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shadow edited this page Mar 29, 2024 · 1 revision



  1. Download the Millennium installer from here
  2. Open the installer you downloaded in the previous step.
  3. Follow the on screen download instruction
  4. Let the installer proceed and if it errors that Steam® is still open, you must close it before hand.
  5. Verify the success of the installation through the installer and on Steam®
  6. Open Steam, click on Steam in the top left corner, select Settings -> Interface -> Open Millennium, then verify Millennium opens.
  7. That's it! Enjoy Millennium!


Start by downloading all the files from this repository. Simply put all files into your Steam directory, assuming you know where that is.



  1. Reopen the installer you previously downloaded
  2. Navigate to the removal portion and continue
  3. Wait for Steam to close and for Millennium to uninstall
  4. Restart Steam!


Close Steam and navigate to your Steam directory and then look through this repository. Find the files in the Steam folder, and remove them.

Clone this wiki locally