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File metadata and controls

64 lines (46 loc) · 3.68 KB

Template Information

Name Description
File name ib/scenes-swift5.stencil
Configuration example
inputs: dir/to/search/for/storyboards
templateName: scenes-swift5
output: Storyboard Scenes.swift
Language Swift 5
Author Olivier Halligon

When to use it

  • When you need to generate Swift 5 code for your storyboard scenes.
  • The generated code supports both UIKit platforms (iOS, tvOS and watchOS) and AppKit platform (macOS).
  • Note: if you also need to generate code for your storyboard segues, you can use segues-swift5 in addition to this one.


You can customize some elements of this template by overriding the following parameters when invoking swiftgen. See the dedicated documentation.

Parameter Name Default Value Description
bundle BundleToken.bundle Allows you to set from which storyboard files are loaded from. By default, it'll point to the same bundle as where the generated code is. Note: ignored if lookupFunction parameter is set.
enumName StoryboardScene Allows you to change the name of the generated enum containing all storyboard scenes.
ignoreTargetModule N/A Setting this parameter will disable the behaviour of prefixing classes with their module name for (only) the target module.
lookupFunction N/A¹ Allows you to set your own custom lookup function. The function needs to have as signature: (name: NSStoryboard.Name) -> NSStoryboard on macOS, and (name: String) -> UIStoryboard on other platforms. The parameters of your function can have any name (or even no external name), but if it has named parameters, you must provide the complete function signature, including those named parameters – e.g. myStoryboardFinder(name:). Note: if you define this parameter, the bundle parameter will be ignored.
module N/A By default, the template will import the needed modules for custom classes, but won’t import the target’s module to avoid an import warning — using the PRODUCT_MODULE_NAME environment variable to detect it. Should you need to ignore an additional module, you can provide it here.
publicAccess N/A If set, the generated constants will be marked as public. Otherwise, they'll be declared internal.
  1. If you don't provide a lookupFunction, we will use NS/UIStoryboard(name:bundle:) with the bundle parameter instead.

Generated Code

Note: the generated code may look differently depending on the platform the storyboard file is targeting.


internal enum StoryboardScene {
  internal enum Dependency: StoryboardType {
    internal static let storyboardName = "Dependency"

    internal static let dependent = SceneType<ExtraModule.ValidatePasswordViewController>(storyboard: Dependency.self, identifier: "Dependent")
  internal enum Message: StoryboardType {
    internal static let storyboardName = "Message"

    internal static let initialScene = InitialSceneType<UIKit.UIViewController>(storyboard: Message.self)

    internal static let messagesList = SceneType<UITableViewController>(storyboard: Message.self, identifier: "MessagesList")

Full generated code

Usage example

// You can instantiate scenes using the `instantiate` method:
let vc = StoryboardScene.Dependency.dependent.instantiate()

// The initial scene of a storyboard can be instantiated using:
let initial = StoryboardScene.Message.initialScene.instantiate()