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Local Llama Electron

This is a simple demo app that embeds node-llama-cpp into an Electron.js. Think of this as a basic skeleton for how you can create your own version of LM Studio, but without having to go through some javascript compiler pain.

Key details

This is built using Electron Forge which is usually a great way to get an Electron app up and running. However, we have to do a few magic tricks due to requirements fro node-llama-cpp:

  • First, we have to use Electron v28 which is in beta so that the whole project can use EcmaScript Modules instead of Common JS. That's done in the project dependencies.
  • Next, since we want to make life easier with React.JS, we have to get Vite working right. Electron doesn't fully support ESM in their vite plugin, so I forked it here. This is also included in the dependencies.
  • Finally, make sure we leave node-llama-cpp as an external dependency instead of trying to compile it.

In a follow up blog post, I'll explain all these steps in depth since they were honestly a huge pain.

Hacking together multi-modal support

To run llama-cpp-python with a vision model, we can do the following:

python -m llama_cpp.server \
  --model ~/.cache/lm-studio/models/mys/ggml_llava-v1.5-7b/ggml-model-q5_k.gguf \
  --model_alias llava-1.5 \
  --clip_model_path ~/.cache/lm-studio/models/mys/ggml_llava-v1.5-7b/mmproj-model-f16.gguf \
  --chat_format llava-1-5 \
  --n_gpu_layers 1

NOTE: If you're running on an M2, the latest version of llama-cpp-python might be a pain to install. See this issue for some fixes.

To run a minimal OpenAI compatible image generation server, go to local-sdxl-turbo, install and run it. This is setup to use the default port.


A demonstration Electron app using node-llama-cpp







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