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File metadata and controls

150 lines (120 loc) · 7.85 KB


This section of the documentation is intended for individuals planning to use Deployer to mange their own deployments of CIC projects. Before starting this section, make sure to go through the Getting Started section and install the Deployer CLI.


Deployer makes use of the following concepts to manage remote deployments:


A CIC software project that will be managed. Support is planned for JupyterHub, Abaco, and Agave.


A physical manifestation of a project, often times for a specific environment such as “dev”, “staging”, “production”, etc.


A logical isolation of a (typically, subset) of resources within an instance.


The devops action to take against the project such as “deploy”, “update”, etc. Represents a single, atomic action to take on a set of servers; typically implemented as one or more playbooks. Actions may invoke other actions as part of execution.

Note that a given instance is only defined within the context of a project; for example, the prod instance of the JupyterHub project and the prod instance of the Abaco project are different. In the same way, a tenant is only defined within a given instance.


Operations teams put desired project configuration in YML files ending in the .configs extension. The config file to be used can be specified at the command line (-c) or in the deployment.yml file. Otherwise, the first file with a .configs extension in the current working directory will be used.

Each config must specify a project and can be optionally assigned to an instance or tenant. These are specified by defining a YML key in the format <project>.<instance>.<tenant> and then defining the properties using valid YML within that stanza. Configs can be complex YML objects.

Consider the following example config file:

    jupyterhub_image: taccsciapps/jupyterhub:0.8.0
    jupyter_user_image: taccsciapps/jupyteruser-ds:1.1.0
    use_stock_nfs: false
    worker_tasks_file: designsafe.yml
    use_stock_nfs: true
    # prod didn't define images, etc., so it should inherit from the above.

    # here's an example of a config leveraging a complex YML object:
      - /corral-repl/tacc/NHERI/shared/{username}:/home/jupyter/MyData:rw
      - /corral-repl/tacc/NHERI/published:/home/jupyter/NHERI-Published:ro

    jupyterhub_image: taccsciapps/jupyterhub:0.8.1
    jupyter_user_image: taccsciapps/jupyteruser-ds:1.2.0rc9
    # these image properties ^^ override the global onces defined above, but just for Designsafe staging
    cull_idle_notebook_timeout: 259200
    notebook_memory_limit: 3G
    notebook_offer_lab: True

In the first stanza, with key jupyterhub, a set of configuration properties and values are specified. These values will provide a default for all actions taken on the "jupyterhub" project if the property isn't otherwise specified. In the next two stanzas, properties values for the "designsafe" tenant within the "prod" and "staging" instances, respectively, are defined. These values override the values defined in the "jupyterhub" stanza when deployment actions are taken against the particular instances.

So, when running Deployer actions against the prod instance of the DesignSafe tenant, the jupyterhub_image would have value taccsciapps/jupyterhub:0.8.0 (inherited from the jupyterhub stanza) and use_stock_nfs would have value true. For the staging instance, jupyterhub_image would have value taccsciapps/jupyterhub:0.8.1 and use_stock_nfs would have value false.


Servers are the remote hosts where projects will be deployed. Deployer will ultimately execute commands over SSH on these servers to manage the deployments on behalf of the operator. The servers an operator wishes to have Deployer operate on are described in one or more server files. Here is a small example of a potential servers file:

ssh_user: root
ssh_key: my_ssh.key
    cloud: roundup
        - host_id: manager1
            - hub
        - host_id: worker1
            - worker
        - host_id: worker2
            - worker

    cloud: jetstream
        - host_id: worker2
            - worker

In the above example, we define two global properties, ssh_user and ssh_key, and two groups of servers defined in the and jupyterhub.staging stanzas. Property values are organized hierarchically just like configuration values, and more "local" values override more "global" values.

In general, server files should conform to the following requirements:

  • Written in the YML format ending in the .hosts extension.

* Each entry in the YML file should be either a global property to apply to all servers in the file (e.g., ssh_key for the SSH key Deployer should use to access to the servers, as in the above example) or a stanza containing descriptions of one or more servers. * Each host must be assigned to a project and can be optionally assigned to an instance or tenant. The project, instance and tenant are specified through the YML key in dot notation, <project>.<instance>.<tenant> * Each host must define ssh_host, the IP address or domain of the host and host_id, a unique name for the host. * The ssh_key and ssh_user properties are also required for all hosts, though they can be inherited. The ssh_key parameter must be a relative path from the directory where Deployer is run to a key file that can be used to access the server via SSH, and the ssh_user parameters must be a string representing the user account to SSH as. * Each host can optionally provide a list of roles. Project scripts use roles to distinguish which services should run on which servers. The roles attribute must be a list. * Each host can have a additional key:value pairs defined by the operators used for further filtering (e.g. “cloud: jetstream”)

The servers file to be used can be specified at the command line (-s) or in the deployment.yml file. Otherwise, the first file with a .hosts extension in the current working directory will be used.


In Deployer, password files are used to specify sensitive properties such as database passwords or the contents of an SSL certificate. The passwords file to be used can be specified at the command line (-z) or in the deployment.yml file. Otherwise, the first file with a .passwords extension in the current working directory will be used. Password files are the same as config files in all regards; for example, each password is either a global proerty or (optionally) is assigned to a project, instance or tenant and password properties can be arbitrary YML objects.


Path relative to the current working directory to a directory containing extra files needed for configuring the actions. These files could include SSL certificates, the Jupyter volume_mounts config, the Abaco service.conf, etc. When possible, actions are strongly encouraged to generate these files using configuration strings and templates instead of requiring physical files in the extras_dir.