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.. index::
   single: Installation


The Sylius main application can serve as an end-user app, as well as a foundation for your custom e-commerce application.

To create your Sylius-based application, first make sure you use PHP 7.3 or higher and have Composer installed.


In order to inform you about newest Sylius releases and be aware of shops based on Sylius, the Core Team uses an internal statistical service called GUS. The only data that is collected and stored in its database are hostname, user agent, locale, environment (test, dev or prod), current Sylius version and the date of last contact. If you do not want your shop to send requests to GUS, please visit :doc:`this guide </cookbook/configuration/disabling-admin-notifications>` for further instructions.

Initiating A New Sylius Project

To begin creating your new project, run this command:

composer create-project sylius/sylius-standard acme


Make sure to use PHP ^7.3. Using an older PHP version will result in installing an older version of Sylius.

This will create a new Symfony project in the acme directory. Next, move to the project directory:

cd acme

Sylius uses environment variables to configure the connection with database and mailer services. You can look up the default values in .env file and customise them by creating .env.local with variables you want to override. For example, if you want to change your database name from the default sylius_%kernel.environment% to my_custom_sylius_database, the contents of that new file should look like the following snippet:


After everything is in place, run the following command to install Sylius:

php bin/console sylius:install


During the sylius:install command you will be asked to provide important information, but also its execution ensures that the default currency (USD) and the default locale (English - US) are set. They can be changed later, respectively in the "Configuration > Channels" section of the admin and in the config/services.yaml file. If you want to change these before running the installation command, set the locale and sylius_installer_currency parameters in the config/services.yaml file. From now on all the prices will be stored in the database in USD as integers, and all the products will have to be added with a base american english name translation.

Installing assets

In order to see a fully functional frontend you will need to install its assets.

Sylius uses Gulp to build frontend assets using Yarn as a JavaScript package manager.

Having Yarn installed, go to your project directory to install the dependencies:

yarn install

Then build the frontend assets by running:

yarn build

Accessing the Shop

We strongly recommend using the Symfony Local Web Server by running the symfony server:start command and then accessing in your web browser to see the shop.


Get to know more about using Symfony Local Web Server in the Symfony server documentation. If you are using a built-in server check here.

You can log to the administrator panel located at /admin with the credentials you have provided during the installation process.

How to start developing? - Project Structure

After you have successfully gone through the installation process of Sylius-Standard you are probably going to start developing within the framework of Sylius.

In the root directory of your project you will find these important subdirectories:

  • config/ - here you will be adding the yaml configuration files including routing, security, state machines configurations etc.
  • var/log/ - these are the logs of your application
  • var/cache/ - this is the cache of you project
  • src/ - this is where you will be adding all you custom logic in the App
  • public/ - there you will be placing assets of your project


As it was mentioned before we are basing on Symfony, that is why we've adopted its approach to architecture. Read more in the Symfony documentation. Read also about the best practices while structuring your project.


If you would like to contribute to Sylius - please go to the :doc:`Contribution Guide </book/contributing/index>`