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Evaluation Metrics

import copy

import torch
import numpy as np

from sklearn.metrics import f1_score
from seqeval.metrics import f1_score as span_f1_score
from seqeval.scheme import IOB2
from typing import Tuple, Dict, List, Optional, Union

from ..input_engineering.mrc_converter import make_predictions, compute_mrc_F1_cls
from ..input_engineering.seq2seq_processor import extract_argument


Compute the F1 score of the unified evaluation on the converted word-level predictions.


  • label_names: A list of ground truth labels of each word.
  • results: A list of predicted event types or argument roles of each word.


  • micro_f1: The computation results of F1 score.
def compute_unified_micro_f1(label_names: List[str], results: List[str]) -> float:
    """Computes the F1 score of the converted word-level predictions.
    Compute the F1 score of the unified evaluation on the converted word-level predictions.
        label_names (`List[str]`):
            A list of ground truth labels of each word.
        results (`List[str]`):
            A list of predicted event types or argument roles of each word.
        micro_f1 (`float`):
            The computation results of  F1 score.
    pos_labels = list(set(label_names))
    micro_f1 = f1_score(label_names, results, labels=pos_labels, average="micro") * 100.0
    return micro_f1


Computes the overall F1 score of the predictions based on the calculation of the overall precision and recall after counting the true predictions, in which both the prediction of mention and type are correct.


  • preds: A list of strings indicating the prediction of labels from the model.
  • labels: A list of strings indicating the actual labels obtained from the annotated dataset.

Returns: - precision, recall, and f1: Three float variables representing the computation results of precision, recall, and F1 score, respectively.

def f1_score_overall(preds: Union[List[str], List[tuple]],
                     labels: Union[List[str], List[tuple]]) -> Tuple[float, float, float]:
    """Computes the overall F1 score of the predictions.
    Computes the overall F1 score of the predictions based on the calculation of the overall precision and recall after
    counting the true predictions, in which both the prediction of mention and type are correct.
        preds (`Union[List[str], List[tuple]]`):
            A list of strings indicating the prediction of labels from the model.
        labels (`Union[List[str], List[tuple]]`):
            A list of strings indicating the actual labels obtained from the annotated dataset.
        precision (`float`), recall (`float`), and f1 (`float`):
            Three integers representing the computation results of precision, recall, and F1 score, respectively.
    true_pos = 0
    label_stack = copy.deepcopy(labels)
    for pred in preds:
        if pred in label_stack:
            true_pos += 1
            label_stack.remove(pred)  # one prediction can only be matched to one ground truth.
    precision = true_pos / (len(preds)+1e-10)
    recall = true_pos / (len(labels)+1e-10)
    f1 = 2 * precision * recall / (precision + recall + 1e-10)
    return precision, recall, f1


Computes the F1 score of the Sequence-to-Sequence (Seq2Seq) paradigm. The predictions of the model are firstly decoded into strings, then the overall F1 score of the prediction could be calculated.


  • logits: An numpy array of integers containing the predictions from the model to be decoded.
  • labels: An numpy array of integers containing the actual labels obtained from the annotated dataset.

Returns: - A dictionary containing the calculation result of the F1 score.

def compute_seq_F1(logits: np.ndarray,
                   labels: np.ndarray,
                   **kwargs) -> Dict[str, float]:
    """Computes the F1 score of the Sequence-to-Sequence (Seq2Seq) paradigm.
    Computes the F1 score of the  Sequence-to-Sequence (Seq2Seq) paradigm. The predictions of the model are firstly
    decoded into strings, then the overall F1 score of the prediction could be calculated.
        logits (`List[int]`):
            An numpy array of integers containing the predictions from the model to be decoded.
        labels: (`List[str]`):
            An numpy array of integers containing the actual labels obtained from the annotated dataset.
        `Dict[str: float]`:
            A dictionary containing the calculation result of the F1 score.
    tokenizer = kwargs["tokenizer"]
    training_args = kwargs["training_args"]
    decoded_preds = tokenizer.batch_decode(logits, skip_special_tokens=False)

