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49 lines (31 loc) · 1.17 KB

File metadata and controls

49 lines (31 loc) · 1.17 KB


From 1.x.x to 2.x.x

Replace All @Queryable Property Wrapper Instances

The @Queryable property wrapper has been replaced by a Queryable class conforming to ObservableObject that you can define anywhere, inside as well as outside the SwiftUI environment (e.g. in a view model or some other class a view has a access to).

In all your views, replace the following line:

@Queryable<Input, Result> var myQueryable

with this:

@StateObject var myQueryable = Queryable<Input, Result>

The @StateObject is only there to let SwiftUI handle the lifecycle of the object, it serves no other purpose.

If you pass a reference of a Queryable down the view hierarchy, replace this:

var myQueryable: Queryable<Input, Result>.Trigger

with this:

var myQueryable Queryable<Input, Result>

All the calls to the .queryable[...] view modifiers will still work as before, no changes are needed.

Replace Logger Configuration

The logger configuration call has moved outside the generic class. Replace the following line:

Queryable<Void, Void>.configureLog()

with this:
