.
  • ExcludeIfModIsPresent: The tree will only get loaded if none of the listed mods (by uniqueId) are present.
  • BarkProduct: This is the product that the tree drops when using the Bark Remover.
  • BarkProduct.DaysBetweenProduce: The number of days between each bark harvest.
  • BarkProduct.Product: The product that gets harvested when using a Bark Remover.
  • BarkProduct.Amount: The amount of items that gets harvested when using a Bark Remover.

NOTE: Ensure all ids are strings, this is because they also allow API tokens (The layout is: "UniqueModId:MethodName:Value"), and example of an API token is: spacechase0.JsonAssets:GetObjectId:Maple Bark, this will use an item from JA called Maple Bark.

Manifest.json example

    "Name": "[BURT] mod name",
    "Author": "your name",
    "Version": "1.0.0",
    "Description": "description",
    "UniqueID": "your name.mod name",
    "MinimumApiVersion": "3.8.0",
    "UpdateKeys": [ update key ],
    "ContentPackFor": {
        "UniqueID": "Satozaki.BarkingUpTheRightTree"

Tile data

To add a tree to a map, add a tile property on the Back object layer; the key of the tile should be Tree and the value should be your [unique mod id].[tree name] such as Satozaki.CustomTrees.Red Oak

You can also specify a tree to be non choppable on a per tile basis. A non choppable tree can still have it's bark removed (if a bark product has been specified), have a tapper on it, be shaken etc. Just put a tile property on the Back object layer with a key of NonChoppable (you don't need to specify any value).

An example of these tile properties can be seen below


  1. Install the latest version of SMAPI.
  2. Install the latest version of SpaceCore.
  3. Install the latest version of this mod.
  4. Extract the .zip mod file into your StardewValley/Mods folder and run the game using SMAPI.


First, add any content packs to the StardewValley/Mods folder Then load into the game with SMAPI and play like normal.


Barking Up the Right Tree is compatible with Stardew Valley 1.5+ on Windows/Mac/Linus, both single player and multiplayer. To view reported bugs visit both the issues on this repo and bug reports on Nexus.

TODO: add mod ids to compat and install sections