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497 lines (220 loc) · 9.83 KB



Shows the audio spectrum


Shows the audio spectrum, using the showspectrum filter

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Show-Media -InputPath .\a.mp3 -ShowSpectrum


Edit-Media -InputPath .\a.mp3 -ShowSpectrum -OutputPath .\a.mp4



If set, will show a line waveform

Type Required Position PipelineInput
[Switch] true named false


Set display mode

Valid Values:

  • combined
  • separate
Type Required Position PipelineInput Aliases
[String] false 1 false showspectrum_mode


Specify how the spectrum should slide along the window.

It accepts the following values:

  • replace - The samples start again on the left when they reach the right
  • scroll - the samples scroll from right to left
  • fullframe - frames are only produced when the samples reach the right
  • rscroll - the samples scroll from left to right
  • lreplace - the samples start again on the right when they reach the left

Valid Values:

  • replace
  • scroll
  • fullframe
  • rscroll
  • lreplace
Type Required Position PipelineInput Aliases
[String] false 2 false showspectrum_slide


Specify the video size for the output. Default value is 600x200

Type Required Position PipelineInput Aliases
[String] false 3 false showspectrum_size


Show spectrum color mode

  • channel - each channel is displayed in a separate color
  • intensity - each channel is displayed using the same color scheme
  • rainbow - each channel is displayed using the rainbow color scheme
  • moreland - each channel is displayed using the moreland color scheme
  • nebulae - each channel is displayed using the nebulae color scheme
  • fire - each channel is displayed using the fire color scheme
  • fiery - each channel is displayed using the fiery color scheme
  • fruit - each channel is displayed using the fruit color scheme
  • cool - each channel is displayed using the cool color scheme
  • magma - each channel is displayed using the magma color scheme
  • green - each channel is displayed using the green color scheme
  • viridis - each channel is displayed using the viridis color scheme
  • plasma - each channel is displayed using the plasma color scheme
  • cividis - each channel is displayed using the cividis color scheme
  • terrain - each channel is displayed using the terrain color scheme

Valid Values:

  • channel
  • intensity
  • rainbow
  • moreland
  • nebulae
  • fire
  • fiery
  • fruit
  • cool
  • magma
  • green
  • viridis
  • plasma
  • cividis
  • terrain
Type Required Position PipelineInput Aliases
[String] false 4 false showspectrum_color


Specify scale used for calculating intensity color values.

Valid Values:

  • lin
  • log
  • sqrt
  • cbrt
  • 4thrt
  • 5thrt
Type Required Position PipelineInput Aliases
[String] false 5 false showspectrum_scale


Specify frequency scale.

Valid Values:

  • lin
  • log
Type Required Position PipelineInput Aliases
[String] false 6 false showspectrum_fscale


Set saturation modifier for displayed colors. Negative values provide alternative color scheme. 0 is no saturation at all. Saturation must be in [-10.0, 10.0] range. Default value is 1.

Type Required Position PipelineInput Aliases
[Double] false 7 false showspectrum_saturation


Set window function.

Valid Values:

  • rect
  • bartlett
  • hann
  • hanning
  • hamming
  • blackman
  • welch
  • flattop
  • bharris
  • bnuttall
  • bhann
  • sine
  • nuttall
  • lanczos
  • gauss
  • tukey
  • dolph
  • cauchy
  • parzen
  • poisson
  • bohman
Type Required Position PipelineInput Aliases
[String] false 8 false showspectrum_win_func


Set orientation of time vs frequency axis

Valid Values:

  • horizontal
  • vertical
Type Required Position PipelineInput Aliases
[String] false 9 false showspectrum_orientation


Set ratio of overlap window. Default value is 0. When value is 1 overlap is set to recommended size for specific window function currently used.

Type Required Position PipelineInput Aliases
[Double] false 10 false showspectrum_overlap


Set scale gain for calculating intensity color values. Default value is 1.

Type Required Position PipelineInput Aliases
[Double] false 11 false showspectrum_gain


Set which data to display. Can be magnitude, default or phase, or unwrapped phase: uphase.

Valid Values:

  • magnitude
  • phase
  • uphase
Type Required Position PipelineInput Aliases
[String] false 12 false showspectrum_data


Set color rotation, must be in [-1.0, 1.0] range. Default value is 0

Type Required Position PipelineInput Aliases
[Double] false 13 false showspectrum_rotation


Set start frequency from which to display spectrogram.

Type Required Position PipelineInput Aliases
[Int32] false 14 false showspectrum_start


Set stop frequency to which to display spectrogram.

Type Required Position PipelineInput Aliases
[Int32] false 15 false showspectrum_stop


Set upper frame rate limit. Default is auto, unlimited.

Type Required Position PipelineInput Aliases
[String] false 16 false showspectrum_fps


Draw time and frequency axes and legends.

Type Required Position PipelineInput Aliases
[Switch] false named false showspectrum_legend


Set dynamic range used to calculate intensity color values. Default is 120 dBFS. Allowed range is from 10 to 200

Type Required Position PipelineInput Aliases
[Int32] false 17 false showspectrum_drange


Set upper limit of input audio samples volume in dBFS. Default is 0 dBFS. Allowed range is from -100 to 100.

Type Required Position PipelineInput Aliases
[Int32] false 18 false showspectrum_limit


Set opacity strength when using pixel format output with alpha component.

Type Required Position PipelineInput Aliases
[Double] false 19 false showspectrum_opacity


Extension/ShowSpectrum.RoughDraft.Extension.ps1 -ShowSpectrum [[-ShowSpectrumMode] <String>] [[-ShowSpectrumSlide] <String>] [[-ShowSpectrumSize] <String>] [[-ShowSpectrumColorMode] <String>] [[-ShowSpectrumColorScale] <String>] [[-ShowSpectrumFrequencyScale] <String>] [[-ShowSpectrumSaturation] <Double>] [[-ShowSpectrumWindowFunction] <String>] [[-ShowSpectrumOrientation] <String>] [[-ShowSpectrumOverlap] <Double>] [[-ShowSpectrumGain] <Double>] [[-ShowSpectrumData] <String>] [[-ShowSpectrumColorRotation] <Double>] [[-ShowSpectrumStartFrequency] <Int32>] [[-ShowSpectrumStopFrequency] <Int32>] [[-ShowSpectrumFramesPerSecond] <String>] [-ShowSpectrumLegend] [[-ShowSpectrumDynamicRange] <Int32>] [[-ShowSpectrumLimit] <Int32>] [[-ShowSpectrumOpacity] <Double>] [<CommonParameters>]