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File metadata and controls

198 lines (101 loc) · 5.15 KB





1 | 2 | 3 | 4

The state of the Client:

  • 1 = The init() method hasn't been called yet OR there was an invalid access token (you will be notified of that with an event)
  • 2 = The Client is initiated but the connect() method hasn't been called yet OR the Client was manually disconnected
  • 3 = The Client is connecting or reconnecting to the WebSocket
  • 4 = The Client is connected to the WebSocket


{ username: string, uuid: string, token: string }

The account info for the Client containing the Username, UUID, and Minecraft Access Token.



The Lunar Client User info for the User.


Map<string, User>

All cached users that are not friends (NOT RELIABLE, DO NOT USE).


Map<string, User>

All friends of the User.


Map<string, User>

All users the user has cached, including friends.


Map<string, FriendRequest>

All friend requests for the user, incoming and outgoing.



The in-client console where you can send console messages to and from the Server, but it only works if the allowed property on it is true.

You can run client.clientConsole.write(message) to send messages and you can get all messages from client.clientConsole.logs.


{ owned: number[]; equipped: number[] }

All emotes owned and equipped (shown in the emotes menu) for the user.



Whether Incoming Friend Requests are enabled for the Client User


init(access_token: string, minecraft_token?: boolean): Promise<void>

Initiate the Client (must be the first thing you do to the Client) with either a Microsoft Access Token OR a Minecraft Authed Access Token, but for a minecraft token you must set the second argument to true.

connect(userState): Promise<void>

Connect to the Lunar Client WebSocket after initiating with the specified User State.

sendMessage(user: User | string, message: string): Promise<boolean>

Send a message to the User (specified either with a User object or User UUID).

Returns whether it was successful.

changeServer(server: string): Promise<boolean>

Change the Server of the Client (only changes what Lunar Client thinks it is, not the real server).

Returns whether it was successful.

sendFriendRequest(data: { uuid?: string; username?: string; }): Promise<boolean>

Send a friend request to a User, you must specify either a UUID or a Username to send the request to (preferably both for faster speed).

Returns whether it was successful.

removeFriend(user: User | string): Promise<boolean>

Remove a friend (specified with either a User object or User UUID).

Returns whether it was successful.

handleFriendRequest(request: FriendRequest | string, accepted: boolean = false): Promise<boolean>

Handle a friend request (specified with either the Friend Request Object or the Friend Request sender/reciever UUID).

If the request is outgoing, you can only deny it (which is just revoking it).

Returns whether it was successful.

toggleFriendRequests(enabled: boolean): Promise<boolean>

Toggles your incoming friend requests ON or OFF.

Returns whether it was successful.

fetchPlayers(...uuids: string[]): Promise<Array<User> | null>

Fetches all the players with the uuids specified from Lunar.

You will recieve null as a response if there was an error.



The Client has connected and you may begin doing whatever you want, will only be sent once for every time you run connect().


The Client has opened a connection, can be sent multiple times.


The Client's Microsoft Access Token was invalid and you need to run the init() method again with a new one.


The Client has been manually disconnected and requires the connect() method to be run again to reconnect.


A notification has been sent to the User from the Server, passes along title and message arguments.


The server has requested a Force Crash to the User.


The server has requested to send a message to the client in the chat, comes with a message argument.


The server has said that a User is playing an emote.

Passes along a user as a User Object, an emoteID, and metadata (a number idk what it means).


A player has been updated and their data has been modified (not guaranteed to have changed), the player is passed in the user argument.


A new friend request has been sent to the Client, contained in the request argument.


An outgoing friend request has been handled, contains request and accepted properties.


A friend has sent you a message, contains user and message properties.


A friend of yours has removed you, contained in the user argument. This user is still stored in the users property as it is moved from the friends Map to the _users Map.