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File metadata and controls

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uid title description generated keywords topic envir
person table
Persons in a company or an organizations. All associates have a corresponding person record
database table person
onsite, online

person Table (6)

Persons in a company or an organizations. All associates have a corresponding person record


Name Description Type Null
person_id Primary key PK
contact_id Owning contact ID FK contact
rank Display sort sequence for default sort order UShort
lastname Last name String(99)
firstname First name String(99)
mrmrs e.g. Mrs sex_title String(239)
title Title String(239)
text_id Info tab contents FK text
position_idx Link to Position list FK PersPos
year_of_birth Birth year (4 digit), 0 if not specifed UShort
month_of_birth Birth month (1-12), 0 if not specified UShort
day_of_birth Birth date (day of month), 0 if not specified UShort
phone_present flag to show there are phone registrations UShort
userdef_id User defined table record 1 FK udpersonSmall
registered Registered date UtcDateTime
registered_associate_id Registered by whom FK associate
updated Last updated date UtcDateTime
updated_associate_id Last updated by whom FK associate
person_number Alphanumeric user field String(49)
kanalname Kana last name, used in Japanese versions only String(99)
kanafname Kana last name, used in Japanese versions only String(99)
post1 Postal address, used in Japanese versions only String(99)
post2 Postal address, used in Japanese versions only String(99)
post3 Postal address, used in Japanese versions only String(99)
usepersonaddress If 1, use person's address for mailing instead of company address UShort
middleName Middle name or 'van' etc. String(99)
source How did we get this person? For future integration needs UShort
nomailing Do not send DM's to this person Bool
country_id Country FK country
userdef2_id User defined table record 2 FK udpersonLarge
retired 1 = the user is retired and should have no rights, not appear in lists, etc. UShort
activeInterests Number of records in pintr table; select count(*) from pintr pi where pi.person_id = this.person_id == activeInterests is always true UShort
updatedCount Number of times updated UShort
associate_id Our contact, if this is a B2C person, otherwise mirror of contact.assoc_id Id
group_id Our contact's original group, if this is a B2C person, otherwise mirror of contact.group_id Id
salutation Academic title, populated from Salutation list but can be overwritten with anything at all String(239)
department Internal department address String(254)
initials Where Pierre van Mever becomes P. van Mever. Actually, initials to be used in formal addresses, mostly in the Ducth market String(63)
gender Male/female. No jokes please. To be used for selecting correct salutations & grammar. 0 = unknown, 1 = female, 2 = male Enum PersonGender
business_idx Business if this is a B2C person, otherwise mirror of contact.business_idx FK Business
category_idx Category if this is a B2C person, otherwise mirror of contact.category_idx FK Category
tzLocationId Default timezone location for this person FK TZLocation
sentInfo Has information on username/password been sent (ejournal) UShort
showContactTickets Should tickets related to the company be shown to this person UShort
ticketPriorityId Default ticket priority for new tickets FK ticket_priority
supportLanguageId Customers language (does not necessarily map to ISO languages) FK cust_lang
supportAssociateId Our contact, but for support context, not sales/primary contact FK associate
dbi_agent_id Integration agent (eJournal) FK dbi_agent
dbi_key The primary key for the integrated entry in the external datasource. String(255)
dbi_last_syncronized Last external syncronization. DateTime
dbi_last_modified When the entry was last modified. DateTime
blockEmarketing Do not send E-marketing materials to this person Bool
activeErpLinks The number of Erp Sync connections this record is synced with; count of the ErpExternalKey+ErpInternalKey relations Int
DeletedDate Datetime (utc) when this record was soft-deleted; if this value is set then the record should not be shown UtcDateTime
created_by_form_id The form this person was created by FK form
modified_by_workflow_id The workflow this person last was modified by FK workflow
modified_by_workflow_when When the workflow modified this person UtcDateTime

person table relationship diagram



Fields Types Description
person_id PK Clustered, Unique
contact_id FK Index
lastname String(99) Index
firstname String(99) Index
userdef_id FK Index
person_number String(49) Index
kanalname String(99) Index
kanafname String(99) Index
source UShort Index
userdef2_id FK Index
business_idx FK Index
category_idx FK Index
dbi_agent_id FK Index
dbi_key String(255) Index
dbi_last_syncronized DateTime Index
dbi_last_modified DateTime Index
contact_id, rank FK, UShort Index
middleName String(99) Index
DeletedDate UtcDateTime Index
created_by_form_id FK Index
modified_by_workflow_id FK Index


