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295 lines (187 loc) · 11.7 KB

File metadata and controls

295 lines (187 loc) · 11.7 KB




  • Tooling: switch to Vite + Vitest
  • Tooling: define direnv devshell with Nix


  • SQLite: fix time measurement. It was just measuring the time of the sqlite initial call :-/



  • SQLite: accurate query time measurement. Before, query timing included any queries that were underway. This change serializes all calls to the SQLite connection when either debug has strato-db/sqlite:query enabled or there are listeners on the call event. This might have a performance impact, but likely very small. Note that SQLite itself can only do one DB operation at a time (per connection).



  • SQLite: prevent interpolation in query debug output
  • Remove old build dependencies
  • Slightly improve types, mostly replacing null returns with undefined



  • ESModel preprocessor was not resetting _maxId properly



  • JsonModel: Backwards cursors
  • ESDB: deprecate undefined in reducer results



  • ESDB: fix multiple dispatches in transact returning old event



  • JsonModel: throw parsing errors also with debugging enabled; remove dataloader creation debug statements
  • Statement: Fix sticky errored state of prepared statements



  • ESDB: fix throwing when dispatching outside but during processing



  • JsonModel: from .each(), call .search() with noTotal
  • deprecation warnings fail in prod



  • JsonModel: .each() was returning too early



Fun new features:

  • JsonModel: .each(attrs, options, fn) now takes concurrent to limit the concurrently running functions. This adds a dependency on the tiny async-sema package.
  • ESDB: Added transact({event, model, store, dispatch}) phase to the event processing flow. In this callback, you can call dispatch to generate and await sub-events, and calling ESModel will work too (any model can use the dispatch given via the constructor).
  • ESDB: dispatch({type, data, ts}) (passing everything in a single argument) is now also possible, as well as for addEvent.
  • ESModel: provide event creators for set, update and remove.

We also have some tiny API changes that don't warrant a major version:

  • sqlite.userVersion(v?: number) now always returns the user version, also when setting it. This makes more sense from an API perspective and has as good as no performance impact.
  • EventQueue: .setKnownV() is now synchronous and no longer returns a Promise. This is only a breaking change if you were using .then() instead of await. This requires the use of AsyncLocalStorage, and thus the minimum NodeJS version is now v12.17 (which is already ancient).


  • ESDB: fix deadlock on queue add in migration (due to sync version setting)
  • JM: while paging, if the total == the limit, the cursor is now also null, because there is no next page.



  • SQLite: add emit event for query result monitoring
  • Small typing improvements


  • ESDB: fix userVersion poll loop on error



  • ESModel: allow changeId while writable
  • deprecations are printed as console.warn



  • The dispatch() function that is passed to redux methods was renamed to addEvent().


  • SQLite: added .runOnceOnOpen() to register functions that should be run on the open database but shouldn't open the database
  • Renamed dispatch() to addEvent() inside the event processing flow. dispatch() still works but gives a deprecation warning. The .dispatch() method is not affected.


  • Statement: fixed an issue with error propagation on opening the database


  • ESDB: fix rare race condition where read-only connection doesn't see just-committed transaction
  • JM: Better error message on wrong colName in .get()
  • JM: Fix small issue with table name in error message on incorrect columns


  • Improve typings in JSDoc
  • Add TypeScript typing file

This unfortunately means that the automatic creation no longer works, because jsdoc can't parse the TS types.


  • ESModel - getNextId() fix (was returning incorrect values when run inside a subevent)



  • The cache argument to JsonModel.clearCache(cache, [id], [colName]) is no longer optional, and the method will now always return the DataLoader instance


  • Added TypeScript types generated from the JSDoc, and improved some definitions
  • There was a deadlock in some circumstances where the initialization of ESModel could wait on the EventQueue and vice versa
  • JsonModel.getAll(ids, [colName]) now optimizes getting 0 and 1 objects



  • The package builds for NodeJS v10 now.
  • EventSourcingDB events that result in errors now halt processing and have to be fixed before processing continues
  • waitForP was removed from DB, use onWillOpen instead, if it returns a Promise that will be waited for.
  • The EventSourcingDB version is now stored in the SQLite user_version pragma, and the metadata model is no longer available by default. If you need it, add metadata: {} to the models passed to ESDB
  • DB.models was renamed to for consistency with ESDB and also to be different from the models option. DB.models still works but will output an error on first use in non-production.
  • The result argument passed to derivers is now the result of the deriver's model. All results are still available at event.result
  • DB connections now set PRAGMA recursive_triggers
  • In NODE_ENV=development, the order of unordered query results will sometimes be reversed to show where ordering is not consistent. In test this is not done since the ordering is always the same and used in snapshots etc.
  • The meta argument in ESModel .set and .update moved to 4th position to make room for noResult
  • EventSourcingDB no longer checks for pending events when instantiated. You have to do this yourself with .checkForEvents() or simply .startPolling()
  • DB no longer returns itself on .exec(). There's no reason for having it and it saves some GC work.
  • .applyChanges(result) was renamed to .applyResult(result)
  • the debug namespace was changed to strato-db
  • applyChanges was moved from JsonModel to a separate helper function applyResult(model, result)
  • EventSourcingDB now passes emitter as an option to models, so they can subscribe to events. You have to take it out before passing the options to JsonModel.
  • Migration metadata is now stored in the table {sdb} migrations instead of _migrations. There is a migration procedure, but don't open your DBs with previous versions of strato-db, since the old versions will try to run the migrations again (and fail, so the data is safe).


