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Mac installation

Tadas Baltrusaitis edited this page Jul 17, 2021 · 29 revisions

NOTE I don't have a Mac to easily test and amend these instructions, but it has been tested through Travis Continuous Integration tool and a lot of people managed to get it working. If anyone wants to edit the wiki with better and more up to date Mac instructions please do!

Option A

Follow the script here

All credit goes to @ThomasJanssoone -

Option B


  • I recommend installing Homebrew as the easiest way to get a variety of Open Source libraries. Think of it as the Mac equivalent of apt-get. Homebrew usually installs things under /usr/local/Cellar and then creates links to the version you're using in /usr/local/bin, /usr/local/lib etc. This will be relevant later.

  • Install C++17 compiler, boost, TBB, dlib, OpenBLAS, and OpenCV, wget (for model download) with:

      brew update
      brew install gcc --HEAD
      brew install boost
      brew install tbb
      brew install openblas
      brew install --build-from-source dlib
      brew install wget
      brew install opencv
  • The landmark detection model is not included due to file size, you can download it using the bash script. For more details see -

  • You'll want the Command Line Tools for Xcode. If you can't use these for any reason, you can build gcc using Homebrew -- in fact, it will happen automatically -- but it'll be much slower.

  • Get XQuartz (an X Window system for OS X). You don't actually need it to run OpenFace, but having the X libraries and include files on your system will make OpenFace (and various other things) much easier to build.

  • Optional, but you may find it useful to tell CMake how to find your X Windows libraries, since they may not be in the same place as expected on Linux. Add the following lines to CMakeLists.txt (e.g. after the similar section for OpenCV):

      find_package( X11 REQUIRED )
      MESSAGE("X11 information:")
      include_directories( ${X11_INCLUDE_DIR} )


After that, the build process is very similar to Linux (in OpenFace directory execute the following).

mkdir build
cd build

and you should have binaries in the bin directory. e.g. you can run:

build/bin/FaceLandmarkVid -device 0

OpenBLAS performance

OpenFace uses OpenBLAS to accelerate numerical computations and TBB for parallelization, in some cases the threading of OpenBLAS and TBB clash. This can lead to the following error: OpenBLAS : Program will terminate because you tried to start too many threads.

To fix it and to potentially improve OpenFace performance:

You can add the below environmental variables (run in the shell just before running any of the OpenFace executables):


You can reinstall OpenBLAS with openmp:

brew reinstall openblas —with openmp

Also see this thread:

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