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Getting your 'shared_secret' code for use with Auto Restarter on Mobile Authentication

SteamTimeIdler edited this page Apr 28, 2019 · 50 revisions shared_secret tutorial

Written and compiled by: Ti Rone - Owner of SteamTimeIdler

IMPORTANT: DO NOT SHARE YOUR shared_secret CODE. There are fake idling sites that ask for your shared_secret and then steal your items/account. These websites have no relation to (SteamTimeIdler). Please be VERY cautious where ever you place your shared_secret code.

Note 1: This page is intended for (SteamTimeIdler) users

Note 2: This is not needed if you are using Email Authentication.

Note 3: Once you get your shared_secret you will never need to enter your mobile auth code again, the system will get it on its own even if you manually start your idles.

Note 4: If you are really struggling to find it in the encrypted file you can leave a comment on Owner's profile on Steam (me) and I will add you and pick it out for you or you can Request a Steam Add. (I recommend you hide parts of the code so you don't have an image hosted publicly. It can be used to generate Authentication codes.


Getting Shared Secret from Android (Windows)

When you install the Steam Mobile App on an Android device, you are required to use it to generate your SteamGuard codes. For us to automate this with AutoRestarter without using your phone every time, you need to get the Shared Secret from your phone.

You can only do this with a rooted Android. (Valve recently patched the un-rooted method):

If you have a rooted android phone, you can simply browse to the files you need using Root Explorer and copy the file you need and get it to your desktop using Dropbox or similar.

The file you will need is:


If you don't have a rooted phone, you will not be able to access the /data folder, even if you install Root Explorer.

Inside of the file you will find a few entries you will need:


Getting Shared Secret from iOS (Windows)

When you install the Steam Mobile App on an iPhone, you are required to use it to generate your SteamGuard codes. For us to automate this with AutoRestarter without using your phone every time, you need to get the Shared Secret from your phone.

To get your shared secret from your iOS device, you will first need to make a backup of your device in iTunes. (NOTE: iTunes should be downloaded through the Apple website and not over the Windows store.)

To browse your backup, you need to install iExplorer.

Install and run iExplorer. Hit to use demo mode, and then at the bottom hit to browse backups.

At the top right, you can type Steam in the search to make things faster.

You want to find the folder:


Then browse to:


This is the file you want. Right click it and click "View in Explorer" NOT "Export to Folder".

Now open the file with Notepad++. The format is a little weird - your shared_secret is inside. If you are unsure how to get the code, then add: or request a steam add to have it picked out for you :)

NOTE 1: There may be weird characters in the text file and it may look all strange, but you've probably got the right file. It's just extracting the correct bit of text

NOTE 2: The Generated Auth Code on SteamTimeIdler should match the auth code on your phone. That's how you know if it's worked or not!

Getting Shared Secret from Steam Desktop Authenticator (Windows)

If you can't do the above options there's always Steam Desktop Authenticator:

To get the shared_secret, open your SteamDesktopAuth folder and open 'maFiles'

Open the file with your steamID in Notepad and your code will be inside.

Inside of the file you will find a few entries you will need:


NOTE 1: If the file is a big jumble of words that is because you added a password. If you don't add a password then it won't be encrypted.

NOTE 2: The Generated Auth Code on SteamTimeIdler should match the auth code on your desktop app. That's how you know if it's worked or not!


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