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File metadata and controls

185 lines (145 loc) · 5.54 KB


You can use the access control system to differentiate access to files and folders for different users. For this you need to make the following settings. Open configuration file - config/file-manager.php

  1. Turn ON ACL system (fm-acl middleware will turn ON automatically)

    // set true
    'acl' => true,
  2. You can hide files and folders to which the user does not have access(access = 0).

    'aclHideFromFM' => true,
  3. ACL system operation strategies:

     * ACL strategy
     * blacklist - Allow everything(access - 2 - r/w) that is not forbidden by the ACL rules list
     * whitelist - Deny anything(access - 0 - deny), that not allowed by the ACL rules list
    'aclStrategy'   => 'blacklist',
  4. Set the rule repository, the default is the configuration file.

     * ACL rules repository
     * default - config file(ConfigACLRepository)
    'aclRepository' => \Alexusmai\LaravelFileManager\Services\ACLService\ConfigACLRepository::class,

    Now you can add your rules in 'aclRules' array. But if you want to store your rules in another place, such as a database, you need to create your own class, and implements two functions from ACLRepository.

    I have already made a similar class for an example, and if it suits you, you can use it. You only need to replace the repository name in the configuration file. And add a new migration to the database.

     php artisan vendor:publish --tag=fm-migrations

    See /src/Services/ACLService/DBACLRepository.php and /migrations/2019_02_06_174631_make_acl_rules_table.php

Example 1

I have disk 'images' in /config/filesystems.php for folder /public/images

'disks' => [

        'images' => [
            'driver' => 'local',
            'root'   => public_path('images'),
            'url'    => env('APP_URL').'/images/',

This disk contain:

/              // disk root folder
|-- nature     // folder
|-- cars       // folder
|-- icons
|-- image1.jpg   // file
|-- image2.jpg
|-- avatar.png

I add this disk to file-manager config file

'diskList'  => ['images'],

'aclStrategy'   => 'blacklist',

// now it's a black list
'aclRules'      => [
       // null - for not authenticated users
        null => [
            ['disk' => 'images', 'path' => 'nature', 'access' => 0],      // guest don't have access for this folder
            ['disk' => 'images', 'path' => 'icons', 'access' => 1],       // only read - guest can't change folder - rename, delete
            ['disk' => 'images', 'path' => 'icons/*', 'access' => 1],     // only read all files and foders in this folder
            ['disk' => 'images', 'path' => 'image*.jpg', 'access' => 0],  // can't read and write (preview, rename, delete..)
            ['disk' => 'images', 'path' => 'avatar.png', 'access' => 1],  // only read (view)

        // for user with ID = 1
        1 => [
            ['disk' => 'images', 'path' => 'cars', 'access' => 0],        // don't have access
            ['disk' => 'public', 'path' => 'image*.jpg', 'access' => 1],  // only read (view)

Example 2

Task: For each registered user, a new folder is created with his name(in folder /users). You want to allow users access only to their folders. But for an administrator with ID = 1, allow access to all folders.

  • You need to create a new repository for ACL rules, for example, in the / app / Http folder

namespace App\Http;

use Alexusmai\LaravelFileManager\Services\ACLService\ACLRepository;

class UsersACLRepository implements ACLRepository
     * Get user ID
     * @return mixed
    public function getUserID()
        return \Auth::id();

     * Get ACL rules list for user
     * @return array
    public function getRules(): array
        if (\Auth::id() === 1) {
            return [
                ['disk' => 'disk-name', 'path' => '*', 'access' => 2],
        return [
            ['disk' => 'disk-name', 'path' => '/', 'access' => 1],                                  // main folder - read
            ['disk' => 'disk-name', 'path' => 'users', 'access' => 1],                              // only read
            ['disk' => 'disk-name', 'path' => 'users/'. \Auth::user()->name, 'access' => 1],        // only read
            ['disk' => 'disk-name', 'path' => 'users/'. \Auth::user()->name .'/*', 'access' => 2],  // read and write
  • disk-name - you need to replace for your disk name

  • now in the config file we will change the repository to a new one, and set aclStrategy in whitelist - we will deny everything that is not allowed by the rules. You can also hide folders and files that are not available.

     * Hide files and folders from file-manager if user doesn't have access
     * ACL access level = 0
    'aclHideFromFM' => true,

     * ACL strategy
     * blacklist - Allow everything(access - 2 - r/w) that is not forbidden by the ACL rules list
     * whitelist - Deny anything(access - 0 - deny), that not allowed by the ACL rules list
    'aclStrategy'   => 'whitelist',

     * ACL rules repository
     * default - config file(ConfigACLRepository)
    'aclRepository' => \App\Http\UsersACLRepository::class,

What's next
