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File metadata and controls

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Kubernetes - Overview and Introduction to Pods

In this section we give an overview of the Kubernetes system and introduce the first major Kubernetes abstraction, the Pod.

After going through this module, the student should be able to:

  • Connect to the class Kubernetes cluster and issue basic commands using kubectl.
  • Describe a Kubernetes pod in a yaml file and use kubectl to deploy the pod to the cluster.
  • Retrieve details about the pod including status and logs.
  • Use labels to organize pods deployed to the Kubernetes cluster.

Kubernetes Overview

Kubernetes (k8s) is itself a distributed system of software components that run a cluster of one or more machines (physical computers or virtual machines). Each machine in a k8s cluster is either a "manager" or a "worker" node.

Users communicate with k8s by making requests to its API. The following steps outline how Kubernetes works at a high level:

  1. Requests to k8s API describe the user's desired state on the cluster; for example, the desire that 3 containers of a certain image are running.
  2. The k8s API schedules new containers to run on one or more worker nodes.
  3. After the containers are started, the Kubernetes deployment controller, installed on each worker node, monitors the containers on the node.
  4. The k8s components, including the API and the deployment controllers, maintain both the desired state and the actual state in a distributed database. The components continuously coordinate together to make the actual state converge to the desired state.


It is important to note that most of the time, the k8s API as well as the worker nodes are running on separate machines from the machine we use to interact with k8s (i.e., make API requests to it). The machine we use to interact with k8s only needs to have the k8s client tools installed, and in fact, as the k9s API is available over HTTP, we don't strictly speaking require the tools -- we could use curl or some other http client -- but the tools make interacting with the API much easier.

Connecting to the TACC Kubernetes Instance

In this class, we will use a Kubernetes cluster running at TACC that we have created for use in this class for deploying our applications. To simplify the process of accessing the Kubernetes cluster, we have enabled connectivity to it from the ips02 host. Therefore, any time you want to work with k8s, simply SSH to isp02 with your TACC username as you have throughout the semester and then ssh to

[laptop] $ ssh <tacc_username>
[isp02] $ ssh <tacc_username>


The COE 332 kubernetes cluster is not available on the public internet for security reasons. You must first SSH to isp02 before ssh'ing to

First Commands with k8s

We will use the Kubernetes Command Line Interface (CLI) referred to as "kubectl" (pronounced "Kube control") to make requests to the Kubernetes API. We could use any HTTP client, including a command-line client such as curl, but kubectl simplifies the process of formatting requests.

The kubectl software should already be installed and configured to use the Freetail K8s cluster. Let's verify that is the case by running the following:

$ kubectl version -o yaml

You should see output similar to the following:

    buildDate: "2022-03-16T15:58:47Z"
    compiler: gc
    gitCommit: c285e781331a3785a7f436042c65c5641ce8a9e9
    gitTreeState: clean
    gitVersion: v1.23.5
    goVersion: go1.17.8
    major: "1"
    minor: "23"
    platform: linux/amd64

    buildDate: "2022-02-16T12:32:02Z"
    compiler: gc
    gitCommit: e6c093d87ea4cbb530a7b2ae91e54c0842d8308a
    gitTreeState: clean
    gitVersion: v1.23.4
    goVersion: go1.17.7
    major: "1"
    minor: "23"
    platform: linux/amd64

This command made an API request to the TACC k8s cluster and returned information about the version of k8s running there (under serverVersion) as well as the version of the kubectl that we are running (under clientVersion).


The output of the kubectl command was yaml because we used the -o yaml flag. We could have asked for the output to be formatted in json with -o json. The -o flag is widely available on kubectl commands.

Introduction to Pods

Pods are a fundamental abstraction within Kubernetes and are the most basic unit of computing that can be deployed onto the cluster. A pod can be thought of as generalizing the notion of a container: a pod contains one or more containers that are tightly coupled and need to be scheduled together, on the same computer, with access to a shared file system and a shared network address.


By far, the majority pods you will meet in the wild, including the ones used in this course, will only include one container. A pod with multiple containers can be thought of as an "advanced" use case.

Hello, Kubernetes

To begin, we will define a pod with one container. As we will do with all the resources we want to create in k8s, we will describe our pod in a yaml file.

