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This is the latest (development) release of the DeepJetCore Framework.


  • While installing on Scientific Linux 7 (available on lxplus7 at CERN), these are the steps you can follow. Ensure you have the correct OS before proceeding.

Anaconda/Miniconda Setup

  • Anaconda vs. Miniconda: There are differences in older versions of anaconda and miniconda in terms of activating the environment and the name of the default environment that both the package managers use. In Anaconda, the default environment is called root while in Miniconda, it is labeled as base. So depending on what you have, first run:
conda update -n <name_of_default_environment> conda
  • Please note that the successful execution of the source command will be dependent on having the latest (>= 4.6.1) version of Anaconda/Miniconda installed.

  • Note: The conda environment will require disk space, especially if you work with multiple conda environments so ensure you have enough disk space (at least 12 GB).

    $ mkdir <new-directory> 
    $ cd <new-directory>
    $ wget
    $ bash
  • You need to source ~/.bashrc or log out and log back in for the changes to take effect.

  • Once Anaconda is setup you can work with virtual environments as and when you like, cloning or creating new ones. In this case, we clone an environment from a file in order to use DeepJet on lxplus7.

    $ wget
    $ conda env create -f djlt.yaml -n deepjetpkg
  • In case install fails, and you want to remove the environment then use:
    $ conda env remove -n deepjetpkg

Recommended: Conda allows you to use source activate <env_name> for environments but it would be better if you follow the conda installation instructions (during miniconda3 installation) to enable the command conda by setting the conda path in your ~/.bashrc file

    $ echo ". /afs/" >> ~/.bashrc
    $ source ~/.bashrc

Not Recommended: Replace conda activate/deactivate with source activate/deactivate in and add the following lines as suggested by miniconda during installation of the environment.

    $ echo export PATH="/afs/$PATH" >> ~/.bashrc
    $ source ~/.bashrc

Clone the DeepJet Repository

  • DeepJetCore is a set of scripts aimed at providing a supervised learning environment for Physics. A set of examples for understanding usage of DeepJetCore is provided in DeepJet that allows users to understand and add their own architectures and datastructures to retrieve root files and train models on the data.
    $ git clone -b python-package
    $ git clone -b python-package
    $ cd DeepJet 
    $ source
    (deepjetpkg) $ cd ../DeepJetCore  # both have to lie in the same parent directory
    (deepjetpkg) $ make clean install 
  • This step will take a while as it compiles all the dependencies and figures out the linking of libraries.

Activate and Use DeepJet/DeepJetCore

  • Fix a bug with the original root environment script that was installed from the NLeSC channel.
    $ cp DeepJetCore/environment/  $CONDA_PREFIX/etc/conda/activate.d/  
  • You will need to set some environment variables each time you activate the virtual environment which are provided in the file We have a script which does this for you so all you need to do is the following:
    $ cd DeepJet
    $ source
    (deepjetpkg) $ cd ../DeepJetCore
    (deepjetpkg) $ make clean install
  • Now that you have installed the libraries, follow the for DeepJet in order to better understand the instructions and execution of commands within the library.

Common Errors

  • : GLIBCXX... version not found: Your has probably been symlinked against an older version of (e.g. Recreating this symlink against a newer version (e.g. should do the job for you. This could prove a useful StackOverflow reference point
    $ cd $CONDA_PREFIX/lib
  • Check which version of is actually sym-linked and any other versions available with GLIBCXX (here we assume it is
    (deepjetpkg) $ ls -ltr*
    (deepjetpkg) $ strings* | grep 'GLIBCXX'
    (deepjetpkg) $ ln -sf
  • 'datastructures' submodule not found: Please check if you have added the DeepJet/modules folder to the $PYTHONPATH environment variable.

  • not found: Check if you have added DeepJetCore/compiled folder to the path. It is either going to be in $CONDA_PREFIX/lib/python2.7/site-packages/DeepJetCore(version)/compiled or if you have cloned DeepJetCore then simply DeepJetCore/DeepJetCore/compiled

  • Tensorflow 1.9.0 requires setuptools <= 39.1.0 and you might have a different version installed. It can cause errors later so it is probably better to run an install with the requisite version AFTER activating the conda environment.

    (deepjetpkg) $ pip install setuptools==39.1.0
  • Update: This has been added to the environment file so if you face this issue, you have probably set up an older version of the environment. Just install setuptools as shown above to resolve the error.
  • pkg_resources.ResolutionError: Script '' not found in scripts/: This is probably a result of an incorrect/incomplete install of DeepJetCore and can be resolved by uninstalling and reinstalling the package in your conda environment.
    (deepjetpkg) $ pip uninstall DeepJetCore # library names ignore case
    (deepjetpkg) $ cd DeepJetCore
    (deepjetpkg) $ python build install  
  • If that doesn't work then the current fallback solution is to reinstall miniconda altogether.
  • Root library linking errors; undefined symbols: Ensure that $LD_PRELOAD and $LD_LIBRARY_PATH have been set according to the paths in file in DeepJet. Then recompile the shared libs or reinstall DeepJetCore to re-link the shared libs.
    $ cd DeepJet
    $ source
    (deepjetpkg) $ cd ../DeepJetCore
    (deepjetpkg) $ make clean install

Other errors require different kinds of fixes so feel free to either open an issue or send me an email and I'll get back to you with a solution.