    # Replace -100 in the labels as we can't decode them.
    labels = np.where(labels != -100, labels, tokenizer.pad_token_id)
    decoded_labels = tokenizer.batch_decode(labels, skip_special_tokens=False)

    def clean_str(x_str):
        for to_remove_token in [tokenizer.eos_token, tokenizer.pad_token]:
            x_str = x_str.replace(to_remove_token, '')

        return x_str.strip()
    if training_args.task_name == "EAE":
        pred_types = training_args.data_for_evaluation["pred_types"]
        true_types = training_args.data_for_evaluation["true_types"]
        assert len(true_types) == len(decoded_labels)
        assert len(decoded_preds) == len(decoded_labels)
        pred_arguments, golden_arguments = [], []
        for i, (pred, label) in enumerate(zip(decoded_preds, decoded_labels)):
            pred = clean_str(pred)
            label = clean_str(label)
            pred_arguments.extend(extract_argument(pred, i, pred_types[i]))
            golden_arguments.extend(extract_argument(label, i, true_types[i]))
        precision, recall, micro_f1 = f1_score_overall(pred_arguments, golden_arguments)
        assert len(decoded_preds) == len(decoded_labels)
        pred_triggers, golden_triggers = [], []
        for i, (pred, label) in enumerate(zip(decoded_preds, decoded_labels)):
            pred = clean_str(pred)
            label = clean_str(label)
            pred_triggers.extend(extract_argument(pred, i, "NA"))
            golden_triggers.extend(extract_argument(label, i, "NA"))
        precision, recall, micro_f1 = f1_score_overall(pred_triggers, golden_triggers)
    return {"micro_f1": micro_f1*100}


Selects the preds and labels of the first sub-word token for each word. The PreTrainedTokenizer tends to split word into sub-word tokens, and we select the prediction of the first sub-word token as the prediction of this word.


  • preds: The prediction ids of the input.
  • labels: The label ids of the input.
  • merge: Whether merge the predictions and labels into a one-dimensional list.


  • final_preds, final_labels: The tuple of final predictions and labels.
def select_start_position(preds: np.ndarray,
                          labels: np.ndarray,
                          merge: Optional[bool] = True) -> Tuple[List[List[str]], List[List[str]]]:
    """Select the preds and labels of the first sub-word token for each word.
    The PreTrainedTokenizer tends to split word into sub-word tokens, and we select the prediction of the first sub-word
    token as the prediction of this word.
        preds (`np.ndarray`):
            The prediction ids of the input.
        labels (`np.ndarray`):
            The label ids of the input.
        merge (`bool`):
            Whether merge the predictions and labels into a one-dimensional list.
        final_preds, final_labels (`Tuple[List[List[str]], List[List[str]]]`):
            The tuple of final predictions and labels.
    final_preds = []
    final_labels = []

    if merge:
        final_preds = preds[labels != -100].tolist()
        final_labels = labels[labels != -100].tolist()
        for i in range(labels.shape[0]):
            final_preds.append(preds[i][labels[i] != -100].tolist())
            final_labels.append(labels[i][labels[i] != -100].tolist())

    return final_preds, final_labels


Converts the given labels from id to their names by obtaining the value based on the given key from id2label dictionary, containing the correspondence between the ids and names of each label.


  • instances: A list of string lists containing label ids of the instances.
  • id2label: A dictionary containing the correspondence between the ids and names of each label.


