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A flexible instrumentation package for visualizing the internal operation of Apache Spark and related tools


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Spark-Tracing is a tool that allows users of Apache Spark to inspect its internal state as it runs jobs for performance and debugging purposes. It consists of three stages:

  1. First, a Java bytecode instrumentation package is attached to Spark and the desired job is run. This outputs several trace files containing logs of Spark's internal events.

  2. Next, a trace processing job is run on Spark with the trace files from step 1 as input. This consolidates and filters data and provides a single output file with processed event logs and statistics.

  3. Finally, the processed output file is provided as input to a Jupyter notebook that displays statistics about the run and an interactive time sequence diagram of events that occurred during the run.

These steps are described in more detail in the following sections.


This project is written in Scala and requires SBT to compile. There are two SBT subprojects: the instrumentation in instrument and the processor in process. Running sbt assembly in the project root will compile and package both of these, placing JARs in <subproject>/target/scala-2.11/<subproject>-assembly-<version>.jar.


The first two steps of the tracing process are configured using a HOCON configuration file. (The third stage does not require configuration.) This file describes what to instrument, how to display the results, and where to place files. A default config file is available at config/default.conf; aside from the paths, this configuration should be sufficient for most jobs. The configuration has up to four sections, described individually below.


This section holds basic options affecting the overall run of the program, like file paths. Valid keys are:

  • traceout (string): This is the directory where the trace files generated by the instrumentation will be placed. The Hadoop FileSystem library is used for writing these files, so it must be a URL passable to this library. For writing to HDFS, use the hdfs:// scheme. For writing to the local filesystem, use file://. Trace output files will be generated by each JVM participating in the Spark job, so if you write to the local filesystem, be sure that the provided path is writable on all nodes in the cluster. The files here will no longer be needed after the processing job has been run, but they will be necessary if you want to re-analyze the data or change filters.

  • result (string): The path to the file where the results of processing should be written. Unlike traceout, this is not a URL. It must be a writable path on the submitting machine. This file will be fed to the visualization notebook.

  • overhead (boolean): If true, the instrumentation will track its overhead during the run. This will be reported in the visualization notebook's statistics. Enabling this adds some additional overhead to the instrumentation, so you may want to disable it if you aren't interested in this.

  • mode (string): This affects the operation of the processor. By default, it is set to process, which results in the behavior described in the "Running" section below. If this is instead set to dump, the processor will not output the processed data. Instead it will dump the filtered and transformed trace events to the file specified in the result parameter in a format designed for human consumption. This can be used to aid in configuring and debugging additions to the configuration file.


This section is the crux of the tracing configuration. It describes what function calls should be instrumented and reported in the trace files. The defaults are good for getting a high-level overview of Spark's internal operations if running on YARN, but for debugging specific areas of the code (mllib, SQL, etc.) or running on a different resource manager, it may be desirable to modify this section.

targets is a map of package names to arrays of tracers -- let's call each package the "bounding package" of the tracers in its array. Each "tracer" implements a specific type of instrumentation that captures and records certain actions. Tracers are limited in scope to instrumenting functions in their bounding package. The currently available ones are:

  • main: This logs the JVM start and shutdown processes. It is always enabled and cannot be specified in the configuration file.

  • rpc: This instruments NettyRpcEnv and NettyRpcEnvFactory to capture RPCs that are sent between Spark components. It does not take any arguments, and its bounding package must be org.apache.spark.rpc.netty (or one of its superpackages). This tracer is required to resolve JVM UUIDs to service names, and by extension to filter services. If it is disabled, UUIDs will be used in place of service names in the visualization.

  • event and span: These instrument a specified function with its arguments and return value. The event tracer logs the moment a function was called, which will appear as a single point on the sequence plot. The span tracer also logs the duration of the function call, which will be displayed as a line with start and end markers. This can be useful for evaluating how long it takes to complete various processes, such as creating a Spark session or transferring files.