Table Description
address Contact and Person addresses
appointment Tasks, appointments, followups, phone calls; and documents (document_id != 0). An appointment always has a corresponding record in VisibleFor specifying who may see this.
associate Employees, resources and other users - except for External persons
Business Business list table
Category Category list table
chat_session This table contains chat sessions.
ConsentPerson Link table that defines who has which consents
contact Companies and Organizations. This table features a special record containing information about the contact that owns the database.
CounterValue Visible for rights
country Country information
Credentials Alternative credentials
cust_lang This table contains entries for customer languages.
dbi_agent DBI agent settings
ej_message This table contains the messages listed under tickets.
Email Email addresses for contacts, projects and persons
email_item Email data
form A form which can be published on a webpage and submitted by visitors
form_submission A form submission
invoice This table contains invoice entries, normally created when an invoice is sent to a customer, and we want to update the balance.
invoice_sum This table is used temporarily when listing invoice statistics. It is used because we need to sort balances from both customers and companies.
kb_entry_comment Comments to entries in the knowledge base, typically made by customers
login_customer This table contains entries for customer sessions. At first only used for Soap logins, but will later also be used for web logins
message_customers This table contains all cutomers who are involved in a message
personinterest Note: If you add or remove rows in this table, you will need to update the interestCount field in the person table accordingly. This field should always reflect the number of interest records a person has, to enable the correct setting of the interest indicator on the tab in the person dialog. Replication note: The combination of person_id and pinterest_idx is unique. If a duplicate is made on a replicated database, the system will replace the record in the target database with the one derived from the source database during replication. Therefore, do not assume that a record in this table will retain its ID indefinitely, even if the person keeps the interest.
PersPos PersPos list table. Contact person position list
phone Contact and Person phonenumbers (+fax)
projectmember Project members. Link-table between person and project
s_bounce_shipment Email bounces from customers
s_link_customer A connection between a customer and a link. Registered customers are identified when clicking on a link
s_list_customer Elements in a customer list.
s_sent_message Emarketeer message control
s_shipment_addr Addresses that are ready to be sent in a shipment.
sale Sales For every Sale record edited through the SuperOffice GUI, a copy of the current version of the record will be saved in the SaleHist table. This also applies to editing done through the SaleModel COM interface, but not to editing done through the OLE DB Provider or other channels.
SaleHist Mirror image of the Sale table, providing a full transaction history. Every time you edit a sale, the current record of the sale is also saved here.
SaleStakeholder Stakeholders in the sale, very similar to project members
selectionmember Selection detail table Each row in a selection is represented by one record in this table. Contact_id is always filled in, person_id is optional, but if used, must point to a person belonging to the contact in contact_id.
ShipmentTypeReservation ShipmentTypes a person has reserved against. Note that the absense of a record here implies acceptance of a mailings of this type
sms This table will hold outgoing sms messages when transmitted with WebServices
StatusValue Values for statuses
TemporaryKey Temporary keys for lightweight authentications such as changing ones subscriptions
text Long text fields from all over the system
ticket This table contains the tickets (requests) of the system. Its purpose should be evident.
ticket_customers This table allows several customers to be connected to several tickets (many-to-many)
ticket_log_action This table contains actions for the tickets.
ticket_priority This table contains the ticket priorities.
TZLocation Time zone location
udpersonLarge User-defined fields
udpersonSmall User-defined fields
URL Unified Resource Locators, URL to contacts, persons or projects.
user_candidate This table will hold user candidate secrets
workflow SuperOffice specific info about a workflow
workflow_instance A set of properties related to the workflow instance of one participant going through the flow

Replication Flags

  • Area Management controlled table. Contents replicated to satellites and traveller databases.
  • Replicate changes UP from satellites and travellers back to central.
  • Copy to satellite and travel prototypes.
  • Cache table during filtering.

Security Flags

  • Sentry controls access to items in this table using user's Role and data rights matrix.