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Nimiq CUDA GPU Mining Client for Nvidia Cards

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Optimized Nimiq GPU mining client that provides high-performance results, open source codebase, nano protocol, and a 0% Dev for Nvidia graphics cards.

Quickstart (Ubuntu/Debian)

  1. Install Node.js.
  2. Install git and build-essential: sudo apt-get install -y git build-essential.
  3. Install CUDA
  4. Clone this repository: git clone
  5. Build the project: cd sushi-miner-cuda && npm install.
  6. Copy miner.sample.conf to miner.conf: cp miner.sample.conf miner.conf.
  7. Edit miner.conf, specify your wallet address.
  8. Run the miner UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE=12 nodejs index.js. Ensure UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE is higher than a number of GPU * threads in your system.

HiveOS Mining FlightSheet

Use the following FlightSheet settings to start mining Nimiq with HiveOS. HiveOS

Developer Fee

This client offers a 0% Dev Fee!

Nimiq GPU Support

Nvidia TITAN Xp, Titan X, GeForce GTX 1080 Ti, GTX 1080, GTX 1070 Ti, GTX 1070, GTX 1060, GTX 1050 Ti, GTX 1050, GT 1030, MX150 , Quadro P6000, Quadro P5000, Quadro P4000, Quadro P2000, Quadro P1000, Quadro P600, Quadro P400, Quadro P5000(Mobile), Quadro P4000(Mobile), Quadro P3000(Mobile) Tesla P40, Tesla P6, Tesla P4 , NVIDIA TITAN RTX, GeForce RTX 2080 Ti, RTX 2080, RTX 2070, RTX 2060 Quadro RTX 8000, Quadro RTX 6000, Quadro RTX 5000, Quadro RTX 4000

Drivers Requirements

Please update to the latest Nvidia Cuda 10 drivers.

Mining Parameters

Parameter       Description                                            Data Type

address         Nimiq wallet address                                    [string]
                Example: "address": "NQ...",

host            Pool server address
                Example: "host": ""                     [string]
port            Pool server port
                Example: "port": "443"
                Default: 443                                            [number]

consensus       Consensus method used
                Possible values are "dumb" or "nano"
                Note that "dumb" mode (i.e. no consensus) only works with SushiPool.
                Example: "consensus": "nano"                            [string]
name            Device name to show in the dashboard                    [string]
                Example: "name": "My Miner"
hashrate        Expected hashrate in kH/s                               [number]
                Example: "hashrate": 100
devices         GPU devices to use
                Example: "devices": [0,1,2]
                Default: All available GPUs                              [array]
memory          Allocated memory in Mb for each device
                Example: "memory": [3072,3840,3840,3840]                 [array]
threads         Number of threads per GPU
                Example: "threads": [1,1,2,2]
                Default: 2                                               [array]
cache           Number of Argon2 blocks cached into the local GPU memory
                Example: "cache": [2,2,4,4]
                Notes: Nvidia 2080 TI = 2, Nvidia 1080 TI = 4, Nvidia 1060 = 2
                Disable: [0]
                Default: 4                                               [array]
memoryTradeoff  Performs extra computations to reduce memory access
                Example: "memoryTradeoff": [192,192,192,192]
                Disable: [512] 
                Default: 192                                             [array]

Recommended Settings

GPU Model          GPU RAM          Memory          Cache          MemoryTradeoff          OS          Hashrate

Nvidia 1080 TI       11GB            5248             2                 256               HiveOS        458KH/S

Nvidia 1060          6GB             2816             2                 224               HiveOS        192KH/S

Nvidia 1060          3GB             1280             2                 384               HiveOS        183KH/S

Nvidia 106-100       6GB             2816             2                 384               HiveOS        160KH/S




