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196 lines (154 loc) · 7.64 KB

File metadata and controls

196 lines (154 loc) · 7.64 KB


CLI tool used to import custom music into Crypt of the Necrodancer without being in-game.


  1. Downloads the provided media URL with youtube-dl
  2. Converts the media to MP3 format with ffmpeg or any other valid converter
  3. Beat-maps the audio file with beattracker based on essentia (shipped with the game on Windows); alternatively, uses a static beats-per-minute value
  4. Edits the game's save file to add dummy symlinks - all at once (only happens when run for the first time)
  5. Creates a symlink for the music file in ./symlinks <==> ./music
  6. Creates a symlink for the beatmap file in ./beatmaps <==> (game-dir)/data/custom_music/


  • Audio files are stored in ./music/
  • Beatmap files are stored in ./beatmaps
  • Since the script is using symlinks, the music can be swapped:
    • when the game is not running
    • ingame, in lobby
    • ingame, in a different level
  • On Windows, in order to create symlinks, admin rights are required. Alternatively, the SeCreateSymbolicLinkPrivilege privilege needs to be allowed for the current user. More info: StackExchange discussion


Exported members:

const {
} = require("necrodancer-custom-music");

fullProcess {AsyncFunction}

Fully processes the provided link - downloads + beatmaps + saves it into the game save file into a given zone.


  • {string} options.gameDir Game directory path.
  • {string} Media link path - needs to be compatible with youtube-dl.
  • {string} Game zone identifier.
  • boolean} [options.backupSaveFile] If true explicitly, will create backups of save file.
  • {boolean} [options.prepareAllSymlinks] If false explicitly, will not attempt to create symlinks for music in all zones.
  • {string} [options.saveFile] Optional full path to game's save file. If not provided, one is detected automatically.
  • {boolean} [options.forceDownload] If true, the audio file will be re-downloaded even if it is present already
  • {boolean} [options.forceBeatmap] If true, the audio file will be beatmapped even if the beatmap file is present already
  • {number} [options.bpm] When not using auto bpm detection, this is the song's BPM measure
  • {number} [options.offset] When not using auto bpm detection, this is the song's BPM shift forward in seconds
  • {string} [options.beatmapExecutable] When not using auto bpm detection, this is the path to the auto-detect executable


  • nothing

beatmap {AsyncFunction}

Creates a beatmap file for a provided audio file and path.


  • {Object} options
  • {string} [options.beatmapExecutable] Path to the beatmapping executable
  • {string} options.fileName Audio file name
  • {string} options.filePath Path to the audio file to beatmap
  • {number} [options.bpm] Static BPM - used when no executable is provided
  • {number} [options.offset] Static BPM - offset - shift forward, in seconds


  • {Object} result
  • {string} result.filePath Resulting beatmap file name
  • {"auto"|"manual"} Confirmation of what BPM mapping method was used

detectSaveFile {Function}

Detects a save file within the game's install directory.


  • {string} gameDir Game install directory


  • {string|null} path Full savefile path, or null, if none were found

downloadMedia {AsyncFunction}

Downloads the audio file based on a URL, using youtube-dl.


  • {string} link Media file URL
  • {Object} options
  • {string} [options.filePath] If provided, this is the path the resulting audio file will be saved to. Determined automatically if not present.
  • {boolean} [options.force] If true, the audio will be re-downloaded even if it exists already.


  • {*} result youtube-dl download result
  • {*} info youtube-dl get-video-info result
  • {string|null} filePath Result audio file path
  • {boolean} skipped Determines if the download was skipped

fetchPath {AsyncFunction}

Small utils method for non-throwing check if a file/directory exists.


  • {string} path


  • {*|null} result of fs.stat if file exists; if it doesn't, null instead

getMediaInfo {AsyncFunction}

Simple async wrapper for youtube-dl.getInfo.


  • {string} link media URL


  • {Object} result return value of youtube-dl.getInfo

prepareZoneSymlinks {AsyncFunction}

Edits the game save file, so that all zones' music will point to symlinks. This is so no more editing of the save files is necessary later.


  • {string} saveFilePath full save file path


  • nothing

removeZoneSymlinks {AsyncFunction}

Removes symlinks for each provided zone.


  • {...string} ...zones Zones to as a list of arguments


  • nothing

resetZones {AsyncFunction}

Resets one or more zone music to "none" - the default null value in game * @param * @param


  • {string} saveFilePath full save file path
  • {string[]} zones list of zones to reset. if the first value is "all", resets all zones


  • nothing

SaveFileEditor {class}

Works with a single save file, and edits some of its attributes. Acts as a wrapper around the save file's XML structure.

CLI tool


  • clone/fork the repo
  • run npm or yarn
  • run npm run init or yarn run init
  • edit config.json and fill in the directory property with your Crypt of the Necrodancer install directory
  • make sure to back up your game save file before proceeding - in case it needs to be rolled back
  • run script with node ./crypt.js or ./crypt.js (with shebang)


  • directory - path to Crypt of the NecroDancer install directory
  • beatmapExecutable - path to the beat-mapping executable (note that relevant argument has higher priority than config value)


./crypt.js (video-url) (zone-id) [-h|--help] [--bpm] [--offset] [--force-reload] [--beat-tracker]

  • -h, --help Prints a simple usage help
  • (video-url) First argument - media video link to be downloaded, beat-mapped and added to the game
  • (zone-id) Second argument - game zone identifier
  • --bpm=# If provided, the beat will be static, and generated from the provided BPM number
  • --offset=# If provided along with --bpm, the beats will be shifted forward by this offset - provided in seconds
  • --force-reload Re-downloads the audio file, and re-runs beat mapping even if the files are already present
  • --beat-tracker When using automatic beat mapping, this is the path to the beat-mapping executable. If not provided, uses the default one found on Windows in (game-dir)/data/essentia/beattracker.exe
  • --debug Enables debug logging

Zone identifiers

Each song can be bound to exactly one game zone track per execution. The full list of identifiers can be found in ./zone-map.json, and edited - if this is desired

Regular zones

These follow the identifier format (zone)-(level), ranging from 1-1 through 5-3.

Boss zones

Boss areas can use either of multiple identifiers:

Boss Full Simple Code
King Conga Kappa king-conga conga boss-1
Deep Blues deep-blues chess boss-2
Death Metal death-metal metal boss-3
Coral Riff coral-riff coral boss-4
Fortissimole fortissimole mole boss-5