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Simple Paste Server



  • Golang w/ Echo and Pgxpool


  • Typescript w/ NextJS, TailwindCSS, PrismJS, SWR and React-Hook-Form


  1. Get PostgreSQL setup

  2. Rename .env.example to .env, and change DATABASE_URL to your Postgres connection DSN, and SERVER_URL, to what URL you plan to access the API from, for example

  3. Get Golang and NodeJS setup, and then run make p-install or go get ./... && cd web && npm i.

  4. For a Production Environment run make p-start or go build -o main && ./main & cd web && npm run build && npm run start && fg

  5. For a Development Environment run make p-dev or air & cd web && npm run dev && fg


Run make docker or docker build -t sysnomid_paste_server . && docker run -dp 4300:4300 sysnomid_paste_server to get a container with the paste API.


API Base URL =


Used to Create a Paste.

Example cURL:

All fields listed are required except for expires_at.

If the request went through without error, you will receive a unique id that you can then access your paste from.

List of supported languages are available at create.sql

To specify an expiry date, use the TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE format, (

Example - 2030-04-23 01:10

GET /p/:id

Used to access pastes and their associated data in JSON.

Example Response:

 "ID": 10765432100123456789,
 "Title": "Untitled",
 "CreatedAt": "2021-04-18T19:45:01.406173Z",
 "Language": "none",
 "LanguageDisplayName": "Plaintext"

GET /p/:id/raw

Used to get the body of a paste in plaintext.