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Releases: SuicidalInsanity/Mk2Expansion

Mk2 Expansion

20 Jan 18:02
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-Fix broken Fuelswitch patch
-Fix offset WaterfallFX on the Mongrel VTOL engine
-Add ModuleLiftingSurface to some Mk2 parts that were missing it.

02 Dec 23:01
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-KSP 1.12.5 update
-Adjusts Lift Fan Intake capacity and Air use in thin atmospheres
-Fixes potential localization issue with variant parts B9PS configs
-fix a few MODEL config bugs
-Fixes SystemHeat bug with nuclear parts
-Reactor EC generation and storage increased to 400 for parity with NFE/SH versions
-Adds Waterfall FX support, courtesy of Tagir-1

Mk2 Expansion

05 Oct 21:09
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KSP 1.12.x update
-Part Rework: fixes Aligned Docking port missing texture
-Part Rework: fixes shrouded docking port missing texture
-Fixes missing texture on Whirligig engine
-Fixes missing texture on Vector engine
-Fixes missing texture on MATTOCk engine
-Fixes missing texture on Mongrel engine
-Fixes missing texture on Service bay
-Fixes mesh issue on Engine Shroud
-Fixes Rontgen Engine FX
-Fixes spotlights on SC-TD cockpit

M2X 1.9

23 May 01:40
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KSP 1.11 update
-New Part: Mk2 cargo container
-Mk2 adapter endcap now has internal model defined
-fixes chine texture url issue
-Adds Cargo/Inventory part functionality
-Adds System Heat compatibility MM patch
-Adds optional MM patch to add dual-cycle option to Rontgen Nuclear Jet

M2X 1.8.9

11 Aug 19:45
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-KSP 1.10.1 Update
-New Part: Slanted Mk2-1.25 Adapter
-Fixes decoupler crossfeed issue
-Fixes RCS Blister offset issue
-Banshee Fan doors have better clearance when open
-Part Rework: All Chines have been conglomerated into three configurable omni parts
-Old Chine parts moved to Legacy status
-New Part: Configurable Chine RCS - multivariant RCS similar to the RCS/OMS/ACS blisters
-RC/PG RCS Chine parts moved to Legacy status
-Part Rework: RCSAS

M2X 1.8.8

12 Jul 01:59
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-Update for KSP 1.10
-VTOL engine thrusts increased
-Aerospike thrust increased slightly
-Fixes JEdgar attach node
-Fixes Nosecap RCS FX
-Part Rework: Boost-O-Tron

M2X 1.8.7

20 Mar 01:50
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update for KSP 1.9
-Banshee Fans now have in-game fueltype toggle
-Rework of variant part names and descriptions.
-Part Remodel: Mallet AASRB
-Mallet AASRB mass reduced slightly
-"New" Part: Shrouded Landing Leg
-Fixes CB-C cockpit issue
-Fixes Dual-Cycle engine node positions
-RealPlume patch should be less broken now (Thanks Rodg88)
-MATTOCK smoke now correctly oriented

Mk2 Expansion

23 Nov 23:22
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-Fixes drag cubes for RCSAS, Aligned Dockingport, and Radial Mounts. These should generate much less drag now
-Fixes Sledgehammer AARE compile error
-Cockpit lights now uniform color
-Fixes R-71 cockpit IVA portraits, kerbals no longer occluded by instrument consoles
-Windowshine MM Patch now calls for TextureReplacer instead of the less up-to-date TextureReplacerReplaced

Mk2 Expansion

09 Nov 21:29
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Update for KSP 1.8.1
-Fixes HSNC missing texture faces
-Fixes Tunapit load error
-Adds additional localization, courtesy of Sooll3

Mk2 Expansion 1.8.6

23 Aug 05:42
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-New Part: 'Corgi' Vacuum rocket Engine
-New Part: 'Trident' Rocket Engine
-New Part: Mk2 Bicoupler
-Part Rework: ESTOC
-Part Rework: MATTOCK
-Hypersonic cockpit IVA tweaks
-Fixes Tweakscale error on Mk2 Endcap
-Fixes TweakScale warning on Root Chines
-Removes extraneous :FOR MM syntax
-Aerospike mass, thrust reduced
-ESTOC Isp reduced to 310
-Adds B9PS tank type localization
-Mk1 Chines now properly configed for FAR
-All Mk2 parts now have proper Crash Tolerance/MaxTemp/BreakingForce values
-Adds optional 4 seat lab MM patch