Create a file called pod-basic.yml, open it up in an editor and paste the following code in:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: hello
    - name: hello
      image: ubuntu:18.04
      command: ['sh', '-c', 'echo "Hello, Kubernetes!" && sleep 3600']

Let's break this down. The top four attributes are common to all k8s resource descriptions:

  • apiVersion -- describes what version of the k8s API we are working in. We are using v1.
  • kind -- tells k8s what kind of resource we are describing, in this case a Pod.
  • metadata -- in general, this is additional information about the resource we are describing that doesn't pertain to its operation. Here, we are giving our pod a name, hello.
  • spec -- This is where the actual description of the resource begins. The contents of this stanza vary depending on the kind of resource you are creating. We go into more details on this in the next section.


Only one Kubernetes object of a specific kind can have a given name at a time. If you define a second pod with the same name you will overwrite the first pod. This is true of all the different types of k8s objects we will be creating.

The Pod Spec

In k8s, you describe resources you want to create or update using a spec. The required and optional parameters available depend on the kind of resource you are describing.

The pod spec we defined looked like this:

    - name: hello
      image: ubuntu:18.04
      command: ['sh', '-c', 'echo "Hello, Kubernetes!" && sleep 3600']

There is just one stanza, the containers stanza, which is a list of containers (recall that pods can contain multiple containers). Here we are defining just one container. For each container, we provide:

  • name (optional) -- this is the name of the container, similar to the name attribute in Docker.
  • image (required) -- the image we want to use for the container, just like with Docker.
  • command (optional) -- the command we want to run in the container. Here we are running a short BASH script.

Creating the Pod In K8s

We are now ready to create our pod in k8s. To do so, we use the kubectl apply command. In general, when you have a description of a resource that you want to create or update in k8s, the kubectl apply command can be used.

In this case, our description is contained in a file, so we use the -f flag. Try this now:

$ kubectl apply -f pod-basic.yml

If all went well and k8s accepted your request, you should see an output like this:

pod/hello created


The message pod/hello created indicates that the description of the pod was valid, that k8s has saved the pod definition in its database and that it is working on starting the pod on the cluster. It does not mean the pod is already created/running on the cluster.

In practice, we won't be creating many Pod resources directly -- we'll be creating other resources, such as deployments that are made up of pods -- but it is important to understand pods and to be able to work with pods using kubectl for debugging and other management tasks.


The pod we just created is running on the k8s cluster, NOT on isp02 and NOT on You will not be able to find it using commands like docker ps, etc.

During the lecture, we'll draw a picture here to help explain what is going on.

Working With Pods

We can use additional kubectl commands to get information about the pods we run on k8s.

Listing Pods

For example, we can list the pods on the cluster with kubectl get <object_type> -- in this case, the object type is "pods":

$ kubectl get pods

  NAME                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
  ds-staging-6df657fbd-tbht5       1/1     Running   0          34d
  elasticsearch-748f666f4f-svf2h   1/1     Running   0          76d
  hello                            1/1     Running   0          3s
  kibana-f5b79569f-r4pl6           1/1     Running   0          78d
  sidecartest-5454b7d49b-q8fvw     3/3     Running   472        78d

The output is fairly self-explanatory. We see a line for every pod which includes its name, status, the number of times it has been restarted and its age. Our hello pod is listed above, with an age of 3s because we just started it but it is already RUNNING. Several additional pods are listed in my output above due to prior work sessions.

A Word on Authentication and Namespaces

With all the students running their own pods on the same k8s cluster, you might be wondering why you only see your pod or why you don't see my pods? The reason is that when you make an API request to k8s, you tell the API who you are and what namespace you want to make the request in. Namespaces in k8s are logically isolated views or partitions of the k8s objects. Your kubectl client is configured to make requests in a namespace that is private to you; we set these namespaces up for COE 332.

We set up the k8s client configuration ahead of time for you. The client configuration resides in the file ~/.kube/config. Take a look at the file if you are interested.

