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sftmc [example]

Folder: src

Package: org.teammoose.command
Since: 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT

this package contains the command framework and the command classes that use the framework


  • framework.CommandFramework
    Added TM-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT

    Written originally by minnymin3 modified by JohnnPM

    The framework for handling the commands. Annotation system for commands. Dynamically looks through the classes and registers all the command classes that implement the CommandListener interface.

    Any commands registered with this framework do not need to be registered inside of the plugin.yml

    To implement this into the plugin you would have to Override the onCommand method inside your main class and have it return the handleCommand(...) method inside of the framework class:

      public class AwesomeMooseExamplePlugin extends JavaPlugin {
      CommandFramework framework;
      public void onEnable() {
          framework = new CommandFramework(this);
          // This will register all the @Command annotations inside of all the classes implement the CommandListener class
          // Note: Commands do not need to be registered in plugin.yml
          // Call this method if you want to register the commands with the 
      public void onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command cmd, String label, String[] args)
      	return framework.handleCommand(sender, label, cmd, args);

    Example Command Class:

      public class AwesomeMooseCommand implements CommandListener
      	// This is a basic command
      	@Command(name = "tm", aliases = { "teammoose"})
      	public void testSub(CommandArgs info) {
      		info.getSender().sendMessage("mooses r awesome");
      	// You can have multiple command annotations inside of one class, all of them being a different command
      	// Also doing "tm.subcommand" is just as it says, it creates a subcommand under the other command defined.
      	@Command(name = "tm.subcommand", aliases = { "teammoose.subcommand"})
      	public void testSub(CommandArgs info) {
      		info.getSender().sendMessage("mooses r moar awesome then u");

    Any class implementing CommandListener will be searched for the @Command annotation and those command annotations will automatically be registered with the framework.

    @Command Annotation Fields:

    Name Description Required Default
    command() The command's name to be registered under. YES N/A
    permission() The permission required to be able to use the command NO NONE
    noPerm() The no permission message to be displayed if the sender does not have permission to perform the command NO "Much Deny. So Wow."
    aliases() The list of aliases that the command can also be called by. NO NONE
    description() The description of the command that will be displayed in the /help list if registered NO NONE
    usage() The usage message that will be displayed if the command is not handled NO NONE


  • TagCommand
    Added TM-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT

    Command: /tag Arguments:
    /tag set <prefix|suffix> <prefix/suffix...> : Adds the defined prefix/suffix /tag remove <prefix|suffix|all> : removes either the prefix, suffix, or both from the defined player.

    This command modifies the player's tag using the TagUtil util file. This creates a player's team if they don't already have one, adds them to their team, and then adds the desired prefix/suffix.

    When the remove command is run it sets the prefix/suffix to "" and if all the tags are removed the player is removed from his/her team and the team is unregisted on the scoreboard to prevent bugs with the system.

    TODO: Fix the playerHasTags(Player) method inside of TagUtil

TeamMoose 2014 •