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Default Model Types

SuperMartijn624 edited this page Jun 19, 2023 · 6 revisions

Model types

Fusion adds one new model type, the connecting model. Below is an explanation of how to use Fusion's model types as well as an explanation of the connecting model type.

How to use

Fusion uses the same json files models as vanilla. However, now the data in the file is determined by the model type. The model type should be specified under the type key. It is also important to specify "loader": "fusion:model" to ensure Fusion does not interfere with other mods.
A model file would then look as follows:

   "loader": "fusion:model",
   "type": "<model type>",

Connecting models

Connecting models gather data from blocks around them and make sure any connecting textures connect to the specified blocks. When the model should connect can be specified with connection predicates under the connections key. At least one of the predicates in connections must be satisfied for the model to connect.
Here is an example of an oak tiles block which connects to itself and acacia tiles:

   "loader": "fusion:model",
   "type": "connecting",
   "connections": [
         "type": "is_same_block"
         "type": "match_block",
         "block": "acacia_tiles"
   "parent": "block/cube_all",
   "textures": {
      "all": "block/oak_tiles"
Connected model example

Connection predicates

There are 6 types of connection predicates available by default:

  • is_same_block: connects to blocks with the same type as itself
  • is_same_state: connects to blocks with the same type and block properties as itself
  • match_block: connects to blocks of a given type
    • block: the block which should be matched
  • and: connects if all given predicates are satisfied
  • or: connects if at least one of the given predicates is satisfied
  • not: connects only if the given predicate is not satisfied
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