  • name_instances: A list of string lists containing the label names, where each value corresponds to the id in the input list.
def convert_to_names(instances: List[List[str]],
                     id2label: Dict[str, str]) -> List[List[str]]:
    """Converts the given labels from id to their names.
    Converts the given labels from id to their names by obtaining the value based on the given key from `id2label`
    dictionary, containing the correspondence between the ids and names of each label.
        instances (`List[List[str]]`):
            A list of string lists containing label ids of the instances.
        id2label (`Dict[int, str]`):
            A dictionary containing the correspondence between the ids and names of each label.
        name_instances (`List[List[str]]`):
            A list of string lists containing the label names, where each value corresponds to the id in the input list.
    name_instances = []
    for instance in instances:
        name_instances.append([id2label[item] for item in instance])
    return name_instances


Computes the F1 score of the Sequence Labeling (SL) paradigm. The prediction of the model is converted into strings, then the overall F1 score of the prediction could be calculated.


  • logits: An numpy array of integers containing the predictions from the model to be decoded.
  • labels: An numpy array of integers containing the actual labels obtained from the annotated dataset.

Returns: - A dictionary containing the calculation result of F1 score.

def compute_span_F1(logits: np.ndarray,
                    labels: np.ndarray,
                    **kwargs) -> Dict[str, int]:
    """Computes the F1 score of the Sequence Labeling (SL) paradigm.
    Computes the F1 score of the Sequence Labeling (SL) paradigm. The prediction of the model is converted into strings,
    then the overall F1 score of the prediction could be calculated.
        logits (`np.ndarray`):
            An numpy array of integers containing the predictions from the model to be decoded.
        labels (`np.ndarray`):
            An numpy array of integers containing the actual labels obtained from the annotated dataset.
        `Dict[str: float]`:
            A dictionary containing the calculation result of F1 score.

    preds = np.argmax(logits, axis=-1) if len(logits.shape) == 3 else logits
    # convert id to name
    training_args = kwargs["training_args"]
    if training_args.task_name == "EAE":
        id2label = {id: role for role, id in training_args.role2id.items()}
    elif training_args.task_name == "ED":
        id2label = {id: role for role, id in training_args.type2id.items()}
        raise ValueError("No such task!")
    final_preds, final_labels = select_start_position(preds, labels, False)
    final_preds = convert_to_names(final_preds, id2label)
    final_labels = convert_to_names(final_labels, id2label)

    # if the type is wrongly predicted, set arguments NA
    if training_args.task_name == "EAE":
        pred_types = training_args.data_for_evaluation["pred_types"]
        true_types = training_args.data_for_evaluation["true_types"]
        assert len(pred_types) == len(true_types)
        assert len(pred_types) == len(final_labels)
        for i, (pred, true) in enumerate(zip(pred_types, true_types)):
            if pred != true:
                final_preds[i] = [id2label[0]] * len(final_preds[i])  # set to NA

    micro_f1 = span_f1_score(final_labels, final_preds, mode='strict', scheme=IOB2) * 100.0
    return {"micro_f1": micro_f1}


Computes the F1 score of the Token Classification (TC) paradigm. The prediction of the model is converted into strings, then the overall F1 score of the prediction could be calculated.


  • ``logits`: An numpy array of integers containing the predictions from the model to be decoded.
  • labels: An numpy array of integers containing the actual labels obtained from the annotated dataset.

Returns: - A dictionary containing the calculation result of F1 score.

def compute_F1(logits: np.ndarray,
               labels: np.ndarray,
               **kwargs) -> Dict[str, float]:
    """Computes the F1 score of the Token Classification (TC) paradigm.
    Computes the F1 score of the Token Classification (TC) paradigm. The prediction of the model is converted into
    strings, then the overall F1 score of the prediction could be calculated.
        logits (`np.ndarray`):
            An numpy array of integers containing the predictions from the model to be decoded.
        labels (`np.ndarray`):
            An numpy array of integers containing the actual labels obtained from the annotated dataset.
        `Dict[str: float]`:
            A dictionary containing the calculation result of F1 score.
    predictions = np.argmax(logits, axis=-1)
    training_args = kwargs["training_args"]
    # if the type is wrongly predicted, set arguments NA
    if training_args.task_name == "EAE":
        pred_types = training_args.data_for_evaluation["pred_types"]
        true_types = training_args.data_for_evaluation["true_types"]
        assert len(pred_types) == len(true_types)
        assert len(pred_types) == len(predictions)
        for i, (pred, true) in enumerate(zip(pred_types, true_types)):
            if pred != true:
                predictions[i] = 0 # set to NA
        pos_labels = list(set(training_args.role2id.values()))
        pos_labels = list(set(training_args.type2id.values()))
    micro_f1 = f1_score(labels, predictions, labels=pos_labels, average="micro") * 100.0
    return {"micro_f1": micro_f1}