    Both tracers take the same arguments, all of which are strings. class is the path to the class where the function is defined relative to the block's bounding package. method is the name of the method within that class that is being instrumented. format is optional; if defined and not empty, it tells the processor to format the event using that string rather than the fully-qualified function name and all of its arguments. The formatting string determines what is displayed when hovering over events in the sequence diagram, so adding simple, descriptive names here can make the visualization a lot easier to understand. The function's arguments can be inserted here using $1 for the first argument, $2 for the second, and so on. If the tracer is a span, the return value can also be accessed with $r (otherwise null will be substituted). (You can actually descend the arguments' event trees using $1.1 and similar. See the "Event Trees" section for more information.)

The only bounding package in the default configuration is org.apache.spark. The instrumentation will iterate over all classes defined in each bounding package when they are loaded, searching for ones to instrument. Thus, it is important not to set them too broadly. In fact, including certain portions of java.lang here will cause the instrumentation to try introspecting itself even if you don't define any targets within that package, causing bad things to happen. In general, choose the packages as restrictively as possible for safety and performance reasons.


The processor allows certain events to be excluded from the sequence diagram. This is done by specifying conditions in the filters section. Filtering relies heavily on event tree extraction, so read the "Event Trees" section before continuing.

Each element in the filters list is a string specifying a filter condition, mapped either to a boolean indicating whether matching events should be included (true) or excluded (false) or to a nested map of further conditions that will be applied on top of the current one. The condition string is a string with the item to match, the type of match to perform, and the thing to match against, separated by spaces. The item to match is a tree extraction path (see "Event Trees") without the preceding $. The operation is = for equality and != for non-equality. The thing to match against is a literal string. For example, the default configuration contains the following section:

filters = {
  "3.0 = RPC" {
    "3.3.0 = Heartbeat" = false
    "3.3.0 = HeartbeatResponse" = false

This will select lines where $3.0 is RPC and $3.3.0 is either Heartbeat or HeartbeatResponse, and excludes them (false) from the output. In other words, it filters out hearbeats and their responses.

To specify more complicated cascading rules, you can use the key default to set the default behavior for events matched at a given level, and then override them with deeper levels of comparisons. For example, the following configuration will exclude all RPCs from the output except for status updates with a status of RUNNING:

filters = {
    "3.0 = RPC" {
        default = false
        "3.3.0 = StatusUpdate" {
            "3.3.3 = RUNNING" = true


This section allows services (driver, executor, allocation manager) to be excluded from the output. For example, the driverPropsFetcher that is launched before each executor is generally not of interest for tracing. This section is a list of strings specifying regular expressions matching services to be removed. The string it matches against is the IP address, port number, and name of the service, separated by spaces -- for example, 56892 SparkExecutor. Keep in mind that when a service is removed, all events and spans that occur on it and all RPCs sent or received by it are also dropped.


This section allows specifying that certain strings should be parsed as Scala Product strings of the form name(arg1, arg2). Case classes and other product types are automatically broken down into event trees (see below) by the instrumentation before dumping them, but regular classes with toString methods imitating this formatting will not be split. This section allows the user to selectively parse certain strings to event trees, allowing the user to pretend that they were case classes all along.

The syntax is the same as that of the filters section, except that the leaf values are arrays of strings rather than booleans. Each such string is the path of a subtree that should be parsed as a case class. For example, say you have the following event tree:


Element $2.1 is clearly a compound type, but it is treated as a single element. The following case-parse section will match trees where $0 is Fn and $1.0 is myFunction, and parse $2.1 to an event tree.

case-parse = {
    "0 = Fn" = {
        "1.0 = myFunction" = ["2.1"]

This will result in the tree being amended to the following:



The first step to running the instrumentation is to instrument Spark and run a job. Before doing this, the instrumentation JAR from instrument/target/scala-2.11 and the tracing configuration file need to be placed in the same location on each node of the cluster that will be running a Spark process. Be sure to set the traceout property in the config file to an appropriate location for the output files. To apply the instrumentation to Spark, in spark-defaults.conf (or on the command-line) set spark.driver.extraJavaOptions, spark.executor.extraJavaOptions, and (if running on YARN) to -javaagent:/path/to/instrumentation.jar -Dinstrument.config=/path/to/instrumentation.conf. If you want Spark listener events to be logged as well, you will also need to set spark.extraListeners to org.apache.spark.SparkFirehoseListener (and uncomment the SparkFirehoseListener line in the default config, if you are using it). Then run a Spark job using spark-submit or spark-shell as usual. Several trace files should be generated in traceout.