Getting and Describing Pods

We can pass the pod name to the get command -- i.e., kubectl get pods <pod_name> -- to just get information on a single pod

$ kubectl get pods hello
  hello   1/1     Running   0          3m1s

The -o wide flag can be used to get more information:

$ kubectl get pods hello -o wide
  hello   1/1     Running   0          14m   kube-3.novalocal   <none>           <none>

Finally, the kubectl describe <resource_type> <resource_name> command gives additional information, including the k8s events at the bottom. While we won't go into the details now, this information can be helpful when troubleshooting a pod that has failed:

$ kubectl describe pods hello
  Name:         hello
  Namespace:    jstubbs
  Priority:     0
  Node:         kube-3.novalocal/
  Start Time:   Fri, 25 Mar 2022 21:52:11 +0000
  Labels:       <none>
  Annotations: cfb4e44a8f265f9cc2bde568606d2c01f37a72b238fa0cbdbd2478c9008c2dc0
  Status:       Running
  Container ID:  containerd://6b06364267fcae79afbb132969608e26ab4e97473076f5e7856196bb9f88f44f
  Image:         ubuntu:18.04
  Image ID:
  Port:          <none>
  Host Port:     <none>
      echo "Hello, Kubernetes!" && sleep 3600
  State:          Running
      Started:      Fri, 25 Mar 2022 21:52:20 +0000
  Ready:          True
  Restart Count:  0
  Environment:    <none>
      /var/run/secrets/ from kube-api-access-n7j9g (ro)
  Type              Status
  Initialized       True
  Ready             True
  ContainersReady   True
  PodScheduled      True
  Type:                    Projected (a volume that contains injected data from multiple sources)
  TokenExpirationSeconds:  3607
  ConfigMapName:           kube-root-ca.crt
  ConfigMapOptional:       <nil>
  DownwardAPI:             true
  QoS Class:                   BestEffort
  Node-Selectors:              <none>
  Tolerations:        op=Exists for 300s
                     op=Exists for 300s
  Type    Reason     Age    From               Message
  ----    ------     ----   ----               -------
  Normal  Scheduled  10m    default-scheduler  Successfully assigned jstubbs/hello to kube-3.novalocal
  Normal  Pulling    10m    kubelet            Pulling image "ubuntu:18.04"
  Normal  Pulled     9m52s  kubelet            Successfully pulled image "ubuntu:18.04" in 7.784328594s
  Normal  Created    9m52s  kubelet            Created container hello
  Normal  Started    9m52s  kubelet            Started container hello

Getting Pod Logs

Finally, we can use kubectl logs <pod_name> command to get the logs associated with a pod:

$ kubectl logs hello
  Hello, Kubernetes!

Note that the logs command does not include the resource name ("pods") because it only can be applied to pods. The logs command in k8s is equivalent to that in Docker; it returns the standard output (stdout) of the container.

Using Labels

In the pod above we used the metadata stanza to give our pod a name. We can use labels to add additional metadata to a pod. A label in k8s is nothing more than a name: value pair that we create to organize objects in a meaningful way. We can choose any value for name and value that we wish but they must be strings. If you want to use a number like "10" for a label name or value, be sure to enclose it in quotes (i.e., "10").

You can think of these name:value pairs as variables and values. So for example, you might create a label called shape with values circle, triangle, square, etc. A more realistic label might be component_type with values api, database, worker, etc. Multiple pods can have the same name:value label.

Let's use the pod definition above to create a new pod with a label.

Create a file called pod-label.yml, open it up in an editor and paste the following code in:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: hello-label
    version: "1.0"
    - name: hello
      image: ubuntu:18.04
      command: ['sh', '-c', 'echo "Hello, Kubernetes!" && sleep 3600']

Let's create this pod using kubectl apply:

$ kubectl apply -f pod-label.yml
pod/hello-label created

Now when we list our pods, we should see it

$ kubectl get pods
  hello         1/1     Running   0          22m
  hello-label   1/1     Running   0          22s

Filtering By Labels With Selectors

Labels are useful because we can use selectors to filter our results for a given label name and value. To specify a label name and value, use the following syntax: --selector "<label_name>=<label_value>".

For instance, we can search for pods with the version 1.0 label like so:

$ kubectl get pods  --selector "version=1.0"
  hello-label   1/1     Running   0          4m58s

We can also just use the label name to filter with the syntax --selector "<label_name>". This will find any pods with the label <label_name>, regardless of the value.

Additional Resources