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Bindable Vector Graphics — an experimental SVG library for the web.


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BVG - Bindable Vector Graphics

Real-time data-driven visualisation for the web.


Live example:

Bindable Vector Graphics was born out of frustration for lack of a middle level SVG library. D3.js abstracts too much logic, and SVG.js provides only low-level SVG drawing. Bindable Vector Graphics offers SVG elements that change as the data change, and gives you tools to control their look.

The heart of this library is a trinity: SVG + Data + Binding. This connects your data to the SVG element through the binding function, which creates a living connection that can react to change. BVG uses Object.observe() which is available on Chrome 36+, Opera 27+ and Android Browser 37+.

If you wish to use this for older browsers, you can polyfill with MaxArt2501/Object.observe.


Install using npm:

  1. Install Node.js:

  2. In your working directory:

    npm install bvg
  3. Use browserify to bundle your scripts. In your code:

    var BVG = require("bvg");

    You can also include bvg.js as a standalone script as below.

Install via GitHub:

  1. Clone this repo:

    git clone
  2. Copy bvg.js into your working directory.

  3. Include bvg.js in your webpage:

    <script src="path/to/bvg.js"></script>


Quickstart Example


<div id="bvg-container"></div>

CSS (Make the container large enough):

html, body, #bvg-container {
  height: 100%;
  margin: 0;


// Create a BVG container based on selected HTML element
var bvg = BVG.create('#bvg-container');
// Create a Bindable circle, colour it orange
var circle = bvg.ellipse(0, 0, 150, 150)
                .fill(220, 64, 12);
// Change its size based on mouse movement
bvg.tag().addEventListener('mousemove', function (event) {{
    rx: event.clientX,
    ry: event.clientY

The BVG Container

The rest of the documentation will assume bvg as our BVG container created by the example below.


Create a BVG container inside htmlElement.

Return the BVG container object.

// Create a new BVG container and append it to an existing HTML element.
var bvg = BVG.create('#bvg-container');

BVG Elements

All BVG objects, including the container, have access to drawing functions and return reference to the new shape, which is also a BVG.

// Create a rectangle at (0, 0) with dimensions 100x100 px and add it to bvg
var rect = bvg.rect(0, 0, 100, 100);

The BVG module also has drawing functions, which return the BVG object:

// Create a rectangle at (0, 0) with dimensions 100x100 px
// Note it uses the BVG module directly to create the rectangle.
var rect = BVG.rect(0, 0, 100, 100);
// Add the rectangle to an existing BVG container

Drawing functions can be called in a number of ways. Take bvg.rect(x, y, width, height) as an example below. Sometimes it is easier to use one over another style.

bvg.rect(0, 10, 30, 70);      // Arguments style
bvg.rect({                    // Object style
  x: 0,
  y: 10,                      // Name of the object properties must match
  width: 30,                  // names of the arguments in the functions,
  height: 70                  // but the order can be any.

bvg.rect(x, y, width, height)

Create a rectangle at position (x, y) at width x height in size.

var rect = bvg.rect(100, 100, 300, 150);, cy, r)

Create a circle centred on (cx, cy) with radius r.

var circle = bvg.ellipse(100, 100, 50);

bvg.ellipse(cx, cy, rx, ry)

Create a ellipse centred on (cx, cy) with radii rx and ry.

var ellipse = bvg.ellipse(100, 100, 200, 180);

bvg.line(x1, y1, x2, y2)

Create a line from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2).

var line = bvg.line(100, 100, 200, 300);

bvg.polyline([[x1, y1], [x2, y2], ...])

Create a series of lines from point to point.

var polyline = bvg.polyline([[100, 200], [200, 300], [400, 800]]);

bvg.polygon([[x1, y1], [x2, y2], ...])

Create a closed polygon from point to point. The last point will be connected back to the first point.

var polygon = bvg.polygon([[100, 200], [200, 300], [400, 800]]);

Grouping Elements[transform])

Create a group to contain BVG objects. It acts like a BVG container with an optional transform attribute.

