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To use konan-sdk, first install it using pip:

(.venv) $ pip install konan-sdk

Making a prediction

To make a prediction, you can use the konan_sdk.sdk.KonanSDK.predict() method:

For example:

from konan_sdk.sdk import KonanSDK

sdk = KonanSDK(verbose=False) # Initialize the SDK.

user = sdk.login(api_key="<api-key>")  # Login user your valid konan API Key
# user = sdk.login(email="<email>", password="<password>") # Login user your valid Konan credentials

input_data = {"feature_1": 1, "feature_2": "abc", } # Define the input data to be passed to your model

prediction_uuid, ml_output = sdk.predict("<deployment_uuid>", input_data) # Run the prediction

print(prediction_uuid, ml_output) # Print the returned output

Listing Past Predictions

To list past predictions, make use of the konan_sdk.sdk.KonanSDK.get_predictions() method, which uses yield-based semantics to both allow you to retrieve a large number of predictions while also maintaining low request latency and response size.

import datetime
from konan_sdk.sdk import KonanSDK

sdk = KonanSDK(verbose=False) # Initialize the SDK.
user = sdk.login(api_key="<api-key>")  # Login user your valid konan API Key
# user = sdk.login(email="<email>", password="<password>") # Login user your valid Konan credentials

predictions_generator = sdk.get_predictions(
   start_time=datetime.datetime(year=2022, month=9, day=1),
   end_time=datetime.datetime(year=2022, month=10, day=1),

for predictions in predictions_generator:
   # predictions is a list of KonanPrediction objects
   # Inspect the first KonanPrediction in the list
   print(predictions[0].uuid, predictions[0].features)
   print(predictions[0].output, predictions[0].feedback)

Konan Model Creation

You can also use konan-sdk to kickstart your AI model into production! The konan_sdk.konan_service subpackage provides all what you will need to transform your model's logic into a Konan-compatible Model.

Check out the Konan Template Deployments repo and Konan Docs for more information on how to extend the konan_sdk.konan_service.* classes to prepare your Konan-compatible Model.