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Virtual minibatch size and multiple GPUs

Note: The code examples here should be interpreted as pseudo code, i.e. they should demonstrate what the code does. The actual implementation is more complicated, but a general understanding of the operating principle should be enough for most use cases.

What is (Virtual) minibatch size?

In padertorch you have two options to use a minibatch size for your model.

The first possibility is to include the batching in your train dataset (i.e., batch multiple examples together inside of your data preprocessing). In this case, batching is only handled in the data preprocessing and the padertorch.Trainer will not know about the minibatch size or that the batching even takes place. It simply fetches examples from the dataset and forwards them to the model. The model has know how to work on a batch of multiple examples and potentially perform padding.

dataset = do_batching(dataset)                  # <-----
for batch in dataset:                           # <-----
    batch = model.example_to_device(batch)
    review =, model(batch))  # <-----
    loss = loss_from_review(review)

As an example on how the batching can be done on the fly with lazy_dataset see padertorch/contrib/examples/tasnet/

The second option is the virtual_minibatch_size argument of padertorch.Trainer. This option increases the (physical) minibatch size without changing your dataset or your model. In this case, the trainer sequentially passes multiple examples or batches to the model before performing the optimizer step. Each example/batch in the virtual minibatch size is handled independently by the model. This option is similar to accum_grad from ESPnet when using a single GPU.

i = 0                                               # <-----
for example in dataset:
    example = model.example_to_device(example)
    review =, model(example))
    loss = loss_from_review(review)
    i += 1
    if i == virtual_minibatch_size:                 # <-----
        i = 0                                       # <-----
        optimizer.step()                            # <-----

Both options for the minibatch size can be combined. The effective minibatch size for the optimizer will be the dataset minibatch size times the virtual_minibatch_size. Since the virtual minibatch size handles each fetched example from the iterator independently, the batch size will be the minibatch that is used to produce the dataset for operations that work over the minibatch axis (e.g., batch normalization) , NOT the virtual batch size.

Why use (Virtual) minibatch size?

There are multiple practically and theoretical reasons for using a (virtual) minibatch. Here, we will limit us to practical aspects and argue why you may want to use the minibatch size in your dataset or in the trainer.

When you increase the minibatch size in your dataset in many cases you will observe that the runtime on a GPU only slightly increases. So, you process more examples in the same time and your training finishes earlier (The converence properties will also change, but this is not a point to discuss here).

The virtual_minibatch_size has no speedup effect (The optimizer has no relevant runtime). So, why do we use the virtual_minibatch_size anyway? When you increase the minibatch size in your dataset, this will also increase the memory consumption of your model. So the memory capacity of your GPU limits the maximum minibatch size in your dataset. If your model has better convergence properties with a larger minibatch size the virtual_minibatch_size can be used.

In practice you increase the minibatch size in your dataset to the maximum value that fits on your GPU and increase the virtual_minibatch_size if you want to have a larger minibatch size for better convergence properties.

Multiple GPUs

Your first question to this document may be: why is this document about virtual minibatch size and multiple GPUs? The answer is: we combined the virtual_minibatch_size and multiple GPUs in the trainer. With this, you can use the same model (i.e., without wrapping in torch.nn.DataParallel) for single- and multi-GPU training.

Note: The implementation of multiple GPUs is based on torch.nn.DataPatallel, i.e., we use the functions that are used in that class, but in a slightly different way.

Here is some peudo code how we use multiple (here two) GPUs:

def parallel_task(model, example, devive):              # <-----
    example = model.example_to_device(example, devive)
    review =, model(example))
    return review

def yield_two_examples(dataset)                         # <-----
    examples = []
    for example in dataset:
        if len(examples) == 2:
            yield examples
            examples = []

i = 0
for example1, example2 in yield_two_examples(dataset):  # <-----

    # model1, model2 = replicate(model, [0, 1])
    review1, review2 = parallel_apply(                  # <-----
            (, exmaple1, 0),
            (, exmaple1, 1),

    loss = loss_from_review(review1) + loss_from_review(review2)
    i += 1
    if i == virtual_minibatch_size // 2:                # <-----
        i = 0

What is the difference to torch.nn.DataParallel?

We use the functions that are also used in torch.nn.DataParallel. However, inside the trainer we have more control and can apply them more elegantly (torch.nn.DataParallel is a more general class and cannot do these things).

First, we do not need to use scatter to split the example. We simply take two consecutive examples from the dataset. In contrast to torch.nn.DataParallel, which moves all data to a single GPU before scattering (two data transfers between devices), this allows us to directly transfer the data to the GPU that requires it (only one data transfer between devices). The calls to replicate and parallel_apply are the same for both. For the gather operation, we only need to gather the loss and report the remaining stuff directly to tensorboardX. In torch.nn.DataParallel everything has to be gathered (again, a little less overhead for copying data between devices).