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Smart Trade with Fixed TP's level

T Zacks edited this page Oct 15, 2022 · 1 revision

when you run it , it will ask for data as shown below


Configuration The configuration file for Smart_Trade_fixed_TPs has the following settings:

  • timezone - timezone. (default is 'Africa/Cairo')

  • debug - set to true to enable debug logging to file. (default is False)

  • logrotate - number of days to keep logs. (default = 7)

  • 3c-apikey - your 3Commas API key value. How to Create a 3commas API ?

  • 3c-apisecret - your 3Commas API key secret value.

  • accounts = your account/accounts number how to get the account number?

  • risk-of-trade - the % of your account balance that you will risk for each trade - default is 1%

  • Tp1 - % of your 1st TP

  • Tp2 - % of your 2nd TP

  • Tp3 - % of your 3rd TP

  • Tp4 - % of your 4th TP

  • Tp5 - % of your 5th TP

  • leverage - are you going to use leverage Trading ? then what is your lev maybe 5 or 10 or 100? default is 1 for SPOT Trading

  • tgram-phone-number - your Telegram phone number, needed for first time authorisation code. (session will be cached in watchlist.session)

  • tgram-api-id - your telegram API id. how to get Telegram App/HASH?

  • tgram-api-hash - your telegram API hash.

  • tgram-channel - name of the chat channel to send trades to

  • notifications - set to true to enable notifications. (default = False) How to setup telegram Notifications

  • notify-urls - one or a list of apprise notify urls, each in " " seperated with commas. See Apprise website for more information.

Smart_Trade_fixed_TPs Format



You can use CLOSE to Close/Panic Sell all your SMART trades