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File metadata and controls

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UDefField table
Definition table for user-defined fields; one row in this table corresponds to one generation of one field. The user defined fields that are in use, and earlier versions of user defined fields. ColumnId refers to the field type; see UDXXXSmall or UDXXXLarge for the referring ID. Preferences prefsection='System', prefkey='CurrentUdefVersioncontact' (or CurrentUdefVersionperson, project, sale), gives you the current version of user defined fields. prefkey='AdminUdefVersion<...>' gives you the current version that's being edited. If Current version = admin version, no editing has been done since the last Publish of user defined field was performed.

UDefField Table (146)


Name Description Type Null
UDefField_Id Primary key PK
ownerTable_id ID of owning table (contact, person, project) - this is not the actual tableNumber, rather it's an enum UShort
tabOrder Tab order value, sets the field processing sequence UShort
fieldType Field type: 1 = Number, 2 = Short text, 3 = Long text, 4 = Date, 5 = Unlimited date, 6 = Check box, 7 = Drop-down, 8 = Decimal UShort
listTableId The table ID of the source table for lists: kTableAssoc, kTableContInt or whatever TableNumber
UDListDefinition_id List to use for populating dropdown or listbox FK UDListDefinition
columnId The ID of the database column this field corresponds to FieldId
textLength Length (in characters) of a text field, 0 for other types UShort
fieldDefault Optional default value for String fields String(254)
indexed Is this field indexed? 0 if no, index no. if yes Bool
mandatory 0 = no, 1 = yes (field must be filled out) Bool
readOnly 0 = read/write, 1 = readonly (don't combine with mandatory 8-) ) UShort
tooltip Optional tooltip text for this field String(254)
fieldLabel The label (lead text) String(254)
labelLeft X pixel coordinate of label UShort
labelTop Y pixel coordinate of label UShort
labelWidth label width in pixels, 0 = 'enough' (from font) UShort
labelHeight label height in pixels, 0 = 'enough' (from font) UShort
fieldLeft X pixel coordinate of field UShort
fieldTop Y pixel coordinate of field UShort
fieldWidth field width in pixels, 0 = 'enough' (from font) UShort
fieldHeight field height in pixels, 0 = 'enough' (from font) UShort
version Definition version number; ALL fields get new version whenever layout is updated. UShort
lastVersionId UDefFieldId this field had in the previous version, 0 = field is new in this version FK UDefField
page1LineNo Line no on View Page 1, used if MDO flags are OFF. 0 = this field is not visible on page 1 UShort
registered Registered when UtcDateTime
registered_associate_id Registered by whom FK associate
updated Last updated when UtcDateTime
updated_associate_id Last updated by whom FK associate
updatedCount Number of updates made to this record UShort
udefIdentity Unique number used to track field identity across layout changes Id
hideLabel Hide the label if 1 Bool
justification Justification - 0 = default, left, right, center Enum UdefJustification
progId Programmatic ID, for use by software that needs to find a particular field. Carried over like udefIdentity across generations. Use a Company.Product.Field format to avoid naming conflicts; the Company name SuperOffice is reserved. String(254)
formatMask Formatting mask, can be whatever the controls understand (currently nothing :-)) String(254)
shortLabel Short name to be used in Archive headings and on page 1. If blank, the fieldLabel will be used everywhere. String(254)

UDefField table relationship diagram



Fields Types Description
UDefField_Id PK Clustered, Unique
ownerTable_id UShort Index

Replication Flags

  • Replicate changes DOWN from central to satellites and travellers.
  • Copy to satellite and travel prototypes.

Security Flags

  • Sentry controls access to items in this table using user's Role and data rights matrix.