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Homework 02

Due Date: Tuesday, Feb 6, by 11:00am central time


Our in-class examples so far have used a modified and abridged Meteorite Landings data set. For this homework, we will work with the real Meteorite Landings data set from NASA while exercising our Python3 best practices.


Write two Python3 scripts for reading and summarizing the Meteorite Landings data from NASA. The requirements are as follows:

  • Scripts are organized following guidelines in Unit 03
  • Primary script reads in CSV-formatted Meteorite Landings data
  • Primary script contains at least three functions for parsing the data and printing some summary statistics to screen. These cannot be the same functions shown in the class readthedocs (i.e. not compute_average_mass, check_hemisphere, or count_classes)
  • At least one function must make use of the great-circle distance algorithm to calculate the distance between landing sites
  • The great-circle distance algorithm must be provided as a standalone script / function that is imported into your primary script
  • All functions must contain appropriate doc strings and type hints
  • All functions must contain corresponding unit tests in an appropriately-named files. Unit tests must be compatible with pytest
  • Scripts must support logging, and include a mix of log statements (focus on DEBUG, WARNING, and ERROR where appropriate)
  • Scripts must use appropriate error handling if, e.g., a null value is present in the input data


Edit Feb 1: In addition to printing "summary statistics to screen", plotting data and storing as an image is acceptable.


Your homework 02 files must be within a new subdirectory called homework02 in your COE 332 homeworks repository on GitHub. The directory should contain your primary Python3 script, the secondary script containing the great-circle distance function, two unit test scripts, and a file. The README should be descriptive, use proper grammar, and contain enough instructions so anyone else could clone the repository and figure out what the scripts do and how to run them. General guidelines to follow for the README for homework 02 are:

  • Descriptive title
  • High-level description of the folder contents / project objective. I.e. why does this exist and why is it important? (2-3 sentences)
  • Specific description of the individual Python3 scripts (1-2 sentences each)
  • Instructions to obtain any necessary data and where to copy it to
  • Instructions to run the code from start to finish, plus how to interpret the results (2-3 sentences)
  • Use markdown styles to your advantage, give the sections headers, use code blocks where appropriate, etc.

Remember, the README is your chance to document for yourself and explain to others why the project is important, what the code is, and how to use it / interpret the outputs / etc. This is a software engineering and design class, so we are not just checking to see if your code works. We are also evaluating the design of the overall submission, including how well the project is described in the README.

What to Turn In

A sample Git repository may contain the following new files after completing homework 02:

├── homework01
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
├── homework02
│   ├──
│   ├──        # your file names may vary
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──

There is no need to email the link to your homework repo again, as we should have it on file from the first homework. We will re-clone the same repo as before at the due date / time for evaluation.

Additional Resources