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File metadata and controls

70 lines (43 loc) · 3.23 KB


This document explains why certain conflicts were added to composer.json and references related issues.

  • doctrine/doctrine-bundle:2.3.0:

    This version makes Gedmo Doctrine Extensions fail (tree and position behaviour mostly).

    References: doctrine/DoctrineBundle#1305

  • jms/serializer-bundle:4.1.0:

    This version contains service with a wrong constructor arguments: Invalid definition for service ".container.private.profiler": argument 4 of "JMS\SerializerBundle\Debug\DataCollector::__construct()" accepts "JMS\SerializerBundle\Debug\TraceableDriver", "JMS\SerializerBundle\Debug\TraceableMetadataFactory" passed.

    References: schmittjoh/JMSSerializerBundle#902

  • symfony/dependency-injection:5.4.5:

    This version is causing a problem with mink session: InvalidArgumentException: Specify session name to get in vendor/friends-of-behat/mink/src/Mink.php:198,

  • symfony/framework-bundle:5.4.5:

    This version is causing a problem with returning null as token from Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\Storage\TokenStorage which leads to wrong solving path prefix by Sylius\Bundle\ApiBundle\Provider\PathPrefixProvider in API scenarios

  • api-platform/core:2.7.0:

    The FQCN of ApiPlatform\Core\Metadata\Resource\ResourceNameCollection has changed to: ApiPlatform\Metadata\Resource\ResourceNameCollection and due to this fact Sylius\Bundle\ApiBundle\Swagger\AcceptLanguageHeaderDocumentationNormalizer references this class throws an exception Class "ApiPlatform\Core\Metadata\Resource\ResourceNameCollection" not found

  • doctrine/migrations:3.5.3:

    This version is causing a problem with migrations and results in throwing a Doctrine\Migrations\Exception\MetadataStorageError exception e.g. when executing sylius:install command. References: doctrine/migrations#1302

  • lexik/jwt-authentication-bundle: ^2.18

    After bumping to this version ApiBundle starts failing due to requesting a non-existing api_platform.openapi.factory.legacy service. As we are not using this service across the ApiBundle we added this conflict to unlock the builds, until we investigate the problem.

  • symfony/framework-bundle:6.2.8:

    This version is missing the service alias validator.expression which causes ValidatorException exception to be thrown when using Expression constraint.

  • doctrine/orm:>= 2.16.0

    This version makes Sylius Fixtures loading fail on the product review fixtures. References: doctrine/orm#10869

  • symfony/validator:5.4.25 || 6.2.12 || 6.3.1

    This version introduced a bug, causing validation constraints to not work. References: symfony/symfony#50780

  • stof/doctrine-extensions-bundle:1.8.0

    This version introduced configuring the metadata cache for the extensions, what breaks the Timestampable behaviour. This package is not exactly the root of the problem, but it started using a bugged feature of the gedmo/doctrine-extensions package.