  • reducers are now called with a single {model, event, store, dispatch, isMainEvent} object like preprocessor and deriver. Old reducers with multiple arguments are automatically wrapped and result in a deprecation message


  • EventSourcingDB refactor:
    • sub-events! You can dispatch events during events; they are handled depth-first in the same transaction. If any result in error, they error the parent event
    • make error handling more robust
    • simplify redux loop
    • retry failed events with increasing timeouts and exit program after an hour
  • ESModel will now emit a ${model.INIT} event to allow setting up the table, if you pass init: true
  • DB, JsonModel, EventSourcingDB: Better debugging information for queries and errors
  • DB: split into SQlite and the migrations-adding DB
  • SQlite: add autoVacuum option, sets up incremental vacuuming. If there are > 20x vacuumPageCount free pages, it will free vacuumPageCount pages every vacuumInterval seconds. Defaults to 1MB (of 4KB pages) and 30s.
  • SQlite: limit WAL file size after transaction to 4MB
  • SQlite: run PRAGMA optimize every 2 hours
  • SQlite: emit 'begin', 'rollback', 'end', 'finally' on transactions as EventEmitter
  • JsonModel: .set and .update take the noReturn boolean as their 3rd argument to indicate they don't have to return the value, as an optimization
  • SQLite: add .inTransaction boolean that indicates if withTransaction is active
  • JsonModel: .update reuses a running withTransaction, so there is probably never a reason to use .updateNoTrans
  • EventQueue: .latestVersion() is deprecated in favor of .getMaxV()
  • JsonModel: if the id column is not an integer type (which means that sqlite uses it as the rowId), rowId will be added as a column. This ensures that the VACUUM command doesn't change the rowids so that references to them won't become invalid. To disable this you can pass keepRowId: false to JsonModel.
  • EventSourcingDB: provide a cache object to the preprocessor and reducer, which can be used to optimize data fetching. The cache is shared and only valid during the read-only phase of the event handling


  • JsonModel: fix using columns with paths in getAll


  • JsonModel: don't error on existing indexes


  • JsonModel
    • refactor: split in multiple files
    • change array queries so they can be prepared
    • fix expression index creation before column
  • EventQueue: test before calling timer.unref()
  • build: Upgrade to Babel 7 and latest ESLint


Minor version change due to index changes on queue for ESDB

  • DB: add filename and stack to SQLite errors
  • JsonModel: allow thunking definitions, that way you can create helpers to define columns
  • JsonModel: add .each([attrs, [options]], fn) to iterate over search results fn(row, i) will be called with row data and row number
  • EventSourcingDB: withViews = true option to add the helper views to the queue
  • EventQueue: drop the type index and use type, size; always add size column


  • EventQueue: Ensure that queue insertions maintain their order
  • DB/EventSourcingDB: Fix readOnly mode and add test


  • First public release!
  • EventSourcingDB: the metadata table can be used as well
  • EventQueue: don't keep Node alive while waiting unless forever: true


  • JsonModel: value() on non-real columns is now stored



  • column.alwaysObject: for JSON columns: always have an object at that path, and store empty objects as NULL
  • column.falsyBool: store booleanish value as true/undefined. real:true makes the column be integer type querying also works with truthy and falsy values



  • column.where(val, origVal): Now the original value is also available to the where function
  • fix json column detection for non-JSON columns


JsonModel: breaking API change

  • jsonPath is now path and defaults to column name
  • Columns can be real or virtual
  • Real columns are put where path wants it
  • value can always be used to calculate field values, for real and virtual columns
  • parse and stringify convert values from/to database values
  • you can nest column parsing etc, it will run them in the right order

To upgrade:

  • delete jsonPath where it's the same as the column name
  • rename jsonPath to path
  • delete value where it's just extracting the same field as the column name, replace with type (and indicate the column type) or real: true
  • get is now true by default, so remove it when true and set it to false when missing


  • JsonModel: stricter options with better type checking
  • EventQueue: add _recentHistory and _historyTypes views for debugging


  • ESModel: add metadata to event data on index 3


  • JsonModel: required flag on column makes sure the result of value() is non-null and sets allowNull to false for proper indexing


  • Directly depend on mapbox/sqlite3 by copying the relevant code from kriasoft/sqlite
  • Remove Bluebird dependency