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Format Power Query
Kurt Buhler

Format Power Query

Script Purpose

If you want to format complex Power Query to make it more readable and easy to change.


This script will send your Power Query M Code to the Power Query Formatter API. Please ensure responsible use and compliance when using this script to format your Power Query code.


Format Power Query

// This script formats the Power Query (M Code) of any selected M Partition (not Shared Expression or Source Expression).
// It will send an HTTPS POST request of the expression to the Power Query Formatter API and replace the code with the result.
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Net.Http.Headers;
using System.Text;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;

// URL of the API
string powerqueryformatterAPI = "";

// HttpClient method to initiate the API call POST method for the URL
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
HttpRequestMessage request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, powerqueryformatterAPI);

// Get the M Expression of the selected partition
string partitionExpression = Selected.Partition.Expression;

// Serialize the request body as a JSON object
var requestBody = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(
    new { 
        code = partitionExpression, 
        resultType = "text", 
        lineWidth = 40, 
        alignLineCommentsToPosition = true, 
        includeComments = true

// Set the "Content-Type" header of the request to "application/json" and the encoding to UTF-8
var content = new StringContent(requestBody, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
content.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/json");

// Retrieve the response
var response = client.PostAsync(powerqueryformatterAPI, content).Result;

// If the response is successful
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
    // Get the result of the response
    var result = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;

    // Parse the response JSON object from the string
    JObject data = JObject.Parse(result.ToString());

    // Get the formatted Power Query response
    string formattedPowerQuery = (string)data["result"];

    // Manually add a new line and comment to each step
    var replace = new Dictionary<string, string> 
        { " //", "\n\n//" }, 
        { "\n  #", "\n\n  // Step\n  #" }, 
        { "\n  Source", "\n\n  // Data Source\n  Source" }, 
        { "\n  Dataflow", "\n\n  // Dataflow Connection Info\n  Dataflow" }, 
        {"\n  Data =", "\n\n  // Step\n  Data ="}, 
        {"\n  Navigation =", "\n\n  // Step\n  Navigation ="}, 
        {"in\n\n  // Step\n  #", "in\n  #"}, 
        {"\nin", "\n\n// Result\nin"} 

    // Replace the first string in the dictionary with the second
    var manuallyformattedPowerQuery = replace.Aggregate(
        (before, after) => before.Replace(after.Key, after.Value));

    // Replace the auto-formatted code with the manually formatted version
    formattedPowerQuery = manuallyformattedPowerQuery;

    // Replace the unformatted M expression with the formatted expression
    Selected.Partition.Expression = formattedPowerQuery;

    // Pop-up to inform of completion
    Info("Formatted " + Selected.Partition.Name);

// Otherwise return an error message
    "API call unsuccessful." +
    "\nCheck that you are selecting a partition with a valid M Expression."


This snippet creates an HTTP POST request of the Power Query in the M Partition and sends it to the Power Query Formatter. Some manual formatting is done to make the code further readable.

Example Output

Format Power Query example

Figure 1: An illustration of the script formatting Power Query code.