// Create a new group and fill it with dashes.
var dashes =;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
  dahses.rect(10, 10 + i * 30, 50, 20);



Create a hyperlink BVG to target URL url. It does not have any display elements. Make sure to append elements to it.

// Clicking on this element will bring them to the Github page
var githubLink = bvg.hyperlink('');
// Make a button and attack it to the link
githubLink.ellipse(200, 200, 50, 50);

Other Geometry

bvg.triangle(cx, cy, r)

Create a regular triangle centred on (cx, cy) with vertices r distance away.

var triangle = bvg.triangle(50, 50, 10);

bvg.arc(cx, cy, rx, ry, startAngle, endAngle)

Create an arc centred on (cx, cy) with radius rx and ry, starting from startAngle anti-clockwise to endAngle, where 0 is the positive x-axis.

var arc = bvg.arc(50, 50, 50, 100, 0, Math.PI);

bvg.text(text, x, y)

Create a string of text text at location (x, y).

var text = bvg.text('Mrraa!', 20, 10);

The BVG Object

BVGs are SVGs with extra superpowers.


Return an array of BVGs matching selector inside BVG. selector is defined as CSS Selectors.


Insert child_bvg inside bvg. This is useful to add elements inside a


Remove itself from its parent. Return self reference.


Return the parent BVG. If there is no parent (such is the case for the BVG container itself), return null.


Return a list of BVG elements inside bvg.


Return thw BVG graphical content, a SVG.

Get/set the data object in a BVG. There are four ways to use this function.

  • Return data bound to the BVG.
  • Update data with newData object.
  • Return data[property] from the BVG.
  •, newValue): Update property with newValue.

Return bvg object reference.


Get/set attributes on a BVG.

  • bvg.attr(attr): Return attribute value.
  • bvg.attr(attr, value): Update attr with value.


Get/set the filling colour.

  • bvg.fill(): Return fill colour as [r, g, b, a], or '' (empty strig) if fill is not specified on the object.
  • bvg.fill(rgb): Set fill with a greyscale colour with equal values (rgb, rgb, rgb).
  • bvg.fill(r, g, b, [a]): Set fill with (r, g, b, a). If a is omitted, it defaults to 1.

r, g, b should be in the range of 0-255 inclusive.


Remove BVG object's colour filling completely.


Get/set the outline colour.

  • bvg.stroke(): Return stroke colour as [r, g, b, a]. If stroke is not specified, return '' (empty string).
  • bvg.stroke(rgb): Set stroke with a greyscale colour with equal values (rgb, rgb, rgb).
  • bvg.stroke(r, g, b, [a]): Set stroke with (r, g, b, a). If a is omitted, it defaults to 1.

r, g, b should be in the range of 0-255 inclusive.


Get/set the outline thickness.

Returns the current outline thickness if width is omitted. Otherise, it assigns the outline thickness with a new value, and returns the bvg object reference.

  • width : Outline thickness in pixels.


Remove BVG object's outline completely.


Add a class name to the element.


Remove a class name to the element.


Return true if the element has class c.


Add or remove the class c to the element.

Affine Transformations

BVG.translate(x, [y])

Apply a moving translation by x and y units. If y is not given, it is assumed to be 0.

Utility Methods

BVG.rgba(r, g, b, [a])

Return a string in the form of rgba(r, g, b, a).

If only r is given, the value is copied to g and b to produce a greyscale value.

BVG.hsla(hue, saturation, lightness, [alpha])

Return the CSS representation in hsla() as a string.

  • hue: A value between 0 and 360, where 0 is red, 120 is green, and 240 is blue.
  • saturation : A value between 0 and 100, where 0 is grey and 100 is fully saturate.
  • lightness: A value between 0 and 100, where 0 is black and 100 is full intensity of the colour.


Return an array [x, y, z, ...] from a string containing common-separated numbers.

Contribute to this library

Make a pull request or post an issue. Say hello to


Bindable Vector Graphics — an experimental SVG library for the web.







