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Node Classification

Graph neural networks(GNN) have great power in tackling graph-related tasks. In this chapter, we take node classification as an example and show how to use CogDL to finish a workflow using GNN. In supervised setting, node classification aims to predict the ground truth label for each node.

Quick Start

CogDL provides abundant of common benchmark datasets and GNN models. On the one hand, you can simply start a running using models and datasets in CogDL. This is convenient when you want to test the reproducibility of proposed GNN or get baseline results in different datasets.

from cogdl import experiment
experiment(model="gcn", dataset="cora")

Or you can create each component separately and manually run the process using build_dataset, build_model in CogDL.

from cogdl import experiment
from cogdl.datasets import build_dataset
from cogdl.models import build_model
from cogdl.options import get_default_args 

args = get_default_args(model="gcn", dataset="cora")
dataset = build_dataset(args)
model = build_model(args)
experiment(model=model, dataset=dataset)

As show above, model/dataset/task are 3 key components in establishing a training process. In fact, CogDL also supports customized model and datasets. This will be introduced in next chapter. In the following we will briefly show the details of each component.

Save trained model

CogDL supports saving the trained model with checkpoint_path in command line or API usage. For example:

experiment(model="gcn", dataset="cora", checkpoint_path="")

When the training stops, the model will be saved in If you want to continue the training from previous checkpoint with different parameters(such as learning rate, weight decay and etc.), keep the same model parameters (such as hidden size, model layers) and do it as follows:

experiment(model="gcn", dataset="cora", checkpoint_path="", resume_training=True)

In command line usage, the same results can be achieved with --checkpoint-path {path} and --resume-training.

Save embeddings

Graph representation learning (network embedding and unsupervised GNNs) aims to get node representation. The embeddings can be used in various downstream applications. CogDL will save node embeddings in the given path specified by --save-emb-path {path}.

experiment(model="prone", dataset="blogcatalog", save_emb_path="./embeddings/prone_blog.npy")

Evaluation on node classification will run as the end of training. We follow the same experimental settings used in DeepWalk, Node2Vec and ProNE. We randomly sample different percentages of labeled nodes for training a liblinear classifier and use the remaining for testing We repeat the training for several times and report the average Micro-F1. By default, CogDL samples 90% labeled nodes for training for one time. You are expected to change the setting with --num-shuffle and --training-percents to your needs.

In addition, CogDL supports evaluating node embeddings without training in different evaluation settings. The following code snippet evaluates the embedding we get above:

    training_percents=[0.1, 0.5, 0.9]

You can also use command line to achieve the same results

# Get embedding
python script/ --model prone --dataset blogcatalog

# Evaluate only
python script/ --model prone --dataset blogcatalog --load-emb-path ./embeddings/prone_blog.npy --num-shuffle 5 --training-percents 0.1 0.5 0.9