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File metadata and controls

201 lines (160 loc) · 7.3 KB

Homework 06

Due Date: Tuesday, Mar 26, by 11:00am central time

Moonrise Genes

Scenario: We are going to turn our attention to a brand new dataset. The Human Genome Organization (HUGO) is a non-profit which oversees the HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee (HGNC). The HGNC "approves a unique and meaningful name for every gene". For this homework, we will download the complete set of HGNC data and inject it into a Redis database through a Flask interface.

This homework will essentially be a re-hash of the exercises from the last Redis section.


If you want to do this homework with a different data set, e.g. the data set you want to work on for your final project, just get it approved with the instructors first.


You can find the HGNC data on this page:

Scroll to the bottom and look for the link that says "Current tab separated hgnc_complete_set file" or "Current JSON format hgnc_complete_set file". Please spend some time reading this page to help you understand the data. I recommend opening up the tsv file in a spreadsheet tool (like Excel) to get a better feel for what it contains. Notice there are a lot more fields than we are used to (54), but it is the same list-of-dictionaries format that we see over and over again in this class. Another thing to notice is that this dataset is sparse, meaning not every cell has data in it.


Start a new directory for this homework (called homework06). Write a Flask app that has a /data route and a /gene route. The routes should do the following:

  • A POST request to /data should load the HGNC data to a Redis database. Use the Python requests library to get the data directly from the web.
  • A GET request to /data should read all data out of Redis and return it as a JSON list.
  • A DELETE request to /data should delete all data from Redis.
  • The /genes route should return a json-formatted list of all hgnc_id fields. (This is the first field in the data set, and a unique identifier for each gene).
  • The /genes/<hgnc_id> route should return all data associated with a given <hgnc_id>. Be careful to handle the case where something other than a valid gene ID is provided by the user, and be careful to handle the sparesely populated data it returns. An example query to this route might look like:
[user-vm]$ curl localhost:5000/genes/HGNC:5
 "hgnc_id": "HGNC:5",
 "symbol": "A1BG",
 "name": "alpha-1-B glycoprotein",
 "locus_group": "protein-coding gene",
 "locus_type": "gene with protein product",
 "status": "Approved",
 "location": "19q13.43",
 "location_sortable": "19q13.43",
 "alias_symbol": "",
 "alias_name": "",
 "prev_symbol": "",
 "prev_name": "",
 "gene_group": "Immunoglobulin like domain containing",
 "gene_group_id": 594,
 "date_approved_reserved": "6/30/89",
 "date_symbol_changed": "",
 "date_name_changed": "",
 "date_modified": "1/20/23",
 "entrez_id": 1,
 "ensembl_gene_id": "ENSG00000121410",
 "vega_id": "OTTHUMG00000183507",
 "ucsc_id": "uc002qsd.5",
 "ena": "",
 "refseq_accession": "NM_130786",
 "ccds_id": "CCDS12976",
 "uniprot_ids": "P04217",
 "pubmed_id": 2591067,
 "mgd_id": "MGI:2152878",
 "rgd_id": "RGD:69417",
 "lsdb": "",
 "cosmic": "",
 "omim_id": 138670,
 "mirbase": "",
 "homeodb": "",
 "snornabase": "",
 "bioparadigms_slc": "",
 "orphanet": "",
 "": "",
 "horde_id": "",
 "merops": "I43.950",
 "imgt": "",
 "iuphar": "",
 "kznf_gene_catalog": "",
 "mamit-trnadb": "",
 "cd": "",
 "lncrnadb": "",
 "enzyme_id": "",
 "intermediate_filament_db": "",
 "rna_central_ids": "",
 "lncipedia": "",
 "gtrnadb": "",
 "agr": "HGNC:5",
 "mane_select": "ENST00000263100.8|NM_130786.4",
 "gencc": ""

After completing the above, your app should have the following routes:

Route Method What it should do
/data POST Put data into Redis
/data GET Return all data from Redis
/data DELETE Delete data in Redis
/genes GET Return json-formatted list of all hgnc_ids
/genes/<hgnc_id> GET Return all data associated with <hgnc_id>

Please use defensive programming strategies for your routes with exception handling, and use doc strings / type annotations as appropriate.


The application should be containerized and orchestrated along side a Redis container. Write a Dockerfile for containerizing your Flask app, and write a Docker-compose yaml file for orchestrating the services together. Read very closely the Docker Compose section of Unit 07 for detailed instructions on how to do this part.


Write a README with the standard sections from previous homeworks: there should be a descriptive title, there should be a high level description of the project, there should be concise descriptions of the main files within, and you should be using Markdown styles and formatting to your advantage. We will specifically be looking for:

  • Instructions to build a new image from your Dockerfile
  • Instructions to launch the containerized app and Redis using docker-compose
  • Give example API query commands and expected outputs in code blocks

Finally, your README should also have a section to describe the data itself. Please give enough information for others to understand what data they are seeing and what it means (not every field must be described, just a general overview). Please cite the data appropriately as well.

What to Turn In

A sample Git repository may contain the following new files after completing homework 06:

├── homework01
│   └── ...
├── ...
├── homework05
│   └── ...
├── homework06
│   ├── Dockerfile
│   ├── docker-compose.yaml
│   ├──
│   └──

Additional Resources