Conducts the softmax operation on the last dimension and returns a numpy array.


  • logits: An numpy array of integers containing the type of each logit.
  • dim: An integer indicating the dimension for the softmax operation.


  • An numpy array representing the normalized probability of each logit corresponding to each type of label.
def softmax(logits: np.ndarray,
            dim: Optional[int] = -1) -> np.ndarray:
    """Conducts the softmax operation on the last dimension.
    Conducts the softmax operation on the last dimension and returns a numpy array.
        logits (`np.ndarray`):
            An numpy array of integers containing the type of each logit.
        dim (`int`, `optional`, defaults to -1):
            An integer indicating the dimension for the softmax operation.
            An numpy array representing the normalized probability of each logit corresponding to each type of label.
    logits = torch.tensor(logits)
    return torch.softmax(logits, dim=dim).numpy()


Computes the accuracy of the predictions by calculating the fraction of the true label prediction count and the entire number of data pieces.


  • logits: An numpy array of integers containing the predictions from the model to be decoded.
  • labels: An numpy array of integers containing the actual labels obtained from the annotated dataset.


  • A dictionary containing the calculation result of the accuracy.
def compute_accuracy(logits: np.ndarray,
                     labels: np.ndarray,
                     **kwargs) -> Dict[str, int]:
    """Compute the accuracy of the predictions.
    Compute the accuracy of the predictions by calculating the fraction of the true label prediction count and the
    entire number of data pieces.
        logits (`np.ndarray`):
            An numpy array of integers containing the predictions from the model to be decoded.
            An numpy array of integers containing the actual labels obtained from the annotated dataset.
        `Dict[str: float]`:
            A dictionary containing the calculation result of the accuracy.
    predictions = np.argmax(softmax(logits), axis=-1)
    accuracy = (predictions == labels).sum() / labels.shape[0]
    return {"accuracy": accuracy}


Computes the F1 score of the Machine Reading Comprehension (MRC) method. The prediction of the model is firstly decoded into strings, then the overall F1 score of the prediction could be calculated.


  • logits: An numpy array of integers containing the predictions from the model to be decoded.
  • labels: An numpy array of integers containing the actual labels obtained from the annotated dataset.


  • A dictionary containing the calculation result of F1 score.
def compute_mrc_F1(logits: np.ndarray,
                   labels: np.ndarray,
                   **kwargs) -> Dict[str, float]:
    """Computes the F1 score of the Machine Reading Comprehension (MRC) method.
    Computes the F1 score of the Machine Reading Comprehension (MRC) method. The prediction of the model is firstly
    decoded into strings, then the overall F1 score of the prediction could be calculated.
        logits (`np.ndarray`):
            An numpy array of integers containing the predictions from the model to be decoded.
        labels (`np.ndarray`):
            An numpy array of integers containing the actual labels obtained from the annotated dataset.
        `Dict[str: float]`:
            A dictionary containing the calculation result of F1 score.
    start_logits, end_logits = np.split(logits, 2, axis=-1)
    all_predictions, all_labels = make_predictions(start_logits, end_logits, kwargs["training_args"])
    micro_f1 = compute_mrc_F1_cls(all_predictions, all_labels)
    return {"micro_f1": micro_f1}