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Saral App v1.0 Training Data Capture

Dileep Gadiraju edited this page Nov 19, 2021 · 1 revision
  1. Keep the physical sheets with written wrongly predicted digits (for example between 4 and 9, 0 and 8 etc) for testing. 

  2. In POST /schools/login API response, storeTrainingData needs to be returned as true. Frontend/Android App will send training data if this flag is set to true.  This training data will be array of base64 encoded images for each studentId or roll number.

  3. On PUT  /saveMarks API request, the Frontend/Android app will populate studentIdTrainingData, trainingData array fields. Please store them in your backend along with marks information.  Note for OMR layouts(like 8 students OMR layout) trainingData array will be empty. So you will have only studentIdTrainingData data to be stored. 

  4. Test if training data is captured properly using POST /getSavedScan API. Scan the physical sheets with written digits predicted wrongly and make sure they are stored in the backend. Pass on the backend data to us for training the models.

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