To process the results and get the single processed output file, simply run spark-submit /path/to/processor.jar /path/to/instrumentation.conf. Generally, the same configuration should be used as was used by the instrumentation. This will read trace files from traceout and write the output file to result. It is important that the Spark job be able to read the trace files. For this reason, it is recommended to write the trace files to HDFS rather than to the local filesystem. Under almost all circumstances, you should disable tracing before running the processor; otherwise, the processor will try to consume its own partially-written trace output. It is possible to combine the trace files from multiple runs of Spark. This will display the sequence diagrams for the two jobs side-by-side for easy comparison. To do this, place the trace files for each comparison run in a separate directory, and provide these extra directories as additional arguments (as Hadoop FileSystem URLs) to the spark-submit invocation. The "primary" trace at traceout, as well as the comparison traces in the additional arguments, will be read and processed into the single output file.

Once the output file has been achieved, open the provided notebook, Spark Tracing.ipynb, in Jupyter and edit the first line of the last cell to reference the output file. Then run all cells in sequence. It may be necessary to install Python's pandas and bokeh packages beforehand. Tables with various statistics will be generated, followed by an interactive time sequence diagram. The vertical axis is time, progressing from the top toward the bottom. Each tick on the horizontal axis is a Spark service identified by IP, port number, and RPC environment name. The red dots are events. The blue lines are RPCs sent between services, and the blue dot indicates the sender of each RPC. The vertical green lines are spans, each of which runs from a light green triangle indicating the start of a function call down to a dark green triangle indicating that call's completion. Hovering over any dot or triangle with the mouse will show the description of the corresponding event. The plot can be panned and zoomed vertically by clicking and dragging and by scrolling with the mouse wheel, respectively.


Event Trees

Each line in the trace files output by the instrumentation is the recursive decomposition of a Scala Product type, usually a case class or tuple. Each product may contain primitives, non-product classes, and other products, which contain more products, and so on. This can be represented with a tree of product types, where the branch nodes are products and the leaf nodes are non-products. The tree can then be traversed for analyzing or modifying events. Each event in the processor is handled as such an tree, which I call an "event tree". While these are largely internal, understanding them is necessary for anyone who wants to modify Spark-Tracing. Thus, a quick introduction follows.

Each node in an event tree has one or more children. The zeroth child, denoted $0, is the name of the node, which has itself as its zeroth child and has no other children. This is the name of a case class or TupleX for a tuple of size X. The following children, $1, $2, and so on, are the product type's comma-separated arguments. If the type is not a product or is a product with no arguments, only $0 will exist. Each of these children, in turn, can have only a name or have further arguments of their own. These are denoted by separating indices with periods. Thus, $1.0 is the name of the first argument and $1.1 is the first argument of the first argument.

For illustration, let's look at a typical event tree as formatted by the processor's "dump" mode:


For all lines in the trace file, $0 is Tuple3, $1 is a UUID specifying the current JVM invocation, $2 is the Java timestamp of this event, and $3 is the event body. Note that since $1 and $2 are plain strings, I could also denote them as $1.0 or $ In this case, the payload is a Fn (that's $3.0), indicating that this tree represents a function call event logged by the event tracer.

A function call has $0 = Fn, the fully qualified name of the function as $1 (with the types of its arguments as children), a list of the function's arguments as $2, and its return value as $3. So, we can extract the type of our function call's second argument with $3.1.2 (long) and its value with $3.2.2 (384093388). Note that the first argument, of type BlockManagerId, is a case class and is broken down into its components ($ through $ in the tree. These same concepts can be used on other lines in the file, and the code makes heavy use of such "extraction paths" in formatting and calculating the values that are ultimately plotted.


This project is developed primarily by Matthew Schauer at IBM. All code and assets are copyright 2017 IBM Corp. and released under the terms of the Apache License, version 2.0. For more information, see the LICENSE file in the root directory of this project.


A flexible instrumentation package for visualizing the internal operation of Apache Spark and related tools







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