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File metadata and controls

254 lines (151 loc) · 9.06 KB


Hoverfly takes a config object, which contains sensible defaults if not configured. Ports will be randomised to unused ones, which is useful on something like a CI server if you want to avoid port clashes. You can also set fixed port:


You can configure Hoverfly to process requests to certain destinations / hostnames.

localConfigs().destination("") // only process requests to
localConfigs().destination("api") // matches destination that contains api, eg.
localConfigs().destination("") // matches destination by regex, eg. or

You can configure Hoverfly to proxy localhost requests. This is useful if the target server you are trying to simulate is running on localhost.


You can configure Hoverfly to capture request headers which is turned off by default:

localConfigs().captureHeaders("Accept", "Authorization")

You can configure Hoverfly to run as a web server on default port 8500:


You can configure Hoverfly to skip TLS verification. This option allows Hoverfly to perform "insecure" SSL connections to target server that uses invalid certificate (eg. self-signed certificate):


If you are developing behind a cooperate proxy, you can configure Hoverfly to use an upstream proxy:

localConfigs().upstreamProxy(new InetSocketAddress("", 8900))

By default Hoverfly binary is copied to the system temporary folder to run. In some cases, you may not have permission to write to the temporary folder, eg. in CI server, what you can do is to specify a different Hoverfly working directory:


If you can't find the method to set a config, you may pass any Hoverfly start-up flag directly through this generic config method, for example:

localConfigs().addCommands("-listen-on-host", "")


Hoverfly logs to SLF4J by default, meaning that you have control of Hoverfly logs using JAVA logging framework. Here is an example logback.xml that directs Hoverfly WARN logs to the console:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<configuration scan="false" debug="false">

    <appender name="CONSOLE" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
            <Pattern>%date{ISO8601} [%-5level] %logger{10} %msg%n</Pattern>

    <root level="INFO">
        <appender-ref ref="CONSOLE"/>
    <logger name="hoverfly" level="WARN" additivity="false">
        <appender-ref ref="CONSOLE" />


You can override the default hoverfly logger name:


Or change the log output directly to stdout:


Hoverfly by default generates INFO logs regardless of the external SLF4J logger configs. To get debug logging, you need to set the log level explicitly:



You can configure Hoverfly to use a local middleware (for more details, please check out Hoverfly Middleware):

localConfigs().localMiddleware("python", "middleware/")

You should provide the absolute or relative path of the binary, in this case, python for running the python middleware. The second input is the middleware script file in the classpath (eg. test/resources folder)


When requests pass through Hoverfly, it needs to decrypt them in order for it to persist them to a database, or to perform matching. So you end up with SSL between Hoverfly and the external service, and then SSL again between your client and Hoverfly. To get this to work, Hoverfly comes with it's own CA certificate which has to be trusted by your client. To avoid the pain of configuring your keystore, Hoverfly's certificate is trusted automatically when you instantiate it.

Alternatively, you can override the default CA certificate by providing your own certificate and key files via the HoverflyConfig object, for example:

    .overrideDefaultCaCert("ssl/ca.crt", "ssl/ca.key");

The input to these config options should be the file path relative to the classpath. Any PEM encoded certificate and key files are supported.

Mutual TLS authentication

For two-way or mutual SSL authentication, you can provide Hoverfly with a client certificate and a certificate key that you use to authenticate with the remote server.

    .enableClientAuth("ssl/client-auth.crt", "ssl/client-auth.key");

The input to these config options should be the file path relative to the classpath. Any PEM encoded certificate and key files are supported.

You can enable Mutual TLS for specific hosts, for example:

    .enableClientAuth("ssl/client-auth.crt", "ssl/client-auth.key", "", "");

You can also provide a client CA cert:

    .enableClientAuth("ssl/client-auth.crt", "ssl/client-auth.key")

Simulation Preprocessor

The SimulationPreprocessor interface lets you apply custom transformation to the Simulation object before importing to Hoverfly. This can be useful if you want to batch add/remove matchers, or update matcher types, like weakening matching criteria of captured data. Here is an example of adding a glob matcher for all the paths:

HoverflyConfig configBuilder = new LocalHoverflyConfig().simulationPreprocessor(s ->
                            p -> p.getRequest().getPath()
                                    .add(new RequestFieldMatcher<>(RequestFieldMatcher.MatcherType.GLOB, "/preprocessed/*"))

See :ref:`extension` :ref:`extension_config` if you are using JUnit5.

Response body files

Sometimes you may want to keep the response payload files separate from the simulation files for better organisation in your project. You can do this by using the bodyFile feature, for more details, please check out Serving response bodies from files. When your simulation is using this feature, hoverfly-java will automatically resolve the body files against the default Hoverfly resouces folder which is in test/resources/hoverfly.

You may specify a different path if you want. You can either set another relative path to the test resources folder, or you can set an absolute file path:


Using externally managed instance

It is possible to configure Hoverfly to use an existing API simulation managed externally. This could be a private Hoverfly cluster for sharing API simulations across teams, or a publicly available API sandbox powered by Hoverfly.

You can enable this feature easily with the remoteConfigs() fluent builder. The default settings point to localhost on default admin port 8888 and proxy port 8500.

You can point it to other host and ports


Depends on the set up of the remote Hoverfly instance, it may require additional security configurations.

You can provide a custom CA certificate for the proxy.

    .proxyCaCert("ca.pem") // the name of the file relative to classpath

You can configure Hoverfly to use an HTTPS admin endpoint.


You can provide the token for the custom Hoverfly authorization header, this will be used for both proxy and admin endpoint authentication without the need for username and password.

    .withAuthHeader() // this will get auth token from an environment variable named 'HOVERFLY_AUTH_TOKEN'

    .withAuthHeader("some.token") // pass in token directly