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What is the Plugin Client SDK

This SDK is a toolchain that helps a developer to access internal information or invoke native methods of the Staffbase App. The main usages are:

  • get device informations
  • get languages and localizations
  • open links in the app browser or device browser


The Plugin Client SDK is designed to be included as easy as possible and doesn't need any custom configuration

Install Plugin Client SDK

  1. Add the Plugin Client SDK to your project:
yarn add @staffbase/plugins-client-sdk
  1. Import the whole SDK or a required method in your script:
// ES6 Syntax supports tree shaking
import * as PluginSDK from '@staffbase/plugins-client-sdk';
import { openLink } from '@staffbase/plugins-client-sdk';

// Common JS
var PluginSDK = require('@staffbase/plugins-client-sdk');
var openLink = require('@staffbase/plugins-client-sdk').openLink;

You can load the SDK direct in your page, all available methods are then available from the window['plugins-client-sdk'] object.

<!-- ... other HTML ... -->
<!-- Load Plugins Client SDK. -->
<script src="" crossorigin></script>

    var PluginSDK = window['plugins-client-sdk'];
    var openLink = window['plugins-client-sdk'].openLink;

Usage guide

The Plugin Client SDK uses an asynchronous communication between the plugin and the Staffbase app. So the whole interface is asynchronous as well.

We recommend to request data always on demand with the SDK methods!

General flow

Every SDK method returns a promise, which resolves with the requested information or throws an error if something has gone wrong.

PluginSDK.isIosDevice().then(function(isIOS) {
    console.log('IOS Device: ', isIOS);
}).catch(function(error) {
    console.warn('Something went wrong: ', error)

To get multiple informations at once, you can use Promise.all.

Promise.all([PluginSDK.isIosDevice(), PluginSDK.isNativeApp()])
        .then(function(isIOS, isNative) {
            console.log('IOS Device: ', isIOS);
            console.log('Native App: ', isNative);
        .catch(function(error) {
            console.warn('Something went wrong: ', error)

Getting infos from the Staffbase app

As a developer you can request various informations from the Staffbase app.

Device information

  1. getAppVersion -> string

    the version number of the app

  2. isNativeApp -> boolean

    indicates if the native app is used

  3. isMobileApp -> boolean

    indicates if the app is opened in a mobile browser

  4. isAndroidDevice -> boolean

    indicates if an android device is used

  5. isIosDevice -> boolean

    indicates if an IOS device is used

  6. deviceCanDownload -> boolean

    indicates if device is able to download files

Language information

  1. getBranchLanguages -> object

    the languages, which are chosen in the admin settings

    // example for german and english in an english app
        de: {
            key: 'de',
            locale: 'de_DE',
            name: 'Deutsch',
            localized: 'German' // this depends on the app language
         en: {
            key: 'en',
            locale: 'en_US',
            name: 'English',
            localized: 'English' // this depends on the app language
  2. getBranchDefaultLanguage -> object

    the language which is set as default language

    // example for german in an english app
            key: 'de',
            locale: 'de_DE',
            name: 'Deutsch',
            localized: 'German' // this depends on the app language
  3. getContentLanguages -> object

    all languages which are supported by the app

    // example for german and english in an english app
        de: {
            key: 'de',
            locale: 'de_DE',
            name: 'Deutsch',
            localized: 'German' // this depends on the app language

Invoking native methods

With the SDK you can invoke methods, which are in the scope of the native app.

  1. getPreferredContentLocale {locales: object|array} -> string

    checks a given list of locale tags, or an object with locale tags as keys and returns the matching locale tag as string.

     const localesArray = ['de_DE', 'en_US'];
     const localesObject = { 'de_DE': {}, 'en_US':{} };
     getPreferredContentLocale(localesArray).then(function (locale) {
         console.log(locale); // 'en_US'
     getPreferredContentLocale(localesObject).then(function (locale) {
         console.log(locale); // 'en_US'
  2. openLink {url: string} -> boolean

    open a link in the app, supports internal and external links. Returns a boolean which indicates if the link has been opened. This can be used to call the method in a click event

     // internal link
     openLink('/settings/password').then(function (opened) {
         console.log(opened); // true
     // external link
     openLink('').then(function (opened) {
         console.log(opened); // true
  3. openLinkExternal {url: string} -> boolean

    open a link in the device browser. Returns a boolean which indicates if the link has been opened. This can be used to call the method in a click event

     // external link
     openLinkExternal('').then(function (opened) {
         console.log(opened); // true
  4. openLinkInternal {url: string} -> boolean

    open a link in the app browser. Returns a boolean which indicates if the link has been opened. This can be used to call the method in a click event

     // external link
     openLinkInternal('').then(function (opened) {
         console.log(opened); // true
  5. openNativeShareDialog {content: object} -> string

    • native only
    • version > 4.0.0

    open the native share view to share an object consisting of an image link, subject, text or url.

    const contentObject = {image: "",
                           subject: "The string you would like to use as a subject for the share",
                           text: "This text is shared",
                           url: ""};
    openNativeShareDialog(contentObject).then(function (opened) {
        console.log(opened); // true
  6. openNativeFileDialog -> Blob !experimental

    open a native file upload dialog, which is currently only needed for Android devices. After the file has been chosen, the data is returned as a blob.

    Attention! Currently the promise also rejects, if the user cancels the file upload dialog!

    Attention! This function is still in development and will have a changed behavior in the future!

     openNativeFileDialog().then(function (res) {
     	console.log('Fileurl: ' + URL.createObjectURL(res)); // blob:d3958f5c-0777-0845-9dcf-2cb28783acaf