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228 lines (193 loc) · 7.56 KB

File metadata and controls

228 lines (193 loc) · 7.56 KB


Install Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

  • During install, ensure you choose to install SSH, Prometheus
  • Edit the config.yaml to set up the correct IP addresses, or DHCP
  • After install, copy and run the scripts
  • scp *.* username@someip:
  • scp .* username@someip:
  • Reload bash
  • exec bash
  • Copy the other files to a setup folder
  • mkdir setup
  • mv * setup/
  • cd setup
  • Execute the setup script
  • bash
  • The setup script should
    • setup the network based on config.yaml
    • setup prometheus based on prometheus.yml
    • Install nmon
    • Install nginx
  • Update and restart
  • upandauto

Configure nginx

  • Create a folder for your domain
  • sudo mkdir -p /var/www/atr/html
  • sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /var/www/atr/html
  • sudo cp nginx_atr /etc/nginx/sites-available/nginx_atr
  • sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/nginx_atr /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/

Configure CertBot

  • sudo certbot --nginx -d -d
  • Add the auto renew to cron crontab -e
  • Add this line: 0 12 * * * /usr/bin/certbot renew --quiet
  • Test the auto renew sudo certbot renew --dry-run

Install nodejs, clusterio, and factorio

  • Choose a directory to be the Cluster Root.
  • mkdir \atr
  • cd \atr
  • curl -fsSL | sudo -E bash -
  • sudo apt-get install -y nodejs npm
  • Check your node version, currently needs to be 14
  • node -v
  • npm init -y
  • npm install @clusterio/master @clusterio/slave @clusterio/ctl
  • wget -O factorio.tar.gz
  • tar -xf factorio.tar.gz

Configure master server

  • Navigate to Cluster Root
  • Set the local only HTTP port
  • npx clusteriomaster config set master.http_port 8181
  • Setup an admin account
    • This MUST be your valid factorio username!
  • npx clusteriomaster bootstrap create-admin <username>
  • npx clusteriomaster bootstrap create-ctl-config <username>

Install plugins

  • Must be installed on the master and each remote slave
  • Navigate to Cluster Root
  • npm install @clusterio/plugin-global_chat
  • npx clusteriomaster plugin add @clusterio/plugin-global_chat
  • npm install @clusterio/plugin-subspace_storage
  • npx clusteriomaster plugin add @clusterio/plugin-subspace_storage
  • npm install @clusterio/plugin-statistics_exporter
  • npx clusteriomaster plugin add @clusterio/plugin-statistics_exporter
  • npm install @hornwitser/server_select
  • npx clusteriomaster plugin add @hornwitser/server_select

Install mods

Configure a local slave

  • Start the master server, see "Running: Start the master server" below
  • Navigate to Cluster Root
  • Create the configuration
  • npx clusterioctl slave create-config --name local --generate-token
  • Update the 'public_address' in config-slave.json to match your DNS name or IP address

Configure a remote slave



Start the master server

  • Navigate to the Cluster Root
  • screen -R master
  • npx clusteriomaster run
  • Log into the UI at
  • The token can be found in config-control.json

Start local slave

  • Navigate to the Cluster Root
  • screen -R slave
  • npx clusterioslave run
  • This slave should now be visible in the UI

Create and Start an instance

  • Can be created and started via the UI as well
  • Instances are created, assigned to a slave, then started
  • One slave can run multiple instances
  • Navigate to the Cluster Root
  • npx clusterioctl instance create "My Instance Name"
  • npx clusterioctl instance assign "My Instance Name" "Slave Name"
  • Adjust configuration as required - suggest using UI
    • game_port, between 34190 and 34200
    • name = "[ATR] All The Rockets - World X"
    • description = "ATR is a cooperative game that is intended to provide some continuity across map resets. \nSERVER_TEXT \nMAP_INFO"
    • tags ["clusterio","ATR","COOP"]
    • username set to factorio username
    • token set to service token from player-data.json
  • Move the desired save file to the instance save folder
  • npx clusterioctl instance start "My Instance Name"

Stop an Instance

  • Use the UI OR
  • npx clusterioctl instance stop "My Instance Name"

Stop a slave (local or remote)

  • Use the UI

Stop the master server

  • Navigate to the Cluster Root
  • npx clusteriomaster stop

Use screen to keep running while detached

  • This is ideal when running over SSH, or if you don't want to leave terminals open
  • Start a new screen session with screen -S somename
  • Start your long running process, like the master server
  • CTRL-A CTRL-D to detach
  • Reattach to it with screen -R later
  • List screen sessions with screen -list



  • Starting in the Cluster Root
  • Download the newest headless server
  • wget -O factorio.tar.gz
  • Untar
  • tar -xf factorio.tar.gz
  • Stop and start each instance


  • Stop the cluster
  • Starting in the Cluster Root
  • npm update
  • Start the cluster


  • The 'upandauto' alias does the following:
    • sudo apt-get update
    • sudo apt-get upgrade
    • sudo apt-get autoremove
    • sudo shutdown -r now
  • `upandauto'

Removing a instance

Extract metrics

  • Open up the clusterio metrics endpoint:
  • Copy the entire page
  • Paste into notepad++
  • Use find replace with regex .*^(?!.yourInstanceIDhere).$
  • Followed by ^\s* to remove empy lines
  • Should have only a list of items that reference your instance now
  • Copy all lines the reference your instance
  • Open up the site\archive.txt
  • Paste in the lines that reference your instance

Stop instance

  • Stop the instance through clusterio

Archive instance save

  • Navigate to atr/instances/instancename/saves
  • Copy the latest .zip to the archive folder
  • cp ./somesave /var/www/atr/html/archive/

Update webpage

  • Adjust the webpage, moving the world to the dead section
  • Add a reason, and a save download link

Adding a instance

Edit scenario config

  • Turn off test mode
  • Add some map description

Create world in single player

  • Create the world
  • Update subspace storage settings
  • Save the world

Upload to server

  • Create a new instance
  • Upload the save from above

Add instance to webpage

  • Duplicate a server card, updating the instance id and info

Start instance

  • Start the instance in clusterio


  • Ensure you can log in

Create and Start an instance

  • Can be created and started via the UI as well
  • Instances are created, assigned to a slave, then started
  • One slave can run multiple instances
  • Navigate to the Cluster Root
  • npx clusterioctl instance create "My Instance Name"
  • npx clusterioctl instance assign "My Instance Name" "Slave Name"
  • Adjust configuration as required - suggest using UI
    • game_port, between 34190 and 34200
    • name = "[ATR] All The Rockets - World X"
    • description = "ATR is a cooperative game that is intended to provide some continuity across map resets. \nSERVER_TEXT \nMAP_INFO"
    • tags ["clusterio","ATR","COOP"]
    • username set to factorio username
    • token set to service token from player-data.json
  • Move the desired save file to the instance save folder
  • npx clusterioctl instance start "My Instance Name"