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executable file
140 lines (124 loc) · 3.88 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
140 lines (124 loc) · 3.88 KB

Notes on PDAL Pipelines

PDAL - Point Data Abstraction Library

Splitting LAS Files

  • Specify input filepath
  • Use filters.divider with the following options:
    • mode - "partition" (default) or "round_robin" processing
    • count - Provide number of output files to create from single input
    • capacity - Alternatively, provide the number of points to be contained in each output file
  • Use writers.las to write out new las files
    • filename - include "#" character in output filename for incremental numbering of split files
      "tag" : "splitLasFile",
      "type" : "filters.divider",
      "mode" : "partition",
      "count" : "10"
      "tag" : "writeOutLasSplits",

Filter Discrete Returns

  • filters.range simple filter for specified dimension(s):
    • limits - dimension name and range to include
      • e.g. filter to values of R where x <= R <= y --> "R[x:y]
      • e.g. filter to values of R where R is NOT a < R <= b --> "R!(a:b]"
      "tag" : "filterReturns",
      "type" : "filters.range",
      "limits" : "ReturnNumber[1:1]"

Write Out a Raster

  • writers.gdal GDAL raster writer:
    • resolution - length of raster pixel edges (in same units as x,y from las file)
    • radius - radius from pixel center to calculate pixel value (default radius = resolution * sqrt(2))
    • dimension - value of pixel to output taken from points within the pixel (min, max, mean, idw, count, or stdev)
    • gdaldriver - "GTiff" for GeoTiff (default)
    • filename - output filename for raster
    • see online documentation for further optional parameters
      "tag" : "pointDensityRaster",
      "type" : "writers.gdal",
      "resolution": 10,
      "output_type" : "count",
      "gdaldriver" : "GTiff",
      "filename" : "pointDensityRater_10m.tif"

Specifying Pipeline Command Inputs

  • Within a pipeline JSON file, outputs from one step can be used as inputs for following steps by use of the "inputs" option:
    • tag - provide a tag name for previous steps to reference in later input arrays
    • inputs specifies an array of tags from previous steps to use as inputs for the current step
      "tag" : "firstStep",
      "tag" : "secondStep",
      "tag" : "lastStep"
      "inputs" : [

Executing Pipelines

  • From a terminal, call up the pipeline json file that is to be executed
    • (Optionally include variables as arguments)
    pdal pipeline filename.json


Extracting ground points

pdal translate "input_file.las" -o "output_file.las" smrf range --filters.range.limits="Classification[2:2]" -v 4

Extracting Non-ground points

pdal translate "input_file.las" -o "output_file.las" smrf range --filters.range.limits="Classification![2:2]" -v 4

Writing to raster GeoTiff

    "pipeline": [
		    "type" : "writers.gdal",
			"gdaldriver" : "Gtiff",
            "resolution": 5,

LAStools - lasdiff

lasdiff -i "input_ground_surface.las" -i "input_nonground_surface.las" -o "output_diff.las"