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File metadata and controls

97 lines (81 loc) · 5.19 KB
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Bind bundles

If you defined in the meta.yaml file that your plan is bindable, you must also create a bind.yaml file. The bind.yaml file supports the Service Catalog binding concept. It is mandatory for all bindable plans as it contains information needed during the binding process. Currently, Kyma supports only the credentials-type binding.

NOTE: Resolving the values from the bind.yaml file is a post-provision action. If this operation ends with an error, the provisioning also fails.

In the bind.yaml file, you can use the Helm chart templates directives. See the example:

# bind.yaml
  - name: HOST
    value: {{ template "redis.fullname" . }}.{{ .Release.Namespace }}.svc.cluster.local
{{- if .Values.usePassword }}
        name: {{ template "redis.fullname" . }}
        key: redis-password
{{- end }}

In this example, the system renders the bind.yaml file. The system resolves all the directives enclosed in the double curly braces in the same way as in the files located in the templates directory in your Helm chart.

File specification

Define the following fields to create a valid bind.yaml file:

Field Name Description
credential The list of credential variables returned during the binding action. The name of a given credential variable.
credential.value The variable value. You can also use the Helm Chart templating directives. This field is interchangeable with credential.valueFrom.
credential.valueFrom The source of the given credential variable's value. This field is interchangeable with credential.value.
credential.valueFrom.configMapKeyRef The field which selects a ConfigMap key in the Helm chart release Namespace. The name of the ConfigMap.
credential.valueFrom.configMapKeyRef.key The name of the key from which the value is retrieved.
credential.valueFrom.secretKeyRef The field which selects a Secret key in the Helm Chart release Namespace. The name of the Secret.
credential.valueFrom.secretKeyRef.key The name of the key from which the value is retrieved.
credential.valueFrom.serviceRef The field which selects a service resource in the Helm Chart release Namespace. The name of the service.
credential.valueFrom.serviceRef.jsonpath The JSONPath expression used to select the specified field value. For more information, see the User Guide.
credentialFrom The list of sources to populate credential variables on the binding action. When the key exists in multiple sources, the value associated with the last source takes precedence. Variables from the credential section override the values if duplicated keys exist.
credentialFrom.configMapRef The ConfigMap to retrieve the values from. It must be available in the Helm chart release Namespace. The name of the ConfigMap.
credentialFrom.secretRef The Secret to retrieve the values from. It must be available in the Helm chart release Namespace. The name of the Secret.

See the fully extended example of the bind.yaml file:

  - name: HOST
    value: redis.svc.cluster.local
  - name: PORT
        name: redis-svc
        jsonpath: '{ .spec.ports[?("redis")].port }'
        name: redis-secrets
        key: redis-password
  - name: REDIS_DB_NAME
        name: redis-cm
        key: redis-db-name

  - configMapRef:
    name: redis-config
  - secretRef:
    name: redis-v2-secrets

In this example, the Helm Broker returns the following values:

  • A HOST key with the defined inlined value.
  • A PORT key with the value from the field specified by the JSONPath expressions. The redis-svc Service runs this expression.
  • A REDIS_PASSWORD key with a value selected by the redis-password key from the redis-secrets Secret.
  • All the key-value pairs fetched from the redis-config ConfigMap.
  • All the key-value pairs fetched from the redis-v2-secrets Secrets.

Credential name conflicts policy

The following rules apply in case of credential name conflicts:

  • If the credential and credentialFrom fields have duplicate values, the system uses the values from the credential field.
  • If you duplicate a key in the credential field, an error appears and informs you about the name of the key that the conflict refers to.
  • If a key exists in the multiple sources defined by the credentialFrom section, the value associated with the last source